Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

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Archive for May, 2022

A little news from May

Posted by delta on 29th May 2022

1st Amendment “News”:
2022/05/09 – Attorneys General sue Biden over suppression of free speech
2022/05/18 – The Disinformation Governance Board Is Dead. Here’s The Right Way To Fight Disinformation.
2022/05/18 – Three-week-old Biden disinformation task force ‘paused’
2022/05/24 – Americans blame publishers more than tech companies in free speech battle

Here’s the thing about disinformation. It is defined by who is in charge – so if Trump is the next president… You get where this can go if we even allow it to start…? Of course, Trump would probably dismantle it, but if it was someone like him (either liberal or conservative) who would use it to their benefit… You always have to think about who the next person will be in that chair; you always have to anticipate what can happen once these people are no longer there…

4th Amendment:
2022/05/11 – Some Top 100,000 Websites Collect Everything You Type—Before You Hit Submit
2022/05/12 – The Use of Software & AI to Assess Job Applicants & Employees
2022/05/16 – What to Do If Police Ask to Search Your Car
2022/05/17 – You Can Block Those Annoying Cookie Banners on Every Website
2022/05/24 – Alibaba is Creating a Digital ID Carbon Footprint Tracker
2022/05/24 – EEOC Released TAD About Technology And Disability Discrimination
2022/05/24 – She thought a dark moment in her past was forgotten. Then she scanned her face online
2022/05/25 – Politicians Get Tech Wrong
2022/05/26 – Here’s What Hackers Are Really Doing With Your Info
2022/05/26 – How to delete what Google knows about you

Do you really trust any of these people with your data…? Do you…? Really…?

Good Predictions…?
2016/11/11 – America’s dominance is over. By 2030, we’ll have a handful of global powers
2021/11/15 – Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats
or a “Master Plan”…?

Things that make you go “hmmm”:
2022/05/06 – Pfizer is looking beyond the COVID-19 market, aiming to be the ‘partner of choice for biotech’
2022/05/10 – Drug Company Contracted to Produce Covid Vaccines Hid Evidence of Quality Issues
2022/05/11 – Biden likely to arrive at his own global Covid-19 summit empty-handed
2022/05/11 – Did Anthony Fauci & Francis Collins Receive Royalty Payments From Drug Companies?
2022/05/20 – As Team Biden Tries to Turn the Page on COVID, Top Doctors Object to New Approach
2022/05/24 – CDC warns of ‘Covid-19 rebound’ after taking Paxlovid antiviral pills

Things that make you go “did they really do that and not think it was a bad thing to do before they did it…”:
2022/05/10 – China ‘deeply alarmed’ that SpaceX is giving the US space dominance through Starlink
2022/05/24 – China, Russia fly warplanes in military drill during Biden trip to Japan
2022/05/24 – North Korea fires missiles hours after Biden leaves Asia
2022/05/24 – Proposed US crackdown on ‘Big Tech’ has one winner: China
2022/05/24 – US strategy to portray China as aggressor over Taiwan | South China Morning Post
2022/05/25 – Biden admin: How could we possibly have known how badly the Afghan withdrawal would go?
2022/05/25 – China launches bid to control the Pacific
2022/05/25 – China military must be able to destroy Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites if they threaten national security: scientists
2022/05/25 – China-tied surveillance AI firm Remark Holdings U.S. deals
2022/05/25 – Five things we learned about China’s ambitions for the Pacific from the leaked deal
2022/05/26 – The Mystery of China’s Sudden Warnings About US Hackers
2022/05/26 – UK and US warned Beijing will not back down after Ukraine war as tensions boil
2022/05/26 – Your move, Beijing: U.S.-China trade rivalry intensifies after Biden launches Asian economic pact
2022/05/27 – China is planning the invasion of Taiwan
2022/05/27 – China Launches Drone Ship That Acts As Mothership For More Drones
2022/05/28 – China launches empire building exercise in Pacific theatre
The war over resources is gonna be ugly. Everyone is moving their chess pieces now… poking for weak spots as they try to contain/surround the other side before hostilities actually begin… There will be no winner/s when all is said and done – just a survivor or two…

