Why the Data?
Posted by delta on January 6th, 2021
FULL DISCLOSURE: I’m Native American; I’m a Father; I am a Veteran; I am a Christian.
From my Aboriginal/Father perspective, the “smart” thing to do is to stand by and hope you all destroy each other sooner rather than later so that we Natives can have our land and natural resources back before “y’all” completely vandalize everything. As the Bill of Rights gets shredded day by day, my children will never know the freedoms I enjoyed as a child and fought for as a young adult. Their chance for an economically viable future is already gone as well… The “smart” thing to do is not always what we do, nor what we wish for… The Christian/Veteran part of me does not want to see “the grand experiment” collapse… That part of me does not want to stand by and watch… That part of me wants to stop you ALL from anymore destruction of our way of life… My conundrum, at this point, is that my children’s (and grandchildren’s) future actually looks brighter if you all destroy each other… It is the only way they will ever know liberty… Whatever happens, His will be done… |
After my last posting, I received a lot of questions – folks wanting to understand what data is being surveilled and why… Hopefully this post will clear that up…
As far as the “Process of Assimilation“, the graphic below may better explain my last post:

Now, why do “they” need the data accumulated between Stage 2 and Stage 4…? From this data “they” can extrapolate who has been assimilated, who just needs a little more of a push, who will need a stronger push and who absolutely will not assimilate… Thing is, “they” will know exactly who these people are, where they are, what they search for, what they buy, what they look like, what their kids look like, etc…
The unfortunately crude graphic below will give you an idea of who “they” suspect “their” target market to be – you’ll have to forgive me on this one (it was done very quickly)…

SIDENOTE: YOU should know that Apple is YOUR digital emancipator. You can turn any security settings you would like for any app “OFF” on any Apple Device. You can turn “OFF” location services for individual apps, as well as the entire device, for any Apple Device. You have complete control over what data goes where and the security settings for that data on any Apple Device. Best of all, no one can see anything you do on your Apple Device – you can simply turn “OFF” what you need to turn off…
Facebook/Instagram is actually suing Apple because they do not want you to be able to turn these things off and they want access to the data, services, microphone and camera on Apple devices… They already have unlimited access on all other devices – but don’t worry, Apple will shut down as a company before they allow anyone access to your data… YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS!!! Google/Android wants your search data so gravely that Google/Android pays Apple about $10 Billion a year to be the default search engine on Apple Devices… Oh yeah – they want that data… Another thing to be noted is that Apple does not contribute to ANY political party, despite what you would otherwise be led to believe. It’s employees are free to do what they wish with their money – but the company itself does not… and Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, gave $0 across the board this election cycle… |
Why is any of this important? Study “The Bad Guys” graphic below… This is an extremely simplified snap shot, with only a few branches, of an extremely dumbed down version of what we are allowing “they” to do to us…

Here’s the rub:
If you stake your claim as a Liberal, Conservative, Far Left, Far Right, Democrat or Republican then YOU can be influenced/manipulated. That is a hard thing to say, and probably harder to hear, but I’m tired of the B.S. – it’s time to put up or shut up…
Machiavellian Principle #1: Easiest way to control people is through fear. People will gang together with anyone who shares the same fear/s – they will even fight their own family members. You can not talk someone out of fear – no one can. Fear is crippling and contagious… and fear lasts longer… The only way through one fear is to show a greater thing to fear… You have to show people what they “should be” afraid of – at that point, hopefully, the initial fear will fade because the “big picture” is much worse…
We have done this to ourselves… This is the society we have created… This, all of this, is crazy… we are going down the rabbit hole faster, day by day… it is not ending… it is not slowing down… it is not getting better… every inch one side gives, the other side takes a mile… and many of you, from both sides, are buying what your side is selling you…
Here’s what a person outside either sphere of influence sees as you argue and fight over the scraps… and, remember, I say this as one who is halfway enjoying watching what you all are doing to each other… If what the right thinks about the left is accurate, then the U.S.A. will quickly whither away as the Bill of Rights is stripped from us; If what the left thinks about the right is accurate, then the U.S.A will implode in chaos shortly…
Pick your poison…
If you step back and look at it from a distance, it really seems like they want you to be presented with only two options: Do you want to piss off the people who control all forms of media or do you want to piss off the people who have the guns? Which do you fear more?
Pick your poison…
What does it look like from the outside?
I see great fear of the left and their control over all forms of media. With each webpage, post, comment and/or article that is “taken down” online, I see the Bill of Rights being shredded bit by bit – an opinion is an opinion, a joke is a joke, a jackass is a jackass, a hater is a hater – can no one respond to opposition with an intelligent response anymore? Has it really come to this? Take down anything which opposes your agenda…? Really…? I’ll admit, it is expedient to not have to explain yourself or respond with an idea of your own… but, really…?
I see a great fear of the far right as well – those damned “gun-toten-‘mericans” (I believe it’s ok to call them names, right?). This is curious because all I can think is: If these folks really wanted to do harm, do you really think they would have waited this long? Really? They have been under constant attack through all forms of media, lost their livelihoods, lost their liberties, lost their property and lost their voices over the last 10 months… If they can exercise that much restraint… Hell… I’m impressed…
I’m also bored – whatever the hell you’re going to do, just do it! Stop bloviating and do something!
Pick your poison…
I see that it’s not about what we want anymore. It’s about what we do not want. In the last few election cycles, most people did not want “So-And-So” to be their President, Senator, Congressman, Governor or Mayor – so they voted against the individual or party they feared most… Very few people are voting “for” anyone anymore…
I mean, hell! I’m guilty of a screwed up political barometer as well! For POTUS, I vote for the person least likely to wake up one morning and order a thermonuclear strike – I don’t care about their politics, I care about their history and the decisions/actions they have made/taken in their lives which makes them the person they are today and what their personality is like due to all of that… The way I figure it is, there has to be a tomorrow for us to work anything out… There has to be a tomorrow for us to debate… That is my barometer! Is that crazy or what?!? But consider this: there’s absolutely no checks or balances on that order – the President of the United States can give that order at their own discretion, with absolutely no explanation, and EVERYONE in that chain of command is obliged to follow it. 20 minutes later… BOOM! I chose to vote for the person least likely to give that order…
This is not working – none of it is…
There is only one thing left to be said:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
What of our children? Our grandchildren? What are we leaving them…? What does the future look like for them…?
They spent the last 20 years making each side afraid of the other and it didn’t get them as far they they hoped – but they were able to extrapolate enough data to figure out what to do next… They spent the last year shutting down the world’s economy, isolating YOU in one location so that YOU had nothing to do but “absorb” their message while they manipulated ALL FORMS MEDIA to see what it takes to make YOU fear a contagious disease with a 99.95% survivability… None of that worked as well as they hoped it would… But they did get some good data from it…
What will they want us to fear next? To what level will they stoop? Which of our civil rights will they go after next? Under what illusion? Under what delusion?