Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

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Archive for the 'Personal Tidbits' Category

Social Media Perception Management

Posted by delta on 10th February 2021

First thing one needs to realize is that none of the companies who are now surveilling or editing our lives are actually private companies with no motive for what is occurring – they are in direct collusion with the government, politician’s and political parties. These institutions are not simply “paying customers”, they have many contracts worth billions of dollars with these institutions and , in some cases, got their start with venture capital from these institutions. Folks think that the Constitution is “still safe” because “it is not the government doing this” – they think it’s “all good” because “private companies can do what they wish”. We in the tech world call this “Willful Ignorance” – and it is usually characterized within the context of addiction (EX: those who smoke know smoking is bad for them and will most likely kill them but they do it anyway). Willful ignorance keeps you consistent and makes you predictable – and that is exactly what the algorithms (AI) need to serve up a better product – not for you, but – for the customer.

I feel it is important, at this point, to explain what I mean by “ignorance”. Turns out there are several definitions and synonyms – some more harsh that others – so, I feel I should clarify exactly what I am saying. By “ignorant” I mean “unaware”, “unconscious”, “unfamiliar” and “innocent” – Willful ignorance is the act of intentionally keeping oneself “unaware of…”, “unconscious of…”, “unfamiliar with…” and “innocent of…” – it’s the adult equivalent of a child plugging their ears, closing their eyes exclaiming “La-la-la-la-la!” at the top of their lungs so they can’t hear a discussion in the room or a teenager rushing into their room and blasting the music so they can’t hear what their parents have to say…

Let’s say I’m a customer for a social media platform. I go to them and say “I need to sell this… Help me out”. The platform then creates a few eye catching banners and quickly sets an algorithm which will pick out 10,000 people on the platform who WILL (without a doubt, based on their data) check out the product. Those 10,000 people then tell their (200 to 500) friends by posting, or texting/emailing family and friends about this “product”… Now, if this customer/product is a news article, political agenda, political party, political organization, PAC or a any type of Fake/Controlled “Opposition” to a social agenda – Game Over – within 30 days, that original 10,000 sets of eyes becomes a social movement of 1,000,000+…

Again, let’s say I’m a customer for a social media platform and I need to accomplish something so I ask them specifically for “a large group of people who would take to the streets and assemble for ‘redress of grievances’ to assure our Constitutional Rights are not being revoked”. Once I have that data, I could easily create a few fake social movements to control both sides of an issue. I could bombard each side from their own perspective and feed them with what “they should” fear for a few weeks. People fear what they do not understand and if one could make the issue complicated beyond their comprehension fear will turn to hate – if you can mentally “get them in the corner” so “there’s no way out” you got them. Once everyone is properly riled up, tell them, “but don’t worry… we got this… stay home… be safe… and wait… we got this… don’t come out…” All I have to do is create a problem, assure it is too complicated for most people to comprehend, make them fear it, have a solution for it and they will stay home and wait… and wait… and wait…

Actually, now that I think about it, that is how facist regimes come into power. “Easy Solutions” for “Big Problems” which put the publics fears at ease, as long as they are willing to trade their freedoms and assimilate… Of course, in the digital age, they can do it without a single shot being fired…

You are not the customer, you are the product… Algorithms (AI) feed you what it thinks you are going to be interested in. As you scroll, click, read or post – the algorithm takes that data and serves you more feeds/banners based on your growing profile… As you make more choices and the algorithm loops, it gets to “know you better” and can then serve up what the customer wants you to see in the way YOU want to see it – your perception of the world can be changed and managed without your knowledge or consent due to the way the algorithms are framing your online experience… One term for this is “Impression Management”, the Department of Defense calls it “Perception Management”…

If you are not paying for the product, then you are the product. Your information, your data, your desires, your fears and your personality traits are the product – a social media platform can create, change, block, delete or otherwise manage an entire social agenda within any geo-political context in 30-90 days, dependent on what the customers marketing budget is. If you are not worried about it, then either you are too ignorant to understand, too deep into the rabbit hole to lend a hand or too cowardly to take a stand – the algorithms can differentiate which within a few mouse clicks – and this information is also passed to the customers…

…and… ALL of this information is piped to the government – EVERYTHING. There are a few direct pipes to the NSA but these pipes tend to be “mushy” because they send straight (unformatted) data that is not usable or searchable without a lot of effort. To have data transmitted to them in usable format the government uses the data obtained by the companies supported by the venture capital group In-Q-Tel. In-Q-Tel is wholly owned by the CIA and they support approximately 80 companies, almost all of these companies are AI/algorithm products or services for harvesting your data and putting that data in a usable format for ease of use…

