Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for the 'Personal Tidbits' Category

Freedom Convoy

Posted by delta on 21st February 2022

Here’s the thing. “They” are preparing for this and that – blah, blah, blah – sells newspapers and draws attention to your T.V. and whichever social media platform you use. Simply bloviating…

Just the act that leads to all these truckers not working for a week or two is a thing. Talk about a supply chain disruption. Wait till you see what the store shelves look like at the end of march…

Just the act that leads to everyone along the route witnessing the pure numbers of cars and trucks taking part in this convoy is a thing…

Just the act that leads to all folks along the route witnessing and taking part in the freedoms that have been taken from them at gas stations, rest stops, convenience stores and restaurants along the way is a thing… the conversations… the debates…

Just the act that leads to the pure numbers of people utilizing the gas stations, convenience stores and restaurants along the way is a thing. What happens when they run out? Whose going to supply them? When will the next supply run be?

Just the act that leads to everyone seeing each other and cheering each other on from bridges and road side is a thing…

The convoy can simply drive to DC, drive around it a few times and back to Seattle. They would, of course, have to take a different route back, because no one along the initial route would be able to supply them, but they don’t have to do anything else. They do not need to enter DC. They don’t need to stop in DC. They don’t need to meet with anyone. All they have to do is disrupt the supply chain for a few weeks and drive around cheering each other on… being Americans with no fear for week or two…

…and the more truckers and people who get involved, the more serious the disruption…

“They” don’t want Americans in solidarity… “They” don’t want to see us assembled in person in an uncontrolled environment… “They” don’t want us to see each other without fear… without masks… talking… debating… sharing information that “they” can not control the content of… sharing thoughts that “they” can not manage…

The act is the thing… and no one is seeing that… Perfect…

Shedding the media… shedding social networks… meeting together in person… breaking bread… sharing thoughts and information… for a few weeks… unobstructed… Perfect!

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Athlete Deaths

Posted by delta on 15th February 2022

I spent the last few days skimming the internet for something completely unrelated and came across the following article yesterday. The author presents links to evidence within his writing – just as I do – it’s nice to know someone else out there is presenting evidence as they write instead of simply stating something and expecting you to believe it…

2022/02/14 – Lightning strikes twice – Two high schools sudden deaths on the same day

My actual numbers are a bit higher than these, but the author has specifically been looking into these events, so I’ll take his lower numbers over my higher numbers because my numbers will “turn you off” rather quickly. I multiply all VAERS data by 100 because I want real numbers and I believe VAERS when they say that only 1% is reported…

Key takeaways, since January 1st, 2020:

  • 649 athletes have “suddenly and mysteriously” collapsed
  • 404 athletes have “suddenly and mysteriously” died
  • 15 athletes died January 1st through March 31st
  • 30 athletes died April 1st through June 31st
  • 84 athletes died July 1st through September 30th
  • 206 athletes died October 1st through December 31st
  • 137 athletes died the first 6 weeks of 2022

There were zero young athlete deaths in 2020, these deaths only began once the vaccine program began. The cure is more deadly than the disease…

You always have to keep in mind that these kids have a 99.997% survivability rate for COVD-19 itself – it’s literally insane to even consider giving anyone under the age of 50 the jab (read my last post for more data)…

4 per 1,000,000 would be the typical year for myocarditis. There are approximately 160 million Americans under the age of 50. So the typical year would bring 640 cases out of the entire American population.
VAERS recorded 11,000 myocarditis cases due to the jab since January 2021. VAERS states that only 1% have been reported, which would bring tha actual number to 1,100,000 myocarditis cases due to the jab since January 2021.
So, we went from an average of 640 myocarditis cases per year to 1,000,000 cases in 2021…
Myocarditis kills suddenly and mysteriously…
Do you realize that, these numbers are more than those who have died from COVID-19 itself…? This is just one of the diseases folks are getting from the jab! One!
The cure is more deadly than the disease…

They are killing our young athletes. They are killing our kids.

