Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

September 2008 News

Posted by delta on September 24th, 2008

Things that make you go HMMM…

09-03-08 eWeek – FCC Wants Wireless Mics Out Of 700 MHZ – ATTN! AV GUYS!

09-04-08 ABC – Is Your Name Attracting Spam

09-04-08 BBC – Zombie Plague Sweeps The Internet

09-04-08 CNN – eBay Launches Socially Conscious Retail Site

09-04-08 eWeek – FCC Wireless Mic Inquiry No Surprise – ATTN! AV GUYS!

09-04-08 National Geographic – Strong Hurricanes Getting Stronger

09-09-08 CNET – Google Cuts Data Retention Time In Half

09-10-08 CNET – U.S. Text Usage Hits Record Despite Price Increases – Data from text messaging does absolutely nothing to a network guys, not even a blip on the radar.  We’re getting charged more because we are allowing them to do it to us.  When I went to get my iPhone I saw that they wanted to charge me extra for this service, I told them to block it – as a SysAdmin I know what’s up, and I’m not gonna give them money for doing nothing…

09-10-08 eWeek – Internet Attack Fears Keep It Security Spending On The Menu

09-10-08 eWeek – Text Messaging Rates Come Under Fire – Here’s another one you gotta read…

09-10-08 Fox News – Freshwater Fish On Rapid Decline In North America

09-11-08 CNET – iPhone iSpy

09-11-08 CNET – Mobile Payments Misunderstood In U.S. – Ya Think!?

09-11-08 Fox News – Social Networking Sites Not Just For Friends – If you didn’t know this, just give your computer to someone and don’t ever log onto the Internet again!

09-12-08 ABC – Cops Need Warrant To Get Cell Phone Tracking Data – Cool!  But it’s not the cops I’m worried about guys!

09-12-08 Technology Review – Solar Roofing Materials

09-15-08 BBC – Big Bang Experiment Is Hacked – He-He-Funny.  So, we’re letting these guys run this experiment, one that can potentially open a black hole and destroy our planet (no one really knows, guys!), and they can’t even secure their network?

09-15-08 Technology Review – Plastic e-Reader Debut

09-15-08 Technology Review – Safe Transactions With Infected PCs

09-15-08 Technology Review – Turning Social Networks Against Users

09-15-08 USA Today – Best Buy Will Acquire Napster For 121M

09-18-08 Fox News – How An Eggbeater Could Power The Future

09-19-08 ABC – Arabs Denounce Fatwa On Immoral TV

09-19-08 CNN – Planet Is Running Out Of Clean Water – Ya Think?!  I was wondering when someone was going to start paying attention!

09-19-08 LA Times – FDA Proposes Approval Process For Genetically Modified Animals – This is scary stuff!  Add to it that we’re running out of water and you just have to consider that we may have an over population of people.  Just consider it, a little…?

09-21-08 ABC – Plastic- Munching Bugs Turn Trash Into Cash – Hey!  A good idea?!

09-22-08 ABC – First Clean Coal Plant

09-22-08 Technology Review – New Route To Hydrocarbon Biofuels

09-23-08 CNET – Infected U.S. PCs May Have Attacked Georgia

09-23-08 Fox News – Cheating Death Is Easier Than You’d Think – Whatdya know?  A real-life-long-term study…

09-24-08 BBC – Public Must Assert Data Rights

09-24-08 BBC – Users Fail To Spot Fake Pop-Ups

09-24-08 CNN – A New Era For Wave Energy

09-24-08 CNN – Shipping Containers Could Be Dream Homes For Thousands

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