One with major means/money can also use companies such as the now defunct SCL Group (Cambridge Analytica) to get extremely formatted data with very specific profiles for very specific operations… If you get nothing else out of this post, you need to check out what this company was able to do in the past… Through social media they were able to locate groups of individuals, discover EVERYTHING about them and target them specifically (in both war and politics)… Look it up yourself! If they hadn’t done it in the U.K. (where they have laws protecting each individuals digital data), they would still be in business today…

I have found, knowing what I know, that it is simply a moral imperative to shut down all my social media accounts and to call for everyone else to do the same. Being liberated from unrestricted surveillance and calculated conditioning allows you to gather your own thoughts without being perpetually bombarded by what the algorithm (AI) of the site you’re visiting directs you to see… Privacy allows you to have your own thoughts, conversations and debates without fear of reprisal from some future source/force (which may not even exist yet)… Have we spent so much time online, being fed only that which perpetuates our prejudices, that we can no longer debate…? Is the fear of being questioned or having an honest dialogue so far out of the range of our human interaction at this point…? Are we that far gone already…?

Both sides of our existing social dilemma are being manipulated to extremes. Those of us watching it happen from the outside of either sphere are literally waiting for war. Both sides believe everything is going to go back to what it was before – they just need to destroy the other side first. Seriously, that is the gist of their conversations – to “get rid” of the “other side”. Oh yeah, if you hear them talk about the future, they actually believe it will go back to how it was – both sides – ironically, the more I listen to them the more I find their rhetoric to be a “distinction without difference”…

On Monday 27 February 1933 the German Parliament Building in Berlin was burned down – the “Reichstag Fire”. Most people believe this was a “false flag operation” by the Nazi Party itself. Due to this fire, the Nazi Party was able to suspend civil liberties for the public and make mass arrests of all political rivals of the Nazi Party. Within just a few short months, there were nothing but empty seats in parliament – the Nazi’s filled these seats with their own which gave Hitler’s facist regime complete legal power of the government.

Does this spark any scent of familiarity to any recent events lately? Have we learned nothing from history?

Each person cherry picks what they are exposed to so they can create a narrative in their head that “feels good” and “loads them up” with “what they need” to convince others of their version of history. Did you know that, as you are reading this, there are tens of thousands of Native Americans on reserves living in complete poverty? In areas with no economy… no jobs… no decent land for farming… no natural resources… no hope… Poverty which, if known, would make any other social agenda crumble in comparison. Not only have Native American past been written out of history, their present situation is being completely excluded. NO ONE wants to have THIS conversation! …even other minority groups! If the condition of LIVING Natives was known to the public, no other social group could justify the persona of victimization for themselves or of generations past. Three living generations of Americans who “know nothing” of the plight of our Natives simply because it has been written out of our history books and no one who knows the PRESENT SITUATION wants this conversation “out of the bag”…

Speaking of writing things out of history, I was talking to a group of folks the other day who knew nothing of the “Red Scare” or the “blacklist” from our own history. I was stunned – no one knows history anymore…

“Judge not, they say, but they consign to hell everyone who stands in their way”. This is heading toward what can be called nothing other than “The Digital Red Scare of the 21st Century” – if we don’t stop it now, there will be another “blacklist” and with the technology we have today it won’t be 10 people – it will be 10 million. This time, there will be no trial, there will be no commission and there will be no publicity. They can manipulate any digital data on anyone – they can make anyone disappear from “the books” as if they never existed. Suddenly, the folks on the “losing side” won’t own anything, they won’t be able to buy anything and they won’t be able to get a job… no one will know who “did it”… no one will know how to “undo it”…

Do you know what your “digital profile” is? Do you know what your “digital assets” are?

This needs to stop. Everyone needs to unplug, leave their cell phones at home and go to the nearest coffee shop and just talk to one another. No recording, no tracking devices, no posting of what takes place or what is said – just honest, open dialogue…

It sounds stupid, but I think we will find that there is more to unite us than divide us… Is that what the powers that be fear? Do they fear us being united so badly that they need to force feed us hate, to keep us divided, to assure their rule over us?

