Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for the 'Personal Tidbits' Category

Finalizing my site theme

Posted by delta on 23rd March 2007

I think I finally have my site theme down. If anyone sees anything funky, or comes across something that does not work, please let me know ASAP…

I have a little down time coming up – which is to say, I am not doing anything but pop-ups for the next few weeks and will have some time to play with the site…

I just spent the last few days backing up everything I have to my new External HD’s. I have about 1.5 Terabytes of backed up stuff now. So, I’m very happy. Finally have my security blanket…

I decided to put my news articles up on the last day of each month. So all the news articles I have saved for March will go up on the last day of that month – and so on…

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Website Theme…

Posted by delta on 8th March 2007

I’m playing with the look of the site for the next few weeks. So if you come here and don’t recognize it, or think something may be funky, don’t stress – I’ll decide soon…

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Finally up and running again…

Posted by delta on 27th February 2007

I’m finally up and running again. This is the longest I have went without an outlet since 1995. I kept my old blog in its place, so those of you who would like to check it out for past material can do so…

Unfortunately, it only has data for the last few years. I lost 10 years of data when upgrading my last weblog. Actually, that’s not the complete truth. I lost my domain and didn’t have a backup of my blog. I owned deltavtech.com for 10 years. When I moved from California to Hawaii, Network Solutions had big time issues making the address change for me. So I waited for the domain to run out so I could buy it with my new address. 5 minutes after it ran out I went to buy it and someone else now owns my domain…

I’m gonna drop it right there, cause it gets me going somewhere I don’t wanna go right now – besides I don’t have the time right now…

I have a vodcast coming – I’m gonna do it about the business I’m in and the place I live – most people would agree, both are great topics…

I’m an A/V Tech on the island of Maui who works in every venue on the island, so I have a lot of great shots for you guys. My specialty is on the computer and video side of the business, so you know I won’t put crap on my vlog…

Basically, I’ll show you who the guys are (and what they do), what the venues look like (and provide tech specs), the equipment we use (and who owns it) and what shows we’ve done most recently. I think it will be a great marketing tool for all of us…

Talk to ya soon,

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