Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Coming Rugby Info

Posted by delta on May 16th, 2017

So, I’m not really using my blog at the moment.  I can’t write about any of the shows I do anymore cause of the proprietary info they throw around in the room.  I haven’t done a single concert, play or anything remotely imaginative since moving to the mainland – so, obviously, I have nothing to write that anyone would be interested in reading…

I’m going to start up the blog (HERE) again as I am now helping to coach the Ladies High School 7’s Rugby Side out of Winchester Virginia…  I’ll be putting up info for the ladies and their parents right here on the site for all to read…  This may get me to start writing about other stuff again, but since moving to the mainland I have simply been unmotivated – so I promise nothing…

I haven’t even written a poem since coming to the mainland – I still have more than half a book to write and have had writers block since moving out here in late 2014…

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