I honestly don’t know if it’s possible at this point… Everyone thinks everyone else is an idiot… Lifelong friends and “tight” families aren’t even able to sit down and talk at this point… If you know your history, you know that that’s when society breaks down… Instead of depending on family and friends to have our backs we stay away from them because either they (intentionally or unintentionally, through mouth or their digital activity, respectively) or their digital devices (via tracking, microphone or camera) are going to turn “informant”… Thing is, they don’t even have to do it intentionally – most often, they won’t even know they did it – that is how willfully ignorant people are at this point… This is a really bad path we’re heading down…

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History of Modern “Assimilation”

Posted by delta on 25th January 2021

26 October 1916 was the first radio commercial, by the “Columbia Gramophone Company”, on the radio station 2XG in New York City. The first Television Commercial occurred on 1 July 1941… They’ve been trying to win your hearts and minds ever since…

In 1994, WebCrawler came out with the ability to search for any word in any page on the Internet. WebCrawler created a bot that spiders the Internet – collects, parses and stores individual pages – for web indexing. This keeps the search index up to date so searches are fast and accurate. Yahoo! didn’t come out with its search function until 1995 – it was simply a directory up to that point (like an online phone book) – but its search engine only queried sites or pages within it’s existing directory. WebCrawler spidered and indexed the entire Internet 24/7 adding to and updating its web index…

Sidenote: It is possible to defeat the bots spidering/indexing your website or pages within your website – within “robots.txt” you can tell the spiderbot exactly what it is permitted to do, if anything, within your site/domain. If you have a website, you need to invest some time in how to properly setup the “robots.txt” to keep the bots from “data scraping” information which you do not want “harvested”…

13 October 1994, Netscape released .9beta of Mosaic Netscape which was the first web browser to support cookies. Lou Montulli took an already existing idea and applied it to the browser – the idea he was presented with was to store browser history on the user’s computer rather than on the servers being interacted with (to keep the server from bogging down with data it no longer needed). The problem was, they didn’t tell anyone that their browser activity was being tracked and stored and on 12 February 1996 “Financial Times” published an article about it. It almost blew up in their faces because of the potential privacy implications. When all was said and done, in February 1997 the working group within the IETF (which was led by none other than Montulli himself – talk about the fox watching the hen house) decided that third-party cookies (cookies from an external site that you are not visiting), being a considerable privacy threat, were either not permitted at all or (at the very least) not enabled by default – but first-party cookies, from the site visited, was never an issue this work group cared to even comment on.

Sidenote: To the date of this writing – Safari, Firefox and Brave are the only browsers which block all third-party cookies by default and they each allow the blocking of ALL cookies with a simple checkmark…

The first real “marketing” algorithm written for the Internet was basically a link popularity algorithm (patented by Robin Li) in 1996 – Google actually patented a very similar tech two years later (in 1998). Their algorithm spidered websites for links to other websites (and links that came back). The idea being, the better the link popularity of a website (the more sites which provided links to them) the higher ranking they would get in a search for keywords and/or terms. It did, however, take them a while to put it to practice because that same year they started selling “pay for placement” which kept them very busy (and made them a lot of money). Within just two years (2000), Google rose to become the main search engine for many…

Sidenote: The “robots.txt” I spoke of above can also keep this algorithm from spidering through the links on your website to other websites (and back). The “robots.txt”, written correctly, can actually stop this bot before it even sees the links…

In 2000, the first (web) API’s (application programming interface) came out. This allowed programmers access to unbelievable amounts of data on the public – YOU. What exactly is an API? Without getting technical, API’s enable Apps, Websites and Databases to interact with each other – they make your user experience simple and easy, but many also permit what you do within the app or browser to be stored under the guise of “User Experience”. API’s are “released” by companies who wish to provide a programming interface with a pipeline to their data which enables web/app developers to create user interfaces which are easy for you to use. Why does this matter? To make a long story short, from December 2017 through November 2019, Akamai witnessed 85.42 Billion credential violation attacks. 16.55 Billion were against hostnames defined as API endpoints. Approximately 5 Billion people are active internet users. What does this mean? Statistically, and simply, for every one person who used the internet in this two year period, there were 17+ credential violation attacks with 3+ of those coming directly from an app. Your data is not safe.

Our daily life does not really permit having an “air-gapped” device within a “Faraday Cage” – not only would this not be be affordable for most of us, but it wouldn’t allow us to do our daily work. Don’t completely stress, there are ways to keep your digital footprint small while continuing to use a device:
1st, you have to have an Apple Device
2nd, do not download an app which has it’s own website – use the website
3rd, do not download an app you do not need
4th, do not download any app made by Amazon, Facebook, Google or Microsoft
5th, turn off all “Location Services”
6th, turn off all “Tracking”
7th, turn off “Siri”
8th, turn off “Airdrop”
9th, turn off “Background App Refresh”
10th, turn off “Automatic Updates” – do them manually
11th, turn off “Bluetooth”
12th, turn off access to all “Privacy” settings within each Apple app so no other app can access any of your personal data, microphone or camera

13th, take all pics offline – out of the cloud
14th, take all data offline – out of the cloud
15th, close all your social media accounts

16th, do not save any usernames, passwords or payment information within any app – we weren’t always so lazy, we use to memorize this stuff all the time