…and no one seems to care… as a matter of fact, the ones who should care are often the ones pushing the jab to their own family members and friends… the world is upside down…

These numbers are staggering – have you seen them on any of the social media sites or news channels? I’m really asking because I do not have social media nor do I watch the news…

A few articles I’ve come across since the post:
2022/02/07 – Matt Le Tissier sounds the alarm on sudden soccer deaths
2022/02/07 – Virginia Supreme Court Rejects Lawsuit Seeking to Reinstate School Mask Mandates
2022/02/08 – Biden urged to roll back COVID restrictions after FOUR Dem governors announced end to school masking
2022/02/08 – College players sue to be classified as school employees
2022/02/08 – Dr. Fauci and Our Pandemic of Distrust
2022/02/08 – Journalist George Packer says thousands of at-risk Afghans left behind are getting almost no help from the U.S. government
2022/02/08 – Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine becomes highest-selling drug ever
2022/02/09 – As school masking debate rages, doctor recommends looking at hospitalization rates
2022/02/09 – Blue states move to drop mask mandates
2022/02/09 – Here are the states that are lifting their indoor mask mandates
2022/02/09 – Pressure builds for Biden, Democrats to move past COVID
2022/02/09 – White House faces new pressure to back lifting mask rules
2022/02/10 – OSHA Withdraws the Vaccination and Testing ETS
2022/02/11 – Congress might try to force Facebook to change its newsfeed algorithm
2022/02/11 – Covid-19 vaccine authorization for younger children delayed as FDA seeks more data
2022/02/11 – Defense Department needs to start following the law
2022/02/11 – Farmers brace for more drought conditions as unusually warm weather continues
2022/02/11 – Fate of Wild Horses in Limbo as Overgrazing, Drought Decimate the West
2022/02/11 – Is Your Neighbor A Covid-Information Terrorist? Are You?
2022/02/11 – World’s damaged supply chains brace for painful recovery

Here’s a question for ya? I’m only asking because I have many friends who are doctors – both MD’s and researchers – and I happen to know that, when they have an issue, they talk to each other to figure it out. The last thing they would ever do is look to the government for ideas because they don’t practice medicine daily… So, when did the CDC shift from a purely advisory role to a policy role…? When exactly did that happen…?


I don’t want to repeat myself and I’m getting a lot of questions about a few things, so I’ll post the links again:

About a year ago, I wrote a nice little ditty on how we are being surveilled 24/7/365 from the devices we take with us everywhere – http://dhakes.com/2021/02/10/social-media-perception-management/ – it’s probably worth another read as all this information is now coming out in the mainstream news… They get some of it right, some of it wrong, but at least their reporting it:
2022/02/11 – Declassified documents reveal CIA has been sweeping up information on Americans
2022/02/11 – New spying revelations prove once again Edward Snowden was right
2022/02/15 – 6 Things We Know about the CIA’s Secret Mass Surveillance Program

As far as what the Canadian government is doing to the truckers “Freedom Convoy” at this point, I wrote in January of last year explaining how and why this is done:

And I’ll repost the link to this one as well:
it’s important to show that if you simply look at the data, this was all predictable – my ten year old could look at the data and predict all of this…

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DOD Data

Posted by delta on 4th February 2022

Found the DOD data! Keep in mind that these kids are in shape, eat three squares a day and have very few co-morbidities so they don’t represent the average American community. They just happen to have the most accurate medical database – everything they do is input into the system the moment it is done…

This is the data itself:

It was found as a link from this webpage:

Here we go:

2,129.6% Increase in High Blood Pressure Reports from 2020 – went from an average of 2,360 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 53,846 new reports in the year 2021 – went from a five year TOTAL of 11,801 to 53,846 for one year


671.6% Increase in Rhabdomyolysis Reports from 2020 – went from an average of 713.2 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 5,162 new reports in the year 2021 – went from a five year TOTAL of 3,566 to 5,162 for one year
614.3% Increase in Multiple Sclerosis Reports from 2020 – went from an average of 404.4 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 2,750 new reports in the year 2021 – went from a five year TOTAL of 2,022 to 2,750 for one year

520.0% Increase in Guillain-Bare Syndrome Reports from 2020 – went from an average of 73.2 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 403 new reports in the year 2021 – went from a five year TOTAL of 366 to 403 for one year

494.1% Increase in Acute Transverse Myelitis Reports from 2020 – went from an average of 44 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 202 new reports in the year 2021

