Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

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Archive for the 'A/V Business' Category

Willie K @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 13th December 2008

I had to run preshow outside for this one. Totally got rained on the second I had everything set up and turned on. No one would make the rain call, and all my gear was wet, so I had to strike everything, go inside and get dry gear and set that up. Covered up everything, ran the show – me and the musicians were soaked at the end of the show – and then struck it all in just enough time to get to my show position inside. I was wet and going into air conditioning – lucky I didn’t catch a cold!

Willie’s whole family was there, and took part in the show. I liked it, but any people were thrown off cause every song was a Christmas song – I don’t think they were expecting that. On the last “Hana Ho!” he started to crack a little as he was telling the audience which song he was about to sing (Holy Night). Turns out his mother had died this morning…

Anyway, I don’t think there was a dry face in the place by the time he got done with the song…

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Neil Sedaka @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 12th December 2008

That man can play the piano! And he sounds exactly as he did all those years ago…

Very cool show!

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Recent Change-Up

Posted by delta on 11th December 2008

Yeah, don’t freak out.  I made all my domains to automatically come to this one.  DVT is down now, MauiTech.tv is down as well.  I’m no longer freelancing – I’m now a Swank Technical Director based out of The Grand Wailea.  So I’m doing the same thing, I just have a homebase and a salary now…

So, if you need me, call me there – that’s where I work with most of you anyway…

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Old Hula Movies

Posted by delta on 7th December 2008

I just ran some old Hula Movies in the McCoy Studio Theater for the MACC – this was really cool. They were rolls from a museum from the beginning of movie making, before “talkies” – the Ipu and Chanter were recorded with an audio device and dubbed into the video just recently. Anyway, it was awesome to see the difference of what Hula was then and what it is now…

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C&K @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 23rd November 2008

Love it when Henry does his solo gig, but having the whole band together, there’s nothing like it! Just got home!

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