17th, encrypt as much as possible

18th, I actually put a piece of electrical tape over the camera of my devices (just in case) – take it off and put it back on as needed

19th, Don’t forget to turn off “cookies” within Safari itself – you can turn them back on (and off) as needed
20th, use “DuckDuckGo” as your default search engine (as of this writing, they are a secure way to search the internet)
21st, Always clear history, cache and cookies at the end of each session in Safari – just in case

The less interaction your device has online the less data there will be on you – if you need to interact, do not let it be something happening in the background (within an app), interact with websites directly in Safari and then clear all history, caches and website data within Safari when you’re done. Basically, you want to make yourself a hard target so the bad guys will move on to a softer target – there’s 5 billion active internet users – they’ll move on to someone else pretty quick…

Aside from corporate, business and personal data, many governments collect a lot of data on YOU (think “health care data”, “credit scores” or “background check to buy a gun”, as just three examples) and many governments are now opening up access to YOUR data. The API’s through which this data is typically made accessible allow for data to be accessed by any developer. ANY DEVELOPER. No need for security clearance and no background check required. A sixteen year old anarchist claiming to be an app developer has access to these API’s – one does not actually have to develop an app for public use to gain access to the API’s

Sidenote: as an example of how intertwined individuals have been amongst corporations and government entities, let’s take a crude look at Mr. Corporate Espionage himself, Eric Schmidt:

In 2005, Apple began planning the iPhone and its OS (a BSD based OS – Unix Derivative).
July 2005, Google acquired Android Inc. and it’s key employees – they were secretly developing a Linux kernel based OS (a Unix Derivative) with no touchscreen capability – and they were hitting many walls…
28 August 2006, Eric Schmidt was elected to Apple’s Board of Directors (while still Google’s CEO).
29 June 2007 the first iPhone was released with the iOS which forced Google/Android to go back to the drawing board
05 November 2007 the public beta of Google’s Android v1.0 was released for developers by Google.
23 September 2008, the first Google/Android smartphone was announced (T-Mobile G1).
April 2009 the first public version of the Google/Android’s Touchscreen OS (v1.5) was released (codename: Cupcake).
03 August 2009, Eric Schmidt left Apple’s Board of Directors due to an obvious conflict of interest.

In March 2016, Eric Schmidt began chairing the Defense Innovation Advisory Board for the Department of Defense – all the while Google had several bids in for several projects within the DOD – but he didn’t step down as Executive Chairman of Alphabet (Google) until 21 December 2017…

What the heck is this “history lesson” all about? I wanted to give you just a glimpse of what has happened out there in the background of your digital world as well as a few terms to look up so you can find out the truth for yourself… In the last 25 years we have slowly given up our personal privacy for a bit of luxury – we have allowed the “Unreasonable Search and Seizure” of an entire populations digital data with NO “Probable Cause” and NO “Warrant” of any kind, for the sake of “Ease of Use” – they have shredded our Fourth Amendment Rights so slowly, under the guise of “user experience”, that we never questioned it. What we search for, what we buy, what we watch, what we read, what we write, what we say, all pics and videos in the cloud, all data in the cloud – “they” have been collecting all of this data, on everyone, for 10+ years. Do you even care…? If you’re under 30 years old, you’ve been conditioned – you have no idea what personal privacy is – I guess the thought is that “you can’t miss something you never had”… The saddest thought, to the personal privacy equation, is this: once my generation is gone there won’t be anyone who remembers, from first hand experience, what liberty was truly like…

All news cast, TV shows and commercials are within the digital realm at this point – you see something on TV and then search for it – they know (in real time) how effective “that” commercial was. This gives them real time data on who their target market is and that data is simply added to what they already know about YOU.

All that to say this: Folks I talk to about this are not law breakers and they don’t feel they have any reason to hide anything they do or say from anyone. If they are under 30 years old, they are simply conditioned not to care. They may be slightly worried about someone stealing their identity, banking or credit card info – but they are not worried enough to leave their devices at home – they still have no problem carrying their devices around with them (fully “open” to exploit in many cases) everywhere they go. The thing they don’t realize is that the world is turning against straight up, work all day, tax paying, law abiding folks right now.
Say their device is in a room and someone (not they themselves) says something against “the agenda” (even if it’s on a podcast or television show in the background) and the microphone picks it up, that device can then be flagged, tracked and monitored due to “seditious” behavior to capture more “seditious” behavior which may be stored on other devices which may frequently be near that device. If a few of these devices are near each other often, the bad guys will make assumptions about the owners of these devices and “open up” the cameras and microphones so they can record these individuals live (on their own devices!)…
This not only shreds the Fourth Amendment to pieces, it shreds the First Amendment as well. If you are aware of this tech, then you really have to consider who you “gather” with and what the various topics of discussions will be. You can’t assume you’d even be safe at a family, or church, BBQ! They have made us afraid of each other. Everything is getting blown out of proportion right now – an innocent conversation in which you are simply standing there listening can (and probably will be) totally be taken out of context. No one wants to put another in danger (or on a “list” of some type) just for being at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong (open) device near; if you have children, you definitely don’t want to put them (or their potential future) in danger…