476.7% Increase in Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer) for Digestive Organs from 2020 – went from an average of 650.6 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 4,060 new reports in the year 2021 – went from a five year TOTAL of 3,253 to 4,060 in one year

468.8% Increase in Neoplasms for Breast Cancer from 2020 – went from an average of 813.6 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 4,357 new reports in the year 2021 – went from a five year TOTAL of 4,068 to 4,357 for one year

419.4% Increase in Female Infertility Reports from 2020 – went from an average of 2,273.6 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 11,748 new reports in the year 2021 – went from a five year TOTAL of 11,368 to 11,748 for one year

351.7% Increase in Migraine Reports from 2020 – went from an average of 16,271.4 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 73,490 new reports in the year 2021

320.4% Increase in Male Infertility Reports from 2020 – went from an average of 2,130.6 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 8,365 new reports in the year 2021

299.8% Increase in Ovarian Dysfunction Reports from 2020 – went from an average of 934.6 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 4,086 new reports in the year 2021

297.9% Increase in Neoplasms for Testicular Cancer from 2020 – went from an average of 959.8 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 3,537 new reports in the year 2021

297.6% Increase in Seizure Reports from 2020 – went from an average of 149.4 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 489 new reports in the year 2021

226.5% Increase in Nontraumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrage Reports from 2020 – went from an average of 171.6 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 640 new reports in the year 2021

221.5% Increase in Dysmenorrhea Reports from 2020 – went from an average of 3,566.2 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 12,539 new reports in the year 2021

218.0% Increase in Neoplasms For All Cancers from 2020 – went from an average of 38,678.2 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 114,645 new reports in the year 2021

204.1% Increase in Blood Disorders Reports from 2020 – went from an average of 11,341.6 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 34,486 new reports in the year 2021

There’s approximately 3,200,000 people working for the DOD – that’s 1% of the U.S. population. The above numbers are about 160,000 with adverse reactions – that is 5% of the DOD!
Like I said earlier in this post, these are the folks who (for the most part) live clean lives, work out everyday and eat three squares a day…
The other 99% of our population is pretty sedentary and has a terrible diet…
Doesn’t really take a genius to figure out where all this is headed…

So… Nothing wrong with the Gene Therapy Jab, eh…? You really going to say that after looking at these numbers? This is just the first year of this Phase III Trial Run! These are still the short term numbers! What the hell is it going to look like 2 to 5 years from now…? They’re using these kids as guinea pigs!!!

…and it’s not working out to well for the test subjects so far…

Aside from the physical, their mental well being from EVERYTHING else is also in play:

2,360% Increase in Anxiety Reports from 2020 – went from an average of 37,091 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 931,791 new reports in the year 2021 – went from a five year TOTAL of 185,455 to 931,791 for one year – This is 29% of the 3,200,000 who work for the DOD – Complete Insanity

226.9% Increase in Suicide Reports from 2020 – went from an average of 501 new reports yearly from 2016-2020 to 1,798 new reports in the year 2021

Like I said in my last post, I’m not holding back anymore. They’re disabling the physical and mental capacities of our youth. They’re killing kids. The Gloves ARE Off!!!

You have to see that, by now, after two years of this crap, most people have their minds made up on what they believe and each looks for that which will perpetuate their existing prejudice. I know if you are reading this, you most likely love real data. You may not agree with what I’m saying but the data is getting you pumped. If the data above didn’t appeal to you then you’re not reading at this point – these are the people with their head buried in the sand and we really need to pray for them – whether we agree with them or not we are the ones who will have to stand in front of them when the bullets begin. They won’t stand for themselves, so we have to stand for them. It’s not worth your time and effort to “turn them” – there’s too much other stuff to prep for – just know that you will be the one to defend them when the time comes and prep for that…

People send me stuff all the time. Here’s a little something from the last few days:
2021 – Med Check
2021/12/10 – On COVID vaccines- why they cannot work
2021/12/28 – Bhakdi:Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine
2022/02/01 – Denmark Covid restrictions lifted despite increase in cases
2022/02/01 – Leaked document reveals Biden’s Afghan failures
2022/02/01 – State Says It Shouldn’t Be Held Liable For Pandemic Harm Including Inmate Deaths
2022/02/01 – U.S. national debt exceeds $30 trillion for first time
2022/02/02 – Service members seeking religious exemptions to vaccine punished by Navy in violation of court order, Texas lawyers say
2022/02/03 – Johns Hopkins professor blasts his college and media for downplaying study on COVID lockdowns
2022/02/03 – US trucker convoy coming: Joe Biden will ignore protests at his peril
2022/02/03 – What the Constitution Doesn’t Say

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Where Is Your Line…?

