Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for September, 2008

Passport Update

Posted by delta on 20th September 2008

Almost forgot to tell you, my passport is here! So let the bidding begin!

Just kid’n ya, give me a call if you need me on the road…

Only took a few weeks! I didn’t put a rush in, it just got here that fast…

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Something to think about for a moment…

Posted by delta on 19th September 2008


Most American’s who would watch something like this can’t comprehend – they can’t even fathom what the rest of the world is like…

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Eisei @ Four Seasons

Posted by delta on 18th September 2008

 Spent the last three days on this show (Video and Graphics) – Struck it lastnight, and took it to YB this morning to go back to Oahu…

YB in the rain

YB in the rain
R12 Projectors and Video World

R12 Projectors & Video World
From Video World to Screen

From Video World to Screen
What you would've seen

What you would’ve seen
Da Audio Man

Da Audio Man

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iPhone update

Posted by delta on 15th September 2008

Thank You Steve!  I downloaded the update the moment they put it out there.  I spent the last few days trying to kill this thing (get the apps to crash as they did before)…

I have not been able to crash this thing!  All the apps are loaded, and all the apps work – I am a happy man!  I actually used my iPhone to EQ a room the other day, and yesterday I was able to get a Db sample during the concert.  All worked perfectly!

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The Rail

Posted by delta on 15th September 2008

I finally got some shots of “the rail” the other day.  People keep saying my previous explanation was great, but they wanted to see it…

To the left is the rail shot from USL (Upstage Left). You can see the lines-sets that we need to move (all the ropes). All the red handles are the brakes…              

If I’m running the rail, my show spot is all the way at the end of the shot to the left…

Below, is my average view of a show, and to my right I’m looking up…

So, when I say I didn’t see the show (in most cases) I’m not really joking.  This is an unobstructed view – usually there are set pieces, and/or people, in my sight-line of the stage…

I got a few emails asking why I don’t workout the weeks I “run the rail”.  See those ropes?  My job is to pull them all day, usually 12+ hours a day, for the run of the show (set, show, and strike).  This in itself isn’t a big deal, it’s just another day at the office; but when I add my training in during the run of one of these shows I “burn out” (over-train) almost all my “Pull” muscles.

It usually hits me hardest on my right hand, which is an old (military) injury.  Usually, I have a hard time holding anything in my right hand for a month or so.  I mean: I can (and do) do it, but every once in a while my hand just lets go of whatever I’m holding – not good when at least 50% of what I do is lifting heavy things…

The guys who call me to work, and the guys I work with, have come to expect a certain level of “fitness” (I really can’t think of a better word right now) from me – I have to be able to lift/push/pull without issues (I expect no less from the guys on my crews)…

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