Sidenote: If someone with half a brain actually is planning something bad, they are going to leave their devices home and assure they are no where near ANY recording or tracking devices for the duration of the operation. They are NOT going to use their devices to search for, buy, write about nor plan anything to do with the operation. They will NOT use any form of digital communication, NO form of social networking and when/if they have to, they will use “trade craft” to call a meeting and meet somewhere “off grid”. They are not going to tell anyone what is to come, they are not going to be caught on camera (nor recorded in any way) during the operation and they will not brag about it afterwards. The powers that be are not stupid – they know this – this “squeezing” is simply to make everyone scared of each other, scared of the potential of what “may be” and it is meant to “show” they are doing something about “it”. In reality, they can’t catch the real bad guys – they have no idea who they are. So they have to make one up – and that is YOU…

So what? What are they going to do? What’s the worst thing they can do? Well, you’re probably not going to be the martyr you’re hoping to be. You’re just going to be a sad story amongst many others. If you have digitized your life (as many of us have) they can track, monitor, manipulate/change, erase, take, close out or block any part of your digital life they want. This isn’t just about the slow shredding of your First Amendment Rights as websites, webpages, articles and scientific journals disappear from the Internet as masses of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube accounts are being deleted, silenced or blocked. It’s also about the shredding of your Fifth Amendment Rights as they take your “Life, Liberty and Property” from you with NO Due Process and/or NO Just Compensation: they have complete control of your bank accounts, credit cards, credit score and whether or not you can get a loan; they also have complete control over whether or not you can get a job or admitted to your college of choice. All they have to do is “squeeze” to get most people to assimilate to their agenda/s. Don’t believe me? Consider this: They have so much control over (all forms of) the media that they were able to, after just one month of a “media blitz”, shut down an entire economy and quarantine everyone in their houses – WORLDWIDE – FOR A YEAR. They are able to silence, block or shutdown anything and anyone they want – while we all silently watch with disbelief.. Shutting YOU down is pretty simple and insignificant if you consider what they have done so far… We have been conditioned and systematically desensitized. We are, all of us to one extent or another, “Pavlov’s dogs“. Are you awake yet…?

They know everything you have bought with your credit card… exactly when and where… They know how many times you’ve been fired/hired… They know if you’re a good/bad employee… They know if you’re college material or not… They know what you fear… They know what you would be willing to do to escape your fear… They know exactly how hard they had/have to “squeeze” for YOU, as an individual, to “comply”… They know who you associate with, where and for how long… They know exactly how smart you are – its a very simple algorithm based on your data… and… of course, you are already aware that they know almost everything personal about you, including what you and your family look like, through your social media account/s…

Technology is awesome, but its also a double edged sword…

Those of you who think you are free… nope… you’ve been conditioned to believe this is freedom… You think you “like that” or made “that choice” or “that decision” on your own…? Really…? Are you familiar with Zipf’s Law, Benford’s Law, the 1% Rule, the Pareto Principle/Distribution, the Golden Ratio or the Fibonacci Sequence…? Do you truly believe you’re not being manipulated…?

Hell… Using very simple statistics and one years worth of existing data, I can tell you exactly how many people will test positive on the PCR test, be hospitalized and how many will die within any geographical area from which there is existing data – wanna know the final numbers? Hit me up…
I’ll need:
The population of the area
How many PCR tests were given month by month
How many were positive month by month
How many they claim were hospitalized due to “???” month to month, and
How many died from “???” month to month

From the data above we can also extrapolate exactly when the madness is going to end – at least, when it should end… Their people have done the math as well, so they know the point in which “it” is no longer viable…

Notice, I did not ask for any vaccine data… That’s right… I didn’t…

Tell you what, go dark for a few months and see if you come to the same conclusion you came to while you were being bombarded by your TV and social media… Nothing that uses electricity for three months – I dare you… OK – most of you couldn’t survive without electricity for three months. How about… you can use your water, cooling, heating, refrigeration and cooking devices – oh, and you can drive your car to the store for food and gas – but nothing else… No TV, No Radio, No News and No Internet for three months…. Think you could do it…?