Posted by delta on 3rd February 2022

When I was 18 years old I raised my right hand and swore to “…support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies…”… I have never stopped believing that the Bill of Rights were worth fighting and dying for – Liberty or Death… I also believe that the rights and freedoms I have studied and stood for my entire adult life do not end where your fear begins…

I will not, without a fight, hand off to my children less freedom than I have enjoyed in my lifetime. I will defend their liberties (and, by extension, yours) with my life – make no mistake about that…

I believe that ANY individual American, ANY team of Americans, ANY American Company and/or ANY American Corporation who attempts to take ANY right/freedom from ANY Law Abiding American is an enemy of the state… I believe that NO RIGHT/FREEDOM can be taken from ANY American without court involvement – PERIOD!

I believe that ANYONE who has taken the oath to “…support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies…” and does not do so, has no honor. That is the one thing you simply do not do – you do not follow nor give an order which is in direct conflict with the Constitution…

I also believe that, unless you are one of the 5% who have taken the oath yourself, most people (the other 95% of you) will think I’m nuts… That’s ok – it’s your right to believe that…

Our economy is toast – 30 Trillion Dollars Toast. Does anyone realize that if our truckers decided to do in America what the Canadian truckers are doing in Canada, we’re going to have a serious supply chain issue on top of the one we have right now? Empty shelves and rising prices…

Where is your line in the sand? What rights do you care about? At what point do you stand up? After they have stolen your identity? Your job? Closed your bank accounts? How far do you have to be pushed before you see what’s going on here? Will it be too late by then?

The person who says, “I must do something” will always do more than the person who says “something must be done”… If not now, when? If not me, who?

Historically, when a freedom is taken away it is not given back. You may think that it’s alright for now, but what about 5-10 years from now…? What legacy are we leaving for our kids by submitting and complying?

Britain – OPEN
Chile – OPEN
Denmark – OPEN
France – OPEN
Findland – OPEN
Ireland – OPEN
Norway – OPEN
Portugal – OPEN
South Africa – OPEN

In the meantime, tens of thousands of Canadian Truckers (with another tens of thousands of civilians following them), in the freezing cold, are standing up for the rights of all – while American media is completely silent. Americans don’t even know…

Throughout Europe, Natural Immunity is now fully recognized and they are cancelling all vaccine, masks and anti-social distancing mandates – American media, again, silent… Americans aren’t even aware…

All the countries coming out with data saying that the vaccines are doing more harm than good – that the cure is more dangerous than the disease. Where is the American Media…?

America, the one place that everyone was watching and waiting to be their hope amongst all of this – A JOKE

When are we, in America, going to tabulate those who die FROM COVID-19 from those who died WITH it (from something else)? Will we ever?

Have you seen Britains data? Israels? Scotlands? It’ll scare the hell out of you… The cure is more dangerous than the disease…

As such…

…you want safety and security? You want sanctuary? I have a place that’s perfect for you. Free security force for your own personal 24/7 protection, free food, free healthcare, free clothes, free gym membership, free cable, free water, free electricity, free rent and all the necessities of life… You can live in the great society you always wanted as everyone owns nothing, consumes for free and works minimally… It’s called Prison – the only cost is your freedom… As long as you (appear to) comply – you’ll have it made… As long as you (appear to) agree with what is going on – you’ll have it made… As long as you never speak up, you’ll have it made… As long as you never question the authorities, you’ll have it made…

After spending 2 years studying the COVID-19 data and 1 year studying the Vaccine data – I’m done. I’m not going to be PC anymore. I’m not going to be nice anymore. I crave debate. I crave the data. If you can’t back up your words with three sources then shut the hell up – If you can, then let me see the data…

I know that many are scared and will never hear anything said, see anything done nor believe anything that does not come from their bubble of social media, friends or family (who agree with them). They will only look for that which perpetuates their existing prejudice. This all needs to end – NOW!

