Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

2nd Annual Ukulele Festival

Posted by delta on October 15th, 2007

I was able to do this show yesterday! Originally, I was slated to be at the Grand Wailea for a Video setup with Staging Solutions, but that call time got changed to 17:00. Very stoked, I was able to run the stage for the Fest (I was there till 16:00). All was well when I left with only the last three bands to go…

Funny thing, when I got to the Grand Wailea, half my Video Crew had iPhones. I think it’s funny that people are just buying these for the “cool” factor. None of them actually use these things to their potential. The funniest thing of all is that “the next one” will always be better, and so on, and so on, and so on – and when “the next one” comes out, if they get it they will have to re-up for another two year contract with AT&T.

I always wait till at least the third generation for apple products. By the 3rd Gen the bugs are worked out, the feature set I was looking for when the product originally came out is usually standard, and, best of all (as far as this product is concerned) by the 3rd generation it will no longer be an AT&T thing…

I gotta say one thing, The Edge Network is screamingly slow. If I were to get something right now, it would probably be the iPod Touch. With the iPod Touch, I don’t have to worry about the AT&T Network (I have wi-fi everywhere I go anyway), and, as far as apps go, I can write my own into my website and just provide links to them on my homepage (an example of this is the “Netscape Color Chart” to the left – just write the app and incorporate it into your website)…

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