Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for the 'A/V Business' Category

Cyndi Lauper @ MACC

Posted by delta on 4th January 2008

We just got done striking this one (fresh out of the shower as I write this)…

I was pleasantly surprised – I went in with one idea and left with another…

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Mercedes @ Kapalua

Posted by delta on 30th December 2007

We just finished setting this one up (21st-30th). Going back for the strike in a few days – hopefully get a couple of good workouts in before then…

It’s been tough working out the last 10 days because Kapalua is on the opposite side of the other mountain from where I live. On a good day, it’s a 1.5 hr drive – when you have to be there that early in the morning there’s really no time to workout (of course, we workout while working so it doesn’t really matter in this case)…

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Maui Film Festival @ MACC

Posted by delta on 19th December 2007

Basically picked up a few days that the inhouse crew didn’t want between the 12th-19th…

Got to get some work done while the movies were happening, so that’s good – I won’t have time to do anything till March at this point…

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Ziggy Marley @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 10th December 2007

I actually started out the day dealing with the inside show (Maui Pops Orchestra) and a few other odds and ends. The actual Ziggy show was pretty much self-contained, which is not the norm – usually you’re really running around for these things. Don’t get me wrong, I was running around, but nothing compared to the norm…

Anyway, after Maui Pops ended I went inside to help them strike and get rid of the shell. From that point on, I was dealing with the Ziggy gig (which was good timing cause they showed up at that moment). The doors opened just as I was walking out…

I really don’t have anything to say about the show. Last time I actually was able to pay attention during a Ziggy gig was at the Milwakee Summerfest in 1990 – the crowd was totally different, the band was totally different, and I was totally different – the contrasts between now and then keep me from saying anything other than “Damn, that was loud!”

I had the Db meter in my hand at FOH for three songs – it wasn’t just me being old and crochety, it was loud…

And, “No” I’m not gonna tell you how loud it was…

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Barefoot Natives @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 9th December 2007

This one happened yesterday. Very long day…

I started the day setting up the A&B stage and sound wings for todays show (Ziggy Marley); then I had to setup, run, and strike the preshow audio for the Barefoot Natives; then I had to run upstairs and run spot for the actual show; THEN we struck the stage and setup the orchestra shell for the Maui Pops Orchestra. I actually got booted at 24:00 cause I had to be back here at 08:00 this morning, but after I left the crew also setup a few risers, chairs, and music stands…

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