This is about our kids! Not me! Not you! The kids! What are we leaving them…?!?!?

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January 2022 Update

Posted by delta on 31st January 2022

Just a few things to get our minds rolling into February. A little take from both sides of the isle:


2021/04/21 – S.1265 – 117th Congress (2021-2022): Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act
2021/08/06 – HR4980
2021/09/01 – THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT – this one is great when they stick to the data I can verify, but once they get into the stuff I can not verify it gets pretty… well… you’ll see…
2021/09/23 – Gosar Demands Answers Regarding Under Reporting of COVID-19 Vaccine Data
2021/09/23 – Phoenix Indian Medical Center
2021/10/02 – DoD Data Analysis SHATTERS Official Vaccine Narrative
2021/10/22 – Judge Demands Elites Face New Round of Nuremberg Trials – Slams Experimental ‘Vaccine’
2021/11/19 – FACT/ ‘The Unvaccinated Are the New Jews’ – Don’t Let the Left Tell You Otherwise
2021/11/24 – Priest Slams ‘Gene Injection’ – ‘We Are Experiencing the Largest Medical Experiment in History’
2021/11/26 – Federal Judge’s ruling prevents Pfizer EUA vaccines from being considered retroactively FDA approved
2021/11/27 – Why Do People Willingly Sacrifice Their Freedom? – this is not written by Mattias Desmet himself, it is an overview of a video he put out…
2021/11/29 – Doctor Sounds Alarm: Stillbirths Explode in Canada
2021/11/29 – MEP Demand Answers/ ‘When Will Vaccine Deaths Be Counted’
2021/12/01 – Great Britain: Excess Mortality Among Children After Vaccine Rollout
2021/12/01 – Nazi Propaganda/ State Media Blames Unvaccinated ‘For Thousands of Covid Deaths’
2021/12/05 – Holocaust Survivor Pleads/ ‘Wake Up, Please – We Are Losing Our Freedoms’
2021/12/09 – MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS – by Robert W Malone MD, MS
2021/12/05 – Vaccine batches vary systematically in toxicity and are distributed to unsuspecting Americans by three companies
2021/12/20 – Almost 50 Republicans back Navy SEAL lawsuit over vaccine mandate
2022/01/03 – Judge orders Navy’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate to be halted
2022/01/06 – Opinion: How Canada can improve security if American democracy collapses
2022/01/07 – New Data Out of New York Differentiates Between Patients Hospitalized as a Result of Covid-19 and Those Who Later Tested Positive
2022/01/07 – Fort Worth judge sides with Navy SEALS on Biden vaccine order
2022/01/10 – Congressional action shows OSHA vaccine mandate is a bald-faced power grab
2022/01/10 – FDA urges race, ethnicity be considered in COVID-19 drug treatment
2022/01/10 – Omicron Is Forcing Us to Rethink Mild COVID
2022/01/10 – Pfizer Enters into Agreement with Acuitas Therapeutics for Lipid Nanoparticle Delivery System for Use in mRNA Vaccines and Therapeutics
2022/01/10 – Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, January 10, 2022 | The White House – the highlighted area on page 23. Take it how you want, she was talking about something specific but it is the “Ultimate Answer” of 2021 questions, comments and concerns…
2022/01/11 – Breyer phoned in to oral arguments Tuesday due to a false positive Covid test
2022/01/11 – Ending nation’s polarization begins with understanding First Amendment
2022/01/11 – Fact check/ Sotomayor makes false claim about Covid-19’s impact on children
2022/01/11 – Supply chain crisis: Empty shelves at grocery stores across the US
2022/01/11 – The Biden agenda is meeting a dead end
2022/01/12 – Congress should pass the ‘Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act’
2022/01/13 – Marine Corps grants armed services’ first two known religious exemptions to COVID-19 vaccine
2022/01/13 – Supreme Court blocks Biden vaccine-or-test mandate for large businesses
2022/01/14 – How Bad Is My Batch – Geographical Differences
2022/01/14 – How Bad Is My Batch – Size Matters
