Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for the 'Personal Tidbits' Category

iPhone Web Apps

Posted by delta on 29th August 2008

After the crashing issue over the last few weeks, from having too many apps on my iPhone, I found that almost half of them were web apps.  After going back to “Factory Restore” on my iPhone and reinstalling the apps that I had downloaded from the iTunes Store, I simply did not want to have to keep looking up these web apps and storing them on my desktop again and again – so I created a page right here on my site (above) which I will keep updated with web apps…

This will save room on my iPhone and probably help you all out as well…

The actual URL, in case you wanna bookmark it on your iPhone, is:


Enjoy… 😉

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Found info on iPhone issue

Posted by delta on 27th August 2008

I looked the issue up on the web and found that it is due to too many apps. The best guess-timate is that the less apps you have on the phone the less it will crash. People are saying to keep it below 3 windows, which (if they were full) would be 48 apps – I had 9 pages of 12 apps apiece (108 apps). I’m gonna try the four windows (43 apps) I have right now to see how it goes (I put all webapps in a bookmarks folder in Safari – so they are totally accessible, but not in the way)…

These are the four pages I have now – I’m kinda bummed cause the Cannon Challenge Game (totally cool waste of time, but my kids love watching me play it – so maybe not such a waste of time) kept crashing and I had to get rid of it – I’m glad that it was a free app! The apps on my iPhone are apps I found (within just three weeks) I can not work without (makes many things extremely easy)…

I’m glad I found the info cause I would have never guessed this issue. I was thinking it was a heat issue from the rubber cover I have for it – it’s like a super-bang-me-up-and-I-still-work cover. I love this thing and would hate to get rid of it! I took it off for a day yesterday and found the iPhone feeling more like a toy and less like a tool. After finding the info on the apps, I put this thing back on and it just feels a whole lot better in my hand now (that sounds wrong doesn’t it?)…

Anyway, we’ll see…

Oh Yeah! I found out how to take screen shots! Obviously…

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iPhone “funkiness”…

Posted by delta on 26th August 2008

OK, yesterday I was at the