I don’t think most people would even consider it because it’s too easy to slip into a pattern of self gratification when watching, listening to or reading that which is produced, presented or posted by folks who perpetuate our existing conditioned prejudices/wants/needs/fears with the click of a finger… It’s an addiction…

The takeaway here is this: at this time, it is better to “go dark” and be ignorant than to be manipulated by misinformation presented by the presstitutes and the controlled (fake) “opposition” on social media…

There use to be commercials which stated that “the Surgeon General says that smoking is good for you health”. Those commercials assimilated two-thirds of an entire generation… Have we really come that far since then…? Have we even moved a fraction of an inch…?

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Why the Data?

Posted by delta on 6th January 2021

FULL DISCLOSURE: I’m Native American; I’m a Father; I am a Veteran; I am a Christian.

From my Aboriginal/Father perspective, the “smart” thing to do is to stand by and hope you all destroy each other sooner rather than later so that we Natives can have our land and natural resources back before “y’all” completely vandalize everything. As the Bill of Rights gets shredded day by day, my children will never know the freedoms I enjoyed as a child and fought for as a young adult. Their chance for an economically viable future is already gone as well…

The “smart” thing to do is not always what we do, nor what we wish for… The Christian/Veteran part of me does not want to see “the grand experiment” collapse… That part of me does not want to stand by and watch… That part of me wants to stop you ALL from anymore destruction of our way of life…

My conundrum, at this point, is that my children’s (and grandchildren’s) future actually looks brighter if you all destroy each other… It is the only way they will ever know liberty…

Whatever happens, His will be done…

After my last posting, I received a lot of questions – folks wanting to understand what data is being surveilled and why… Hopefully this post will clear that up…

As far as the “Process of Assimilation“, the graphic below may better explain my last post:

Now, why do “they” need the data accumulated between Stage 2 and Stage 4…? From this data “they” can extrapolate who has been assimilated, who just needs a little more of a push, who will need a stronger push and who absolutely will not assimilate… Thing is, “they” will know exactly who these people are, where they are, what they search for, what they buy, what they look like, what their kids look like, etc…

The unfortunately crude graphic below will give you an idea of who “they” suspect “their” target market to be – you’ll have to forgive me on this one (it was done very quickly)…

SIDENOTE: YOU should know that Apple is YOUR digital emancipator. You can turn any security settings you would like for any app “OFF” on any Apple Device. You can turn “OFF” location services for individual apps, as well as the entire device, for any Apple Device. You have complete control over what data goes where and the security settings for that data on any Apple Device. Best of all, no one can see anything you do on your Apple Device – you can simply turn “OFF” what you need to turn off…

Facebook/Instagram is actually suing Apple because they do not want you to be able to turn these things off and they want access to the data, services, microphone and camera on Apple devices… They already have unlimited access on all other devices – but don’t worry, Apple will shut down as a company before they allow anyone access to your data… YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS!!!

Google/Android wants your search data so gravely that Google/Android pays Apple about $10 Billion a year to be the default search engine on Apple Devices…

Oh yeah – they want that data…

Another thing to be noted is that Apple does not contribute to ANY political party, despite what you would otherwise be led to believe. It’s employees are free to do what they wish with their money – but the company itself does not… and Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, gave $0 across the board this election cycle…

Why is any of this important? Study “The Bad Guys” graphic below… This is an extremely simplified snap shot, with only a few branches, of an extremely dumbed down version of what we are allowing “they” to do to us…

Here’s the rub:
If you stake your claim as a Liberal, Conservative, Far Left, Far Right, Democrat or Republican then YOU can be influenced/manipulated. That is a hard thing to say, and probably harder to hear, but I’m tired of the B.S. – it’s time to put up or shut up…

Machiavellian Principle #1: Easiest way to control people is through fear. People will gang together with anyone who shares the same fear/s – they will even fight their own family members. You can not talk someone out of fear – no one can. Fear is crippling and contagious… and fear lasts longer… The only way through one fear is to show a greater thing to fear… You have to show people what they “should be” afraid of – at that point, hopefully, the initial fear will fade because the “big picture” is much worse…







We have done this to ourselves… This is the society we have created… This, all of this, is crazy… we are going down the rabbit hole faster, day by day… it is not ending… it is not slowing down… it is not getting better… every inch one side gives, the other side takes a mile… and many of you, from both sides, are buying what your side is selling you…

Here’s what a person outside either sphere of influence sees as you argue and fight over the scraps… and, remember, I say this as one who is halfway enjoying watching what you all are doing to each other… If what the right thinks about the left is accurate, then the U.S.A. will quickly whither away as the Bill of Rights is stripped from us; If what the left thinks about the right is accurate, then the U.S.A will implode in chaos shortly…

Pick your poison…

If you step back and look at it from a distance, it really seems like they want you to be presented with only two options: Do you want to piss off the people who control all forms of media or do you want to piss off the people who have the guns? Which do you fear more?

