Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for August, 2023

Needs (from the Lahaina Devastation)

Posted by delta on 10th August 2023

Here’s the thing. We are on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. EVERYTHING is flown or otherwise shipped in. If we have 10,000 to 50,000 displaced folks (no one knows actual numbers) all heading to Kahului as I write this, the stores will be empty in a few hours. These folks have nothing but what they were able to grab and throw in their car – so when they go shopping, they’re going to need “a few” things…

There is no where to go – there’s no supplies “in the next town” – we can not drive away from this…

If you drive around “town” (Central Maui), you see many people are “in place” in the store parking lots. I asked a few folks earlier why they decided to stay in the parking lot and they responded that it was the only real way they could get fresh food (and they are cooking it on their grill they brought over with them)…

That’s a great plan – as long as supplies keep coming…

It appears as though more than a few folks are going to be “camping” because supplies are low and they don’t trust there will be any supplies “tomorrow” – most are thinking the event will be over and they will have a plan before the red cross “gets it together” – so tents of all sizes and types will probably be helpful…

Many do not know about family members because (along with most of front street) everything else is down in Lahaina – they have no running water, no electricity and no cell phone service… We do not have enough emergency service personnel to deal with the situation. As such, many civilians – in the hopes of finding loved ones, supplying family and friends who will not leave or getting family and friends out – are “going back in”.

We also need to support the emergency personnel – who will probably be out there for weeks with the cleanup effort…

Throwing money at this will do nothing – we have finite supplies to buy. If you truly want to help send stuff to a few local churches and they can distribute them as needed. The two I recommend are in the last post.
The team at “In His House of Restoration” is onsite 24/7 and they have had donations of food and clothing – they also have a sizable sanctuary. Many from the Lahaina side have family and friends who go to this church and it is an easy drive back into Lahaina from their location (with supplies). We (my family) have been using “In His House” as a hub (dropping off stuff) for people we know who are coming out of Lahaina to get supplies and going back in…
The Team at Calvary Chapel South Maui run a Food Bank, have a team of folks making bagged lunches upstairs in the sanctuary (to take to whoever calls for some) and have an input center to separate and distribute donated items. Just this evening as we were closing up a few folks came by and said they had a boat and were going to take stuff from Maalaea Harbor to the “other side” (Lahaina) – we were able to load them up, follow them to the harbor, load up the boats, throw a few of our people onboard and get them out of there within 45 minutes…

We need a way to get fresh water to these folks – it isn’t coming fast enough – so “Rainman Desalination Kits” would be great for that. We are surrounded by ocean, so…

Maui is like Mexico – “Don’t Drink The Water” – Berkey Water Filters, The Water Machine, Sawyer Water Filtration Systems or LifeStraw Peak Series Water Filters would be great to clean ALL water before folks drank it…

Advanced Elements Summer Showers or RinseKits would be great for taking showers – many of our beaches on the south side of the island have showers (in case you’re displaced and looking for one)…

Being able to cook without starting a fire would be great right now – and we have plenty of sun – so Go Sun Fusions and All American Sun Ovens would be great

Meals Ready To Eat (MRE’s) would be incredible at this point – just add hot water, mix, wait a few minutes and eat – Ready Wise and Patriot Supply is where I get mine.
If you have MRE’s you will also want to have a Sun Kettle® Solar Cooker – which will use the sun to boil (clean) your water for the MRE’s and you can put it in your backpack for transport…

People want to charge their cellphones and peripherals and keep the lights on so Portable Power Stations with Portable Solar Panels would be great for that: Inergytek, RockPals and EcoFlow are good places to start…

Like I said, we have plenty of sun here…. Any flashlights that can be charged with the sun (or hand cranked), any flashlights and AA or AAA batteries would be great! My “go to” has been the The PUC Expandable Lantern / Charger for a few years now. I love these things – and I can charge my cell phone from them. This company makes other flashlights and lanterns (all solar), but I love the PUC…

Toilet paper, shaving kits, towels, slippers – the small things really count right now because many people have lost everything and are going to literally be on an empty lot in a few days… and, of course, you can make direct monetary donations – but there may be no supplies to buy shortly – so if you can, please send them…

5 gallon gas jugs are needed BADLY – and everyone on the island is sold out right now. There are folks on the Lahaina side who just need a few gallons of gas to get Central. Gas pumps don’t work without electricity – and there are no gas stations left in Lahaina – and there are no 5 gallon jugs in Lahaina – we have to take full jugs in and give them gas so they can get out…

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Lahaina Displacement

Posted by delta on 10th August 2023

To all who are displaced from the fires:

In His House of Restoration
63 La’a St in Kahului

Calvary Chapel South Maui
320 Ohukai Rd in Kihei

Calvary is also a “Food Bank” – if you’d like to donate to assure we can run down to get more food when all the donated food runs out, please go to: Calvary Chapel South Maui Donations to donate and then email office@calvarymaui.com to let them know you just donated for “Displacement Efforts” or the “Emergency Fund” 

Anyone who has my direct line and needs a shower, phone charge and/or crashpad away from everything (Makawao) – text me…

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They work for us, Remember…?

