Posted by delta on 23rd July 2008
I’m waiting for my iPhone to show up right now and am checking out all the apps on my iTouch before it arrives…
If this program works well (I’m writing this on my iTouch with “WordPress for iPhone”), I’ll be incredibly stoked..
I’ve been checking out the AIM app and it K’s B! You can chat with me at…
Sudoku, vSnax, eBay, and the MySpace apps are all very cool as apps to run on the iTouch/iPhone…
After testing all this stuff over the last week the conclusion is, unless I’m running graphics for a show, there will never be a reason for me to ever truck my laptop with me again. I can literally do everything that I need to do (while on show site and not running graphics)…
Of coarse I need my laptop! But I can watch movies and news, read my magazines, books, and bible, use email, chat, MySpace, and this little program (WordPress for iPhone) all from this little touch screen device that I’m holding in my hand…
Oh Yeah, the one coming has a phone, camera, volume knob on the side, and external speaker (volume knob with speaker is a big thing for me cause I’m just about over headphones right now – really starting to hate them actually). Â Getting by at breaktime isn’t what it use to be, you can actually have fun now without having to walk around the building looking for a wireless signal for your laptop…
Anyway, I hope the iPhone is all it’s cracked up to be, the iTouch has been…
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Posted by delta on 19th July 2008
I’ve taken a lot of time off from putting news crap up here. I’ve decided that I’m not gonna try to catch up – too much work, and this is suppose to be vacation time for me…
Anyway, I just wanted those of you who write me asking about it to get it all at once (now), from the source (me), that I will not be updating any news before this month. I’ll probably start it up from July 1st, ok?
Anyway, I just started another workout and will be writing about that pretty soon. It kicks butt!!
Maybe I’ll write about it tonight…
Maybe I’ll (video) tape myself and see how that works for you guys. That’d be cool – then you could see the gym in my garage I’m always talking about…
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Posted by delta on 1st May 2008
I’m just testing this out to see what it looks like and how it behaves within WordPress – I may be tweaking this around a bit, so bear with me guys (getting ready to start vlogging)…
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Posted by delta on 27th April 2008
Our little girl was born yesterday! April 26th…
Anna woke me up at 09:00, by 10:00 she was having contractions every 3 minutes at 60 seconds a pop so I called her mom (to watch the kids) and the midwife and starting setting up the birthing area in our room…
I laid out the flooring got the pool ready just as my mother-in-law arrived (at 10:35 or so), she took the kids into their rooms, and at 10:39, just as the pool was full enough to get into, Anna got into it and the baby was born two minutes later…
Initially, the baby somehow turned last minute and her heel was showing (somehow stuck). Â I pulled her heel back to expose the whole left foot and immediately the baby came out into my hands – IT’S A GIRL!
Very cool how it happened!
Our midwife must have been parking when the baby came out because she was in the room just a few minutes later…
Anna and Baby (Alana) are doing very well. Alana was exactly 8 lbs and 20 inches long – the pic to the left was shot about an hour after the birth…Â |
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Posted by delta on 1st April 2008
So, finally, bought a house in a central location. I can actually ride my bike/moped to most shows now. Cool…
So, finally, my wife is about to give birth to our #3. I can’t wait till the baby is here. Women don’t understand how hard it is to be the guy in this situation. Believe me, I know it’s all about you – don’t get me wrong here – but the waiting for the baby to come thing is stressful for us (guys) as well. Especially when you have a random schedule, with no backup, such as mine. Basically, I’m TD’ing a show for three weeks this month – my wife is due anytime, we do home birth (so I have to be there) and we need the money (so I have to be there too). I’ll be relieved when this baby is here!
So, finally, when all is in order, I will be able to start filming for my idea. This weblog will become a vlog with a full-on podcast. The idea is to show the beauty of where I live, the customs and traditions, and somewhere in there I’m gonna show you everything about what I do for a living. I want visitors to my site to see first hand what equipment, venues, talent, and techs we have on the island – kinda like a living brochure…
For those of you who are missing my news updates, I’ll get them up sometime this week probably. I have a few months worth to put up…
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