Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for October, 2008

Kool & The Gang @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 15th October 2008


This gig took me back!  Pretty scary when you know every song and have a vivid memory for each one…

Good show!

I’ve done this show bout 30+ times – the guy calling the show wasn’t calling spots at all, so I called spots from spot.  Kinda funny (weird, not ha-ha) that we had to do it that way (but no one was calling us and there was definitely a call for it)…

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ASRS @ The Grand Wailea

Posted by delta on 15th October 2008

This is a good day - Me surrounded by Macs

This show ran from the 10th to today (the 15th). I was part of a two man team that ran the speaker ready room. This job was a little different – half of the computers were Mac. I was in heaven, usually my computer/s is/are the only Mac’s onsite on a gig (other than the tech’s personal computers).

The speaker ready room had four Macs networked to two Mac Servers across the hall in video world, the Windows computers had the same – me and another guy checked people in, helped them with whatever they needed, and when they were happy with the way it all ran we would shoot it over to the show computer where his sister ran graphics for the show…

If a presentation had a video in it, we backed it up: I had one Mac, and one Wintel, running to a 1024 which was outputting to a DVD Recorder. We copied the slide with the video on it (grabbing the whole slide, not just the movie itself) so if a slide had issue with a video, the video engineer could switch to the DVD backup and no one would know it (I recorded the entire slide, not just the movie within it).

My station in the Speaker Ready Room looked like this:

My World A Close-Up Of My World

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AVNET in Kauai

Posted by delta on 11th October 2008

This ran from the 5th to the 9th – I ran camera.  We had a dark day on the 7th which was very cool – we had a crew BBQ – very rare we all get to enjoy each other outside work.  Great times!

Great production crew!!!

Me - let the show begin Projectionist - TNT
Rhema's Pat and Rick From Monitor World
From FOH Video World

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Here’s another one for you Nancy!

Posted by delta on 1st October 2008

This one’s a little bigger/longer than the last one, and a little older. Shows Democrats slamming regulators of Fannie & Freddy and Republicans wanting more watch dogs – pretty funny, the opposite of what you hear on the news. I think this was in 2004…

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In Response To Nancy Pelosi…

Posted by delta on 1st October 2008

She’s an idiot!  To say what she said when she said it!  Fix the problem, not the blame.  You wanna blame someone Nancy?  Here ya go!

Are you too ignorant to know this, or too arrogant to admit it?  Which is it?  Speaker Pelosi, are you stupid or a liar?  You were for de-regulation of the banking industry before all this happened – not sure if you were actually present when Clinton signed the Bill to repeal it, or not – funny how your mind changes when the wind blows, eh?…well…no…not so funny actually…

As for the current economic situation, let’s look at the reality of the situation:

  Democrats Republicans Total Votes (Yea/Nea)
Yea 140 65 205
Nay 95 133 228
Total Present (Dem/Rep) 235 198 433

Democrats for was 59.57%
Democrats against was 40.4%
Republicans for was 32.8%
Republicans against was 67.2%

They needed 217 votes to pass it. 205 (both Democrat and Republican) voted for it and 95 Democrats voted against it. 95!  All they needed was 12 more votes!  The Dems are blaming the Republicans? They couldn’t even hold their own party together for the vote! 12 Votes is all they needed! Where exactly do they get off blaming the Republicans?  What’s wrong with this picture?

Stop playing the blame game – you’re not good at it!

Fix the problem, not the blame!

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