Posted by delta on 5th August 2023

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

When “September 11th” happened, “we the people” reacted without any real data and any real thought for the first year or two. “We the people” gave our elected officials (and those who work for them) permission to take our Fourth Amendment rights before any data or thought took hold – and “we the people” never got them back. The U.S. Government, which works for us, has been directly spying on our “persons, houses, papers and effects” without “probable cause” and without a “warrant” for more than 20 years.
I’ve already written about this in detail and don’t want to repeat myself if I can help it:
History of Modern “Assimilation”
Social Media Perception Management

Anyone born after September 11th, 2001 (or was younger than 12 at the time) has no idea of the rights that have been taken away… of course, that is what they are counting on… they want THIS to be normal – not a new normal, but the norm

They work for us, remember?

Evidently we forgot, because…

When lockdown happened we gave them permission to take away our Fifth Amendment rights. We did nothing as they deprived thousands of “life, liberty or property, without due process of law…”
Due process can be one of two things. Either Congress can make a law or the process has to go through the court system… Due Process is NOT a decree or a mandate…

  • They did not allow doctors to treat patients (life).
  • They locked down and/or restricted movement of the population for almost two years – many could not work (liberty).
  • They told everyone they did not have to pay rent to their landlords (so the landlords lost their property).

We gave them permission to do these things by doing nothing to stop it. We may have disagreed, we may still disagree, with it – but we’re not doing anything to stop it from happening again…

Pretending it didn’t happen, assuming it can’t happen again, or thinking “it’ll get back to normal” simply because you made it to the other side relatively unfazed is almost the American way isn’t it?
Think “Trail of Tears”, “Slavery” or “Hollywood Blacklist” – didn’t touch most people in their time and place but they did happen, they were terrible and we did nothing to stop it…
There are still Native Americans living in complete poverty in the middle of no where with no hope – today – in America.
There is still slavery – today – in America.
Every time someone is “cancelled” the Blacklist survives another day…

We’ve done nothing to stop it – we simply decided not to think of it – and these things still exist – today…

The people who are making these decisions ARE people AND they work for us – we put them in their positions of power (with our vote), we pay their salary (with our taxes), we pay for their programs (with our taxes), we pay for their decisions (sometimes with our blood) and they are answerable to “we the people” (with our next vote or lawsuit)…

People tend to think we live in a democracy – we actually don’t. We live in a republic. We vote people into power – and they make the decrees, mandates and laws with their vote/s or decisions.
If we actually had a democracy – if we all truly voted on everything – there would be no social welfare programs, there would be no bailouts, no company would be immune from prosecution and “the market” would rule – it would be a true capitalistic society in that the market would rule based on OUR power to choose and buy the best products with the best customer service with the best warrantee for the best prices… They would not be predetermined for us and presented as “this” option or “that” option.
A true democracy with the number of voters we have would also be complete anarchy and totally impossible to “call for a vote” – but I don’t want to go too far off topic here…

When lockdowns happened we gave them permission to take away our First Amendment rights…

  • We gave them permission to interfere with our church services
  • We gave them permission to abridge our freedom of speech every time they “canceled” someone, deleted a post or otherwise limited our ability to see “all sides/angles/data” of an event
  • We gave them permission to abridge the freedom of the press by allowing them to collude with and otherwise control the press – also limiting our ability to see “all sides/angles/data” to assure we would not have the ability to think for ourselves
  • We gave them permission to lock us down so we could not assemble (gather together and share information) – also limiting our ability to see “all sides/angles/data” of an event
  • We gave them permission to do what they needed to do (such as hide data or simply making the process too arduous in time and money – think FOIA requests and/or lawsuits) to assure we could not petition the government for redress of grievances…

Not making a choice IS making a choice – doing nothing gives them permission. Doesn’t matter what you thought (to yourself) or said (to a few friends or family members) about it. Did you vote? Did I see you at the marches? Did you keep your business open? Did you help the local community keep the local businesses open? Did you pay your rent so your landlord could keep the house?

There’s no such thing as a temporary security measure – once we give up a right, for a little temporary security, it is gone – we have now given them permission to take it away any time they need “based on the needs of…”. Sooner or later, they won’t even ask permission – at that point, when they feel they have the power to take it from us without asking, we no longer have that right… It is no longer a right we were born with, it is now a privilege they can give and take as their needs see fit…

Maybe you trust “this” Governor or “this” Mayor to make these decisions for you, but what about the next one? What about the one after that? You’ve already given “the office” of Governor or Mayor permission to control these privileges at their discretion – are you going to trust every person who holds the office from this point forward to delegate your privileges to you, your children and their children as they see fit…?

To those of us old enough to remember – it was a right that we allowed them to take from us – it becomes our “new normal” – it is new simply because we remember what was lost.
Those too young to remember do not have a point of reference for what was lost – it is now a privilege that the powers that be can give and take at their discretion – it is what the next generation knows – it is their “standard” – it is their “norm”…

Ever let someone borrow your car to the point where they no longer ask permission? The car is under your name, you are making the payments on it, you are paying for insurance on it, you are paying to fill up the gas tank everyday but the car is simply not available to you at your discretion anymore. The worst part is, once you put your foot down you are the “bad guy” for even bringing it up and you are most likely forced to negotiate the use of your own car – if your find yourself negotiating for the use of your own car, guess what? It is no longer your car. On paper it is and in your brain it is (due to that paperwork) but in reality it is simply not available to you AT YOUR DISCRETION…

Do not let them take what is yours… Do not negotiate… IT IS YOURS… Take it back… and don’t ever give them the keys again… Don’t even let them think it’s an option…

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