Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"


Posted by delta on July 17th, 2010

OK – everyone is really surprised that I don’t have one yet and they’re always wondering why…

Tell you what: when it runs OSX and has a USB 2.0 port I’ll buy one…

I have an iTouch, and it’s the perfect size for what I use it for. I don’t need an iTouch the size of a piece if paper…

Basically, right now, it’s just a big (expensive) toy. I want something that looks like the iPad but does what my MacBook Pro does. It would be great if they could shrink it a little (to the size of a half an 8.5X11 piece of paper) too!

Anyway, I’m totally not sold on something that is big enough and expensive enough to really do some serious work yet is simply a large iTouch…

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