Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Hinky Data

Posted by delta on September 4th, 2020

Found a cool site within the states site, but again, if Dr Josh Green has anything to do with it then the data is probably sketchy… This is an update to my last post – with Maui County data…

You can check out the data sets if you like… All the following data is from https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/eb56a98b71324152a918e72d3ccdfc20/page/page_1/ on September 3rd, 2020 @ 21:36:

# of People in State of HI 1,400,000
# of PCR Tests Given in State of HI (248,177) 17.30% of Population (almost 1 in 5 People)
Negative PCR Tests in State of HI (238,975) 96.29% of PCR Tests (96,292 per 100,000)
Positive PCR Test in State of Hawaii (9,202) 3.7% of PCR Tests (3,708 per 100,000)
Positive PCR Test in State of HI
(8,629) 93.77%
Positive PCR Test in State of HI
(573) 6.2%
COVID Survival Rate in State of HI 99.994% (99,994 per 100,000)
COVID Death Rate in State of HI (79) .006% (6 per 100,000)
COVID Death Rate in State of HI
of those with Positive PCR Test
# of People in Maui County 165,000
# of PCR Tests Given in Maui County (29,043) 17.6% of Population (almost 1 in 5 People)
Negative PCR Test in Maui County (28,697) 98.8% of PCR Tests (98,809 per 100,000)
Positive PCR Test in Maui County (346) 1.2% of PCR Tests (1,191 per 100,000)
Positive PCR Test in Maui County
(301) 86.99%
Positive PCR Test in Maui County
(45) 13%
COVID Survival Rate in Maui County 99.995% (99,995 per 100,000)
COVID Death Rate in Maui County (8) .005% (5 per 100,000)
COVID Death Rate in Maui County
of those with Positive PCR Test

As you can see, the word “Cases” means nothing…

Of the “Cases” in the State of HI:
|-> 6.2% of the “Cases” have been hospitalized and
|-> .86% of the “Cases” have died in the State.

Of the “Cases” in the County of Maui:
|-> 13% of the “Cases” have been hospitalized and
|-> 2.3% of the “Cases” have died in Maui County.

The word “Cases” is purely a scare tactic to a population with a 99.995% survival rate, especially if not presented with the rest of the data… They aren’t even reporting the important data…

Hospitalizations are an extremely important number because there are only so many beds – the only reason to even report the number of “Cases” is to record the number of hospitalizations of the number of “Cases” so we can then extrapolate the potential numbers for the future. If we can’t do that and prepare for it, then the number of deaths will get away from us… No one wants that – so those reporting the numbers need to give a better picture of what they are reporting – “Cases” means nothing if that is the only data given…

Four numbers matter to truly understand what the reality of COVID19 is:
|-> 1) How many are hospitalized due to COVID-19 TODAY,
|-> 2) how many have died OVERALL,
|-> 3) what each individuals UNDERLYING HEALTH CONDITION was and
|-> 4) what STAGE their underlying health condition was at at the TIME OF EXPOSURE

Until we have that data, none of the other data can help us make sense of this thing… The really weird thing is that the number of folks who have died in HI are so few at this point that they could have gotten that data either from the patient or from the patients family as part of the contact tracing initiative – they didn’t – that’s really odd…

The big rub is that they’re going to give a vaccine to a population who has a 99.995% survival rate – that makes absolutely no sense…

Statistically Speaking, the side effects of a vaccine WILL DO MORE HARM than COVID-19 will…

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