Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

December 2007 News

Posted by delta on December 31st, 2007

12-02-07 CNN – Numbers Drop For Civilian Deaths, Foreign Fighters In Iraq
12-02-07 OC Register – GLOBAL WARBLING
12-02-07 SF Gate – Oil Prices Rise In Asian Trading
12-02-07 USA Today – Most Recalled Meat Is Never Recovered
12-03-07 CNN – Jubilant Chavez Opponents Revel In Referendum Defeat
12-03-07 National Geographic – Climate Change Pushing Tropics Farther, Faster
12-04-07 Technology Review – The Feel Of Cancer Cells
12-07-07 National Geographic – Amazon Could Lose More Than Half Its Forest
12-07-07 NY Times – Tanker Spills Oil Off South Korea
12-07-07 SF Gate – Dollar Drifts Lower To Pound, Euro
12-07-07 Wired – Cybercrime Stormed The Net In 2007
12-08-07 LA Times – New Virus Extends Geographic Reach
12-10-07 CNN – Ecuador Threat To Drill Jungle Oil
12-10-07 NY Times – Flying Humans, Hoping To Land With No Chute
12-11-07 LA Times – Study Finds Humans Still Evolving, And Quickly
12-11-07 National Geographic – Human Evolution Speeding Up
12-11-07 Technology Review – The Guts Of A Cell, Frozen In Time
12-12-07 National Geographic – Arctic Sea Ice Gone In Summer Within Five Years
12-12-07 Technology Review – Higher-Density Data Storage
12-13-07 NY Times – Countrywide Subpoenaed By Illinois
12-14-07 National Geographic – Warming Oceans Contributed To Record Arctic Melt
12-14-07 SF Gate – Palo Alto Firm To Build Solar Thermal Equipment Factory In Nevada
12-17-07 Technology Review – Turning Carbon Dioxide Into Fuel
12-19-07 National Geographic – Ancient Warming Caused Huge Spike In Temps
12-25-07 Epoch Times – 8,000 Chinese Farmers Demand Reclamation Of Stolen Land
12-26-07 Honolulu Star-Bulletin – Kona Lab Is Aquaculture Central

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