Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for March, 2007

March 2007 News

Posted by delta on 31st March 2007

Here you go guys! As promised, the things that made me go “HMMM” For the month of March. You know what? I’m gonna try and update as I read for April. I’ve gotten too many emails saying you like it like that. It’s just a time thing people – I gotta work too, ya know?

03-01-07 CNN – New Computer Virus Attacks Business Networks
03-01-07 Information Week – Sir Tim Berners-Lee Gives Congress Vision Of The Future
03-01-07 Time – Microsoft Threatened With EU Fines
03-02-07 Computer World – Homeland Security Researcher Laments Playstation Generation
03-02-07 eWeek – Berners-Lee Talk Goes Back To The Webs Future
03-02-07 Information Week – Microsoft Hit By US Dot Ban
03-05-07 BBC – Windows Fails Second Virus Test
03-06-07 Information Week – FAA May Ditch Microsoft
03-06-07 Information Week – Internet Use Up 10% Worldwide
03-06-07 Information Week – Microsoft Threatened To Kill
03-06-07 Reuters – Dell May Offer Linux As Alternative To Windows
03-06-07 Reuters – New Alliance Plans To Tackle Mountains Of E-waste
03-07-07 CNET – ClearWire IPO On Its Way
03-07-07 CNN – U.S. Oil Companies Miss Out On Cuban Oil Rush
03-07-07 Computer World – ID Theft Forecast Gloomy Today, Worse Tomorrow
03-07-07 eWeek – Apple To Use More NAND Flash Memory
03-07-07 eWeek – Credit Cards Promise Clear Simple Language
03-07-07 eWeek – Some Companies Lose Data Six Times A Year
03-07-07 eWeek – W3C To Develop New HTML Spec
03-07-07 Information Week – Emotiv Focuses On Brainwaves To Control Computers
03-07-07 Information Week – ID Theft Is Exploding In The U.S.
03-14-07 Washington Post – Cyber-Criminals And Their Tools Getting Bolder More Sophisticated
03-16-07 WebMD – CPR Mouth-To-Mouth Not Much Help
03-19-07 Time – Life Among The Taliban Bombers
03-19-07 Time – Most Computer Attacks Begin In U.S.
03-22-07 Time – NBC, News Corp Form Online Network
03-22-07 Time – The Truth About Talibanistan
03-23-07 Business Week Asia Cyber Crime Raging
03-23-07 Computer World – Windows Home Server Testing Uncovers Nearly 2,400 Bugs
03-23-07 Time – Calif Blue Cross System Fined $1M
03-23-07 Time – Congress Faces Mortgage Meltdown
03-23-07 Yahoo! News – Girls Overdose Death Raises Questions
03-24-07 Yahoo! News – Iran Ups The Rhetoric On Seized Sailors
03-24-07 Yahoo! News – U.N. Approves Tougher Sanctions On Iran
03-25-07 Washington Post – U.N. Backs Broader Sanctions On Tehran
03-25-07 Washington Post – Weak Market Nationwide Reaches Area As Prices Stagnate
03-25-07 Washington Post – Wide Net Cast For Terrorism Watch Lists
03-26-07 CNET – Windows Weakness Can Lead To Network Traffic Hijacks
03-26-07 Time – Russia, China Urge Iran To Heed U.N.
03-28-07 eWeek – 43% Of Firms Hit With Malware
03-28-07 eWeek – Corporate Sloppiness Is The Real Culprit
03-28-07 Washington Post – ITT To Pay $100M Export Fine
03-29-07 BBC – U.S. No Longer Technology King
03-29-07 Time – Inside Hizballahs Hidden Bunkers
03-29-07 Washington Post – Circuit City Cuts 3,400 Overpaid Workers
03-30-07 Business Week – Uncle Sam Snubs Sprint
03-30-07 CNET – TJX Says 4.57M Customer Records Were Compromised
03-30-07 eWeek – Why Encryption Didn’t Save TJX
03-30-07 Information Week – Worm Attack Masquerades As IE7 Download Offer
03-30-07 Internet News – Congress Flunks P2P Test
03-30-07 Internet News – SMB’s Playing The Ostrich When It Comes To Security
03-30-07 Reuters – TJX Card Problem Flags Retail Identify Theft Risk
03-30-07 Yahoo! News – Attacks On Windows Flaw Rise

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Wynona Judd @ the MACC

Posted by delta on 30th March 2007

Ran spot for Wynona Judd lastnight. It was an acoustic thing, meaning there was no drummer…

What a voice! What great musicians backing her up! What great backup singers!

Anyway, I was surprised by how good they were (and that doesn’t happen often, so I had to say something)…

Just found out about her family issues today – she put on a great show with all that crap in the back of her head. Total Pro…

God Bless You & Yours Wynona!

Sidenote: Henry Kapono opened for Wynona. It was just him and his guitar – and no one recorded it! I was really bummed…

It was one of those nights – incredible talent on that stage!

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Dennis & David Kamakahi @ MACC

Posted by delta on 25th March 2007

Did the lights and video for Dennis & David Kamakahi lastnight. Good people, easy gig. Didn’t have to touch the board or EQ beyond the 10 minute sound check…

Dennis’ wife was in awe of what I was able to do on my PowerBook, I think she’s going to run out and buy one today…

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Finalizing my site theme

Posted by delta on 23rd March 2007

I think I finally have my site theme down. If anyone sees anything funky, or comes across something that does not work, please let me know ASAP…

I have a little down time coming up – which is to say, I am not doing anything but pop-ups for the next few weeks and will have some time to play with the site…

I just spent the last few days backing up everything I have to my new External HD’s. I have about 1.5 Terabytes of backed up stuff now. So, I’m very happy. Finally have my security blanket…

I decided to put my news articles up on the last day of each month. So all the news articles I have saved for March will go up on the last day of that month – and so on…

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Madame Butterfly @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 22nd March 2007

Well, if finally got to do something original – something never done before – in my A/V Career. I got to work the first Grand Opera in the island of Maui.

This was a show…

March 11th – March 20th…

Four day “In” – first two days we set lights, second two we set the stage…

Two days rehearsal – I was the flyman on this call, anything moving over anyone’s head is my specialty in the Castle Theatre. I worked with a really good railman from Oahu (Alema, forgive me if I spelled it wrong bro)…

Two day show – same as rehearsal dates basically, but we got to walk away after…

Two day strike – restore was great cause we got to get a lot of the excess cable, that has accumulated over the years, off the pipes. They’re a lot lighter now – which makes them both easier to move and safer…

Anyway, it was great! Totally acoustic! The orchestra was down in the pit, the singers really sang. There were no mics on anything! It was a real opera…

I’m finally recovered today, my arms and shoulders were a little tight for the last few days. It’s usually alright as long as I don’t take a break, but once I slow down for a few days they tighten up on me. In case your wondering why, it’s because on the 19th and 20th all I did all day was pull rope – imagine climbing a rope, without the use of your feet, all day long. Once everything is weighted properly, it’s not so bad, but until it is – it sucks…

Now that I think about it, I’ve been fighting off this cold that my wife and kids have had for the last week. That’s most likely why I was so tired and sore the last few days…

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