Things that make you go “REALLY!?!?! Didn’t see that coming?!?!”:
2022/04/22 – COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? – notice the URL this is coming from…
2022/05/09 – FSA Scrap Radioactivity Rule To Allow Food Grown Around Old Fukushima Nuclear Plant To Be Sold Freely In UK
2022/05/10 – Big meat is gobbling up fake meat companies
2022/05/21 – Are Americans Getting Richer or Poorer? US $5 Trillion ‘Wealth Shock’
2022/05/23 – See How Close You Live to the ‘Threat Radius’ of an Oil & Gas Site
2022/05/24 – The Depressing Statistic That Shows Where Harvested Food Really Goes
2022:05:24 – The price we pay for global supply chain
2022/05/24 – European fruit with traces of most toxic pesticides ‘up 53% in nine years’
2022/05/26 – Activists fear a new threat to biodiversity—renewable energy
2022/05/26 – Microplastics in sewage: a toxic combination that is poisoning our land
2022/05/26 – Soaring fertiliser prices force farmers to rethink
2022/05/29 – Fish off the coast of Florida test positive for pharmaceutical drugs
2022/05/29 – Biden’s latest economic headache: China’s Covid lockdowns – so, it’s ok that the rest of the world locks down and loses their economies, but not China… Put all your eggs in one basket (the basket of one of your greatest adversaries) and…

Surprise…? Not Really… These people will eat their own – if they’re not spoon fed something “good” then they may actually write something worth reading once in a great while:
2022/05/19 – Beltway’s big question/ Biden’s not really running again, is he?
2022/05/20 – American Democracy Isn’t Ready for Online Voting
2022/05/20 – Is Congress more dangerous than the southern border?
2022/05/23 – No One Has a Position on Speech Anymore
2022/05/24 – America’s common ground: Democrats and Republicans alike want transparent, objective elections
Well, maybe some of that was spoon fed to them…

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May 11th, 2022 Global Covid Summit

Posted by delta on 11th May 2022

I produced the Global Covid Summit Maui on January 29th, 2022 – that was a full day of continuing education for doctors. Very gritty and a lot of data. I will (if they will allow me) put it up on this site if/when the final edit has been completed – it was 6-8 hours and could probably be edited down to (4) to (5) 1 hour videos…

Anyway, this happened today. I heard the white house is trying to either steal the name “Global Covid Summit” or they are simply trying to pretend they are involved with these folks, so getting it out that they are not the same thing today is pretty important…

or, go to:
or, click on the play button below…

Several people are watching it, so it will take some time to load… Just click on the play button, go make some coffee and a sandwich and when you hear the intro happening come back to the screen…

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…and the hits just keep on coming…

Posted by delta on 8th May 2022

2022/03/01 – FDA found Pfizer vaccine just 12% effective in younger children
2022/03/04 – Dow drops 500 points and heads for its fourth straight negative week
2022/03/07 – Poll: Majority of Republicans would stay and fight if U.S. were invaded – majority of Dems would leave
2022/03/07 – Supreme Court’s Thomas calls for new look at giving Facebook broad immunity
2022/03/08 – Clarence Thomas Wants the Supreme Court To Look At Facebook’s “Broad Immunity”
2022/03/08 – The map colors changed, but did the risk?
2022/03/09 – Joe Biden’s ‘reckless disregard’ of reality
2022/03/10 – OSHA COVID-19 Safety Inspections Enforcement for Hospitals
2022/03/14 – Bill would eliminate illegal ATF database of gun sales
2022/03/14 – China moves to take over Afghanistan copper, rare earth mineral mining
2022/03/14 – Putin’s war is not the cause of Biden’s energy price hikes
2022/03/16 – House Dems revolt over Biden’s Iran deal?
2022/03/20 – US drought predicted to worsen this spring
2022/03/21 – Sky-High Shipping Costs Could Keep Prices Surging Until Mid-2023
2022/03/22 – Two ways the semiconductor shortage may play out
2022/03/31 – ‘The words of a president matter’ — especially when he goes off script
2022/03/31 – Call Him Big Daddy When He Walks That Gaffe Back
2022/04/04 – The Supreme Court ruled against malicious prosecutions and dishonest cops
2022/04/07 – Tennessee Senate passes bill to allow over-the-counter sales of ivermectin
2022/04/07 – Wyoming ‘Registered Agents’ Play Role in Global Financial Chicanery
2022/04/09 – As social media turns 25, we’re still perplexed about regulating bad actors
2022/04/13 – Feds Uncover ‘Swiss Army Knife’ for Industrial System Hacking
2022/04/15 – If Senator Feinstein is too old to govern, what about Biden, Pelosi, and others
2022/04/15 – John Oliver busts data brokers, spurs Congress to action
2022/04/15 – Severe hepatitis in kids: Dozens of cases reported in U.S. and Europe
2022/04/18 – TSA not enforcing travel mask mandate after judge strikes it down
2022/04/22 – Making Science More Open Is Good for Research—but Bad for Security
2022/04/26 – Financial records reveal Joe Biden had $5.2million in unexplained income
2022/04/28 – Droughts to increase human migration at least 200%
2022/04/29 – You Can Finally Get Your Personal Information Off Google
2022/05/03 – Sen. Johnson says it ‘may be true’ that COVID vaccines cause AIDS
2022/05/03 – Origin of global hepatitis cases in children still uncertain
2022/05/04 – A Mysterious Lawsuit Is Raising Concerns Over The Public’s Right To See Court Records – I usually don’t post HI News (I just save them), but this one is too important
2022/05/04 – How the Army is training leaders of the future to fight Russia and China
2022/05/04 – New report uncovers massive Chinese hacking of trade secrets
2022/05/06 – CDC investigating over 100 cases of unexplained hepatitis in children across 25 states
2022/05/06 – Climate change is leaving its mark on Indigenous-owned food businesses
2022/05/06 – Scarcity of water is expected to get worse in 80 per cent of all croplands
2022/05/07 – CDC Says Mysterious Hepatitis Outbreak Has Left Over 100 Kids Sick, 5 Dead
2022/05/08 – ‘Forever chemicals’ may have polluted 20m acres of US cropland, study says

