Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Fix The Problem, Not The Blame

Posted by delta on October 1st, 2008

There’s been so much going on around me lately – both on a personal note and all over the media, with drastically different topics in mind – that I would just like to say/teach/exclaim to everyone, all at the same time, my second life maxim.

I learned it when I was 10 when a few of the guys on my football team kept screwing up – they always had a reason or excuse for everything and it drove the rest of us crazy cause we could never count on them to do anything (but complain)…

Fix The Problem, Not The Blame!

Upset cause you’re work schedule doesn’t allow you to do things you really want to do? I don’t care! I don’t want to hear it! This is the profession you chose, if you don’t like it QUIT. There you go, problem fixed…

Always late and looking for an excuse to give me so I won’t send you away from me. I don’t care! You get paid, buy a damn alarm clock! Problem fixed!

If you’re working a 5:30 call in the morning, why would you party till 2:00? No sympathy for ya buddy – I’ve done it and made it to work more times than I’d care to admit – you can’t give me an excuse, just be at work on time. Problem fixed…

Economy? Just fix it guys, there’ll be plenty if time to sort out the blame later. That’s what history books are for…

Show up, get it done, go away! I don’t care whose fault it is, I don’t care that you had to walk to work, I don’t care that you haven’t slept in a week, I don’t care that you haven’t seen your kid in two days. You think I haven’t been there? Just shut the hell up – fix it…

It really is that simple. Stop wasting time and energy talking, try directing the energy that your mouth uses into action – a lot more productivity will come out of it…

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