Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

May 2007 News

Posted by delta on May 30th, 2007

05-14-07 Time – Al-Qaeda Loses An Iraqi Friend
05-17-07 BBC – Polar Ocean Soaking Up Less CO2
05-17-07 Time – Who Is Stealing Iraq’s Oil
05-18-07 BBC – Global Net Censorship Growing
05-18-07 CNN – 25 Countries Clock Web Sites
05-18-07 Information Week – Online Criminal Gangs Battle With Botnets
05-21-07 Business Week – How Safe Is The Food Supply
05-23-07 BBC – Which Freedoms Do We Want Online
05-24-07 eWEEK – Microsofts New Open-Source War
05-26-07 Washington Post – Largess To Clinton’s Lands CEO In Lawsuit
05-28-07 Business Week – Health Care You Control
05-28-07 Business Week – Put Investors In Their Place
05-29-07 eWeek – Spam Attack Steals High-Level Execs Data
05-29-07 Time – Is Chavez Stifling The Media
05-29-07 Washington Post – China Embraces Nuclear Future
05-30-07 Business Week – Gates Digs Surface Computing
05-30-07 Business Week – Much Ado About DoubleClick
05-30-07 New York Times – Touch Screen In A Table Is The Latest Wrinkle In Computers
05-30-07 New York Times – VeriSign’s Chief Executive Resigns Abruptly
05-31-07 BBC – US Arrests Internet ‘Spam King’

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