Pick your poison…

What does it look like from the outside?

I see great fear of the left and their control over all forms of media. With each webpage, post, comment and/or article that is “taken down” online, I see the Bill of Rights being shredded bit by bit – an opinion is an opinion, a joke is a joke, a jackass is a jackass, a hater is a hater – can no one respond to opposition with an intelligent response anymore? Has it really come to this? Take down anything which opposes your agenda…? Really…? I’ll admit, it is expedient to not have to explain yourself or respond with an idea of your own… but, really…?

I see a great fear of the far right as well – those damned “gun-toten-‘mericans” (I believe it’s ok to call them names, right?). This is curious because all I can think is: If these folks really wanted to do harm, do you really think they would have waited this long? Really? They have been under constant attack through all forms of media, lost their livelihoods, lost their liberties, lost their property and lost their voices over the last 10 months… If they can exercise that much restraint… Hell… I’m impressed…

I’m also bored – whatever the hell you’re going to do, just do it! Stop bloviating and do something!

Pick your poison…

I see that it’s not about what we want anymore. It’s about what we do not want. In the last few election cycles, most people did not want “So-And-So” to be their President, Senator, Congressman, Governor or Mayor – so they voted against the individual or party they feared most… Very few people are voting “for” anyone anymore…

I mean, hell! I’m guilty of a screwed up political barometer as well! For POTUS, I vote for the person least likely to wake up one morning and order a thermonuclear strike – I don’t care about their politics, I care about their history and the decisions/actions they have made/taken in their lives which makes them the person they are today and what their personality is like due to all of that… The way I figure it is, there has to be a tomorrow for us to work anything out… There has to be a tomorrow for us to debate… That is my barometer! Is that crazy or what?!? But consider this: there’s absolutely no checks or balances on that order – the President of the United States can give that order at their own discretion, with absolutely no explanation, and EVERYONE in that chain of command is obliged to follow it. 20 minutes later… BOOM! I chose to vote for the person least likely to give that order…

This is not working – none of it is…

There is only one thing left to be said:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

What of our children? Our grandchildren? What are we leaving them…? What does the future look like for them…?

They spent the last 20 years making each side afraid of the other and it didn’t get them as far they they hoped – but they were able to extrapolate enough data to figure out what to do next… They spent the last year shutting down the world’s economy, isolating YOU in one location so that YOU had nothing to do but “absorb” their message while they manipulated ALL FORMS MEDIA to see what it takes to make YOU fear a contagious disease with a 99.95% survivability… None of that worked as well as they hoped it would… But they did get some good data from it…

What will they want us to fear next? To what level will they stoop? Which of our civil rights will they go after next? Under what illusion? Under what delusion?

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October 1st, HI/Maui COVID-19 Update

Posted by delta on 2nd October 2020

The following Data can be found at https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/eb56a98b71324152a918e72d3ccdfc20/page/page_1/

# of People in State of HI 1,400,000
# of PCR Tests Given in State of HI (424,242) 30.30% of HI Population (almost 1 in 3 People)
Negative PCR Tests in State of HI (411,727) 97% of PCR Tests (97,050 per 100,000)
Positive PCR Test in State of Hawaii (12,515) 2.9% of PCR Tests (2,949 per 100,000)
Positive PCR Test in State of HI
(11,653) 93%
Positive PCR Test in State of HI
(862) 6.9%
COVID Survival Rate in State of HI 99.99% (99,990 per 100,000)
COVID Death Rate in State of HI (139) .01% (10 per 100,000)
COVID Death Rate in State of HI
of those with Positive PCR Test
# of People in Maui County 165,000
# of PCR Tests Given in Maui County (36,598) 22.2% of Population (almost 1 in 4 People)
Negative PCR Test in Maui County (36,207) 98.9% of PCR Tests (98,931 per 100,000)
Positive PCR Test in Maui County (391) 1% of PCR Tests (1,068 per 100,000)
Positive PCR Test in Maui County
(301) 86.99%
Positive PCR Test in Maui County
(56) 14%
COVID Survival Rate in Maui County 99.995% (99,995 per 100,000)
COVID Death Rate in Maui County (9) .005% (5 per 100,000)
COVID Death Rate in Maui County
of those with Positive PCR Test

Here’s the thing, if 70%-80% is considered “the mark” for heard immunity then we are already there. Statistically, the State of HI is 90% immune. How did I get that number? Look at the number of folks (above) who tested negative on the PCR test (97%), the folks NOT hospitalized who tested positive on the PCR test (93%) and the Death Rate amongst those who tested positive (1%, which means 99% are alive)…

That is herd immunity folks…

The media should have chosen something else to push because the numbers simply do not add up to anything other than pure manipulation of your brain – they are testing us to see how effective their tactics are…

Statistically speaking, ANY vaccine they try to push on us is going to have more hospitalizations and deaths than this “disease” ever will…

We are all going to be exposed to this thing, just as we are to every other virus that comes down the pike – so maybe they still trying to control/slow the rate of folks in the hospital at this point?