2022/01/14 – How Covid-19 Pandemic Impacted Global Trust In Government
2022/01/14 – How the Supreme Court rules during a pandemic shows what may happen next
2022/01/14 – Supreme Court overturns OSHA mandate, affects 2:3 of all US workers
2022/01/14 – What Supreme Court’s block of vaccine mandate for large businesses will mean for public health/ 4 questions answered
2022/01/14 – Why the CDC’s guidelines on isolation, boosters, and masks are so confusing
2022/01/15 – What Progressives Get Wrong About Judicial Review
2022/01/17 – Americans are more likely to support the Republican Party than the Democratic Party, survey reveals
2022/01/17 – Genetic risk factor found for Covid-19 smell and taste loss, researchers say
2022/01/17 – Majority of Americans believe US democracy at risk of extinction
2022/01/17 – Biden wants to be your president if you agree with him and your master if you don’t
2022/01/17 – Nobel Laureate Warns Doctors/ ‘Vaccines are Not for Killing, They are for Shielding’
2022/01/17 – Preliminary Israeli study shows fourth vaccine not enough to stop omicron
2022/01/17 – The mRNA-LNP platform’s lipid nanoparticle component used in preclinical vaccine studies is highly inflammatory
2022/01/18 – Poll numbers are pointing to a midterm shellacking for Democrats
2022/01/18 – ‘It’s a tough time’: why is Biden one of the most unpopular US presidents?
2022/01/18 – GOP lawmakers press administration on US weapons left behind in Afghanistan
2022/01/24 – Biden’s vaccine mandate for federal workers faces an uncertain future
2022/01/24 – Texas lawyers seek Navy religious exemption from COVID vaccine
2022/01/25 – Biden frustration with Fox News breaks through surface
2022/01/26 – Navy discharges 1st active-duty sailors for vaccine refusal – don’t know if they were actively trying to get an exemption or if they just flatly refused…
2022/01/26 – OSHA Formally Withdrew Its November 5, 2021 ETS
2022/01/26 – When can we stop wearing masks? Do masks help prevent colds?
2022/01/26 – Whistleblowers share DOD medical data that blows vaccine safety debate wide open
2022/01/27 – DOD Data Reveals Surges in Covid Vaccine ‘Adverse Events’
2022/01/27 – DoD is pausing civilian COVID vaccine mandate after court ruling
2022/01/27 – Senate “Second Opinion” Whistleblower Bombshell: DoD Data Reveals Expanded Vax ‘Adverse Events’, 3-fold Cancer, 300% Miscarriages, Others
2022/01/27 – Top doctors refuse to give their own kids a third shot due to myocarditis concerns
2022/01/28 – Concerns Arise Over Maine’s Data Privacy Legislation
2022/01/28 – COVID symptoms: What does mild COVID feel like?
2022/01/28 – Gottlieb/ US should be ‘aggressive’ in lifting COVID-19 measures as conditions improve
2022/01/28 – Sweden Created a New System That Stores Deadly Nuclear Waste for 100,000 Years
2022/01/29 – COVID Vaccines Causing Miscarriages, Cancer and Neurological Disorders Among Military, DOD Data Show
2022/01/30 – Why Are Members of Congress Allowed to Trade Stocks?
2022/01/31 – Joe Biden’s Saigon
2022/01/31 – Fed expected to raise rates 7 times this year to fight inflation, BofA says
2022/01/31 – George Mason, Va. Tech no longer requiring COVID shots
2022/01/31 – OSHA moves to create permanent workplace safety rules for COVID
2022/01/31 – Vaccine mandate withdrawn after Supreme Court ruling
2022/01/31 – Whistleblowers share DOD medical data that blows vaccine safety debate wide open

Wow, people are starting to post their prepper lists online now:
How Bad Is My Batch – Fighting Tyranny

So, this thing has done more damage in 13 months than most have done in 25 years… Remember that only about 1% of adverse reactions and deaths are reported – so you can add one “0” (if your an optimist) or two “0”‘s (probably more accurate) to the end of these numbers for accuracy… If you don’t question it yet than I got nothing for you – but I’ll pray for you…

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