Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

iPod Touch

Posted by delta on September 14th, 2007

They’re just not there yet for my taste…

I want it to record audio and video without adding a single peripheral – for family (video) shorts at the beach, or (audio) recording a lecture…

I want it to take pictures without adding a single peripheral…

There’s no “Mail” App on this thing – what good is that? Giving me Wi-Fi without a Mail App!

I want all of the above to sink to and from my computer with no issues – both ways, not one. As well as Address Book and Calendar syncing to go both ways – this may already be happening but I would want to have one in my hand to assure that I could edit the Calendar and Address book and it would sync to my computer (and vice versa)…

The Hard Drive is too small – give me the 80GB or 160 GB HD in the iPod Touch’s body…

It’s way too small – I want the width and height of a piece of regular paper (8.5X11). Actually, even half that size (8.5 by 5.5) would be great! Should have though of that before – 8.5 inches by 5.5 inches is the perfect size – take a piece of paper and fold it in half to see the size I’m talking about. It’s big enough to get some work done and small enough to fit in just about any bag…

I’m bummed – so close, yet so far away still…

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