This is kind of important as well:
The Fauci:COVID-19 Dossier

The government isn’t “suppose to” legally (at least within the United States dealing with U.S. citizens) be able to subvert your 4th Amendment rights without a warrant and they should not be able to get a warrant without probable cause on an INDIVIDUAL. Here’s a few very nice examples of how that is being subverted:
2018/02/17 – What does the US Government know about you?
2020/10/06 – How the U.S. Military Buys Location Data from Ordinary Apps
2020/11/16 – Google Bans Location Data Firm Funded by Former Saudi Intelligence Head
2021/05/13 – Pentagon Surveilling Americans Without a Warrant, Senator Says
2021/07/12 – The USPS’ Semi-Secret Internet Surveillance Apparatus
2021/07/14 – USPS Is Monitoring Social Media
2021/07/15 – How your personal data is being scraped from social media
2021/08/31 – Public Health Records Exposed in Denton County, Texas, Breach
2021/10/06 – Government orders Google to track anyone searching certain names, addresses, and phone numbers
2021/10/26 – 20 years later, it’s time to move on from mass surveillance
2021/11/16 – Leaked Location Data Shows Another Muslim Prayer App Tracking Users
2021/12/09 – Guess What? The Cops Can Buy Your Data Instead of Going to Court for It
2021/12/10 – Proposed Bill Would Force Social Media Companies To Share Data With Third-Party Researchers
2022/02/11 – Declassified documents reveal CIA has been sweeping up information on Americans
2022/02/15 – 6 Things We Know about the CIA’s Secret Mass Surveillance Program
2022/03/04 – ‘Truly Frightening:’ Feds Give Tech Companies Until May 2 to ‘Turn Over COVID-19 Misinformation’
2022/03/08 – Judges Rules Blanket Cellphone Location Tracking Is Unconstitutional – !!!!!!!
2022/03/14 – Bill would eliminate illegal ATF database of gun sales
2022/03/25 – White House and EU reach agreement on trans-Atlantic data sharing
2022/05/03 – CDC Tracked Millions of Phones to See If Americans Followed COVID Lockdown Orders
2022/05/03 – Data Broker Is Selling Location Data of People Who Visit Abortion Clinics
2022/05/04 – The CDC bought your cellphone data to track lockdown compliance
2022/05/04 – The Data Broker Tracking Abortion Clinic Visits Is Also Selling to the CDC

The willful ignorance of the American Population is mind boggling. Most can’t even fathom any of this is happening without their knowledge; even if they did they wouldn’t understand the gravity of the situation. Every one of us is on a list somewhere for one thing or another… Who’s making the lists…? What are they going to do with them…? Your guess is as good as mine…

Don’t forget that the surgeon general said that smoking is good for your health – there is also prime ocean front real estate in the California desert for the taking…

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