Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for May, 2007

May 2007 News

Posted by delta on 30th May 2007

05-14-07 Time – Al-Qaeda Loses An Iraqi Friend
05-17-07 BBC – Polar Ocean Soaking Up Less CO2
05-17-07 Time – Who Is Stealing Iraq’s Oil
05-18-07 BBC – Global Net Censorship Growing
05-18-07 CNN – 25 Countries Clock Web Sites
05-18-07 Information Week – Online Criminal Gangs Battle With Botnets
05-21-07 Business Week – How Safe Is The Food Supply
05-23-07 BBC – Which Freedoms Do We Want Online
05-24-07 eWEEK – Microsofts New Open-Source War
05-26-07 Washington Post – Largess To Clinton’s Lands CEO In Lawsuit
05-28-07 Business Week – Health Care You Control
05-28-07 Business Week – Put Investors In Their Place
05-29-07 eWeek – Spam Attack Steals High-Level Execs Data
05-29-07 Time – Is Chavez Stifling The Media
05-29-07 Washington Post – China Embraces Nuclear Future
05-30-07 Business Week – Gates Digs Surface Computing
05-30-07 Business Week – Much Ado About DoubleClick
05-30-07 New York Times – Touch Screen In A Table Is The Latest Wrinkle In Computers
05-30-07 New York Times – VeriSign’s Chief Executive Resigns Abruptly
05-31-07 BBC – US Arrests Internet ‘Spam King’

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Posted by delta on 19th May 2007

I’ve been really looking into it recently. I got my Dad interested as well – it looks like I may be getting into the business a lot sooner than I was planning. Things are looking up, and the more we look into it, the more “do-able” it looks…

So, cool!

Oh, one cool thing I wanna tell you about is this feature you can get when you sign up for a Google account. You can have Google send you new submissions for different keywords daily. For example, I want to know any new information out there about aquaculture and am an avid rugby fan – so I get the newest submissions for both sent to me daily. Very cool, any time an article is written, or webpage is submitted, online I get it sent to my computer…
You can do it with anything, anyone, or any place – really cool…

Posted in My Future Biz | No Comments »

Frank DeLima @ the MACC

Posted by delta on 19th May 2007

Did this show last night and will do another one tonight. Just running Audio and Lights – very simple gig. He’s a living legend as far as local comedians go, so it’s a real pleasure to work with him and his guys…

Been setting up for Earth,Wind, and Fire too. Setup started yesturday, and I went right into show mode for Frank DeLima after – today looks to be the same…

Got a 1-off (set, show, strike) here tomorrow as well (with Earth, Wind, and Fire) – so it’ll be a long day…

The day after I got back to Maui, I did a Scottish thing in the MCCoy (here at the MACC). Fiddle and a Chello – it was one of the best shows I’ve ever mixed. Lottsa fun too! Talent always makes us techs look (in this case “sound”) real good, ya know?

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Long, Long, Long Run In Oahu

Posted by delta on 12th May 2007

Did the Wells Fargo Corporate show at Ft. DeRussey. Ran handheld camera for the run. Larry May was our Director, and Donner was the other handheld guy – I learned more about the intricacies of operating live-handheld-camera working with these two the last few weeks than I had the last 20 years.

Anyway, I’d gladly work with either of them anytime (and anywhere)…

I’m now gonna start slowly dropping all but my Video and Technical Director skills…

Sorry it’s been so long since I wrote, or put up any “News”…

Finally figured out the issue with my computer, it was the RAM. Had to take it to the Apple Store in Honolulu to figure that one out – but since its been pulled the problems have all disappeared…

It’s always a pleasure to work with the talent I’ve been working with the last few weeks; to get to know them, and to learn from them; it was great to work on the beach this time of year; it’s fantastic to have my computer working good as new – but there’s no place like home. It’s great to be home on Maui…

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