I have no social media accounts. I took my info and pics out of them on December 31st, 2020. If you find one in my name, or my father's name, which has a new post or pic as of that date it is a fraudulent account.
The only way to reach me is through this website and "Big Dave" is no longer with us...
Again, if you find any social media account/s under one of the names below, with fresh posts, data or pics it is not me:
Are you too ignorant to know this, or too arrogant to admit it? Which is it? Speaker Pelosi, are you stupid or a liar? You were for de-regulation of the banking industry before all this happened – not sure if you were actually present when Clinton signed the Bill to repeal it, or not – funny how your mind changes when the wind blows, eh?…well…no…not so funny actually…
As for the current economic situation, let’s look at the reality of the situation:
Total Votes (Yea/Nea)
Total Present (Dem/Rep)
Democrats for was 59.57%
Democrats against was 40.4%
Republicans for was 32.8%
Republicans against was 67.2%
They needed 217 votes to pass it. 205 (both Democrat and Republican) voted for it and 95 Democrats voted against it. 95! All they needed was 12 more votes! The Dems are blaming the Republicans? They couldn’t even hold their own party together for the vote! 12 Votes is all they needed! Where exactly do they get off blaming the Republicans? What’s wrong with this picture?
Stop playing the blame game – you’re not good at it!
There’s been so much going on around me lately – both on a personal note and all over the media, with drastically different topics in mind – that I would just like to say/teach/exclaim to everyone, all at the same time, my second life maxim.
I learned it when I was 10 when a few of the guys on my football team kept screwing up – they always had a reason or excuse for everything and it drove the rest of us crazy cause we could never count on them to do anything (but complain)…
Fix The Problem, Not The Blame!
Upset cause you’re work schedule doesn’t allow you to do things you really want to do? I don’t care! I don’t want to hear it! This is the profession you chose, if you don’t like it QUIT. There you go, problem fixed…
Always late and looking for an excuse to give me so I won’t send you away from me. I don’t care! You get paid, buy a damn alarm clock! Problem fixed!
If you’re working a 5:30 call in the morning, why would you party till 2:00? No sympathy for ya buddy – I’ve done it and made it to work more times than I’d care to admit – you can’t give me an excuse, just be at work on time. Problem fixed…
Economy? Just fix it guys, there’ll be plenty if time to sort out the blame later. That’s what history books are for…
Show up, get it done, go away! I don’t care whose fault it is, I don’t care that you had to walk to work, I don’t care that you haven’t slept in a week, I don’t care that you haven’t seen your kid in two days. You think I haven’t been there? Just shut the hell up – fix it…
It really is that simple. Stop wasting time and energy talking, try directing the energy that your mouth uses into action – a lot more productivity will come out of it…
OK, the regular GUI sucks when you log on via computer; but I’ve just spent the last few minutes playing with the new app on my iPhone (just downloaded the update 15 minutes ago) and it looks really promising so far…
Think I’ll stick to using my iPhone to access facebook – the GUI is much nicer on the phone…
I just realized something – actually remembered it – it was Bill Clinton who deregulated banking when he signed the bill in 1999 which rolled back Glass-Steagall. It was Clinton’s administration which proposed that 50 percent of Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s portfolio be made up of loans to low- to moderate-income borrowers by the year 2001. It was Clinton’s Federal Reserve which demanded that banks treat welfare payments and unemployment benefits as valid income sources to qualify for a mortgage…
The Republican’s are getting blamed for something a Democrat did? This is funny…
It gets funnier: the economy was just fine (actually it was great and getting better) until the Democratic Congress took over. Just about 6-8 months after they took over, things started getting bad. Just long enough to say that it was actually them that went wrong (and not the previous Congress/Senate).
So either
A) they are completely incompetent,
B) they lied to the public on what they can actually do to win elections and get a majority,
C) they intentionally dragged their feet to make this happen to win an election, or
D) all of the above…
Which is it?
The Media is so full of BS trying to get the Dems (no matter who the Dem Candidate is) into the Oval Office that you’ll never hear any of this from them. The Republicans won’t say anything cause, if they win the Oval Office, they’ll need to work with these people to get anything done…
Dems should have run Wesley Clark. He’s got more executive experience than any Democrat in Washington – he’s also an honest man, one I would trust – but that’s not what they’re looking for is it? Obama is basically Kerry – all flash and absolutely no substance. He hasn’t done anything, but damn he looks good up there! Sure can give a speech!
Hell, Biden would make a much better President than Obama- but he’s basically got the same resume as McCain (with no executive or military record), so there would be no difference to run on…
On top of all Biden has, McCain was an officer in the Navy (that’s years of executive experience right there), a POW (no one hates war more than someone who’s had to fight one, especially one who was a POW), and he turned down being an Admiral and retired (humbleness in a politician? No way!). Anyone who’s ever served knows what he turned down – anyone who hasn’t really can’t understand. His running mate is young – but she still has more executive experience than Biden or Obama. She may not be as polished a politician as either of them, but she isn’t much of a talker – she would rather do it than talk about it…
It’s pretty much a no brainer – Obama won’t even go to Washington to help out with the deal going on right now. He does have responsibilities to the State of Illinois, as their Senator – I know he’s not a guy who takes responsibility, but he needs to vote on something! He’s gonna sit it out and watch so he can use it (either positively or negatively), whichever way the wind blows. He just won’t DO ANYTHING! He’ll talk about it though…
Let’s give it a few more years Dude! Let’s wait and see if you can actually do something in the next few years – cause you sure as hell haven’t done anything to date. Talk is not action!