We can statistically figure that 40,600 folks will test positive (thats 2.9% of the HI population) and of those 2,842 (7%) will be hospitalized for the state… For Maui, we will have 1,650 people test positive (1% of our population) and 231 people hospitalized (14%)… It appears that we do need to keep the folks who are high-risk home a bit longer to slow the number of hospitalizations at any given time (we can’t stop it, but we can slow it down a little), but the rest of us need to get to work…

Slowing the number of folks hospitalized will assure patients will receive the care they need (ALL people, not just the COVID-19 patients) and keep the number of deaths to a minimum. The high risk folks know who they are, for the most part, and can quarantine themselves…

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Hinky Data

Posted by delta on 4th September 2020

Found a cool site within the states site, but again, if Dr Josh Green has anything to do with it then the data is probably sketchy… This is an update to my last post – with Maui County data…

You can check out the data sets if you like… All the following data is from https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/eb56a98b71324152a918e72d3ccdfc20/page/page_1/ on September 3rd, 2020 @ 21:36:

# of People in State of HI 1,400,000
# of PCR Tests Given in State of HI (248,177) 17.30% of Population (almost 1 in 5 People)
Negative PCR Tests in State of HI (238,975) 96.29% of PCR Tests (96,292 per 100,000)
Positive PCR Test in State of Hawaii (9,202) 3.7% of PCR Tests (3,708 per 100,000)
Positive PCR Test in State of HI
(8,629) 93.77%
Positive PCR Test in State of HI
(573) 6.2%
COVID Survival Rate in State of HI 99.994% (99,994 per 100,000)
COVID Death Rate in State of HI (79) .006% (6 per 100,000)
COVID Death Rate in State of HI
of those with Positive PCR Test
# of People in Maui County 165,000
# of PCR Tests Given in Maui County (29,043) 17.6% of Population (almost 1 in 5 People)
Negative PCR Test in Maui County (28,697) 98.8% of PCR Tests (98,809 per 100,000)
Positive PCR Test in Maui County (346) 1.2% of PCR Tests (1,191 per 100,000)
Positive PCR Test in Maui County
(301) 86.99%
Positive PCR Test in Maui County
(45) 13%
COVID Survival Rate in Maui County 99.995% (99,995 per 100,000)
COVID Death Rate in Maui County (8) .005% (5 per 100,000)
COVID Death Rate in Maui County
of those with Positive PCR Test

As you can see, the word “Cases” means nothing…

Of the “Cases” in the State of HI:
|-> 6.2% of the “Cases” have been hospitalized and
|-> .86% of the “Cases” have died in the State.

Of the “Cases” in the County of Maui:
|-> 13% of the “Cases” have been hospitalized and
|-> 2.3% of the “Cases” have died in Maui County.

The word “Cases” is purely a scare tactic to a population with a 99.995% survival rate, especially if not presented with the rest of the data… They aren’t even reporting the important data…

Hospitalizations are an extremely important number because there are only so many beds – the only reason to even report the number of “Cases” is to record the number of hospitalizations of the number of “Cases” so we can then extrapolate the potential numbers for the future. If we can’t do that and prepare for it, then the number of deaths will get away from us… No one wants that – so those reporting the numbers need to give a better picture of what they are reporting – “Cases” means nothing if that is the only data given…

Four numbers matter to truly understand what the reality of COVID19 is:
|-> 1) How many are hospitalized due to COVID-19 TODAY,
|-> 2) how many have died OVERALL,
|-> 3) what each individuals UNDERLYING HEALTH CONDITION was and
|-> 4) what STAGE their underlying health condition was at at the TIME OF EXPOSURE

Until we have that data, none of the other data can help us make sense of this thing… The really weird thing is that the number of folks who have died in HI are so few at this point that they could have gotten that data either from the patient or from the patients family as part of the contact tracing initiative – they didn’t – that’s really odd…

The big rub is that they’re going to give a vaccine to a population who has a 99.995% survival rate – that makes absolutely no sense…

Statistically Speaking, the side effects of a vaccine WILL DO MORE HARM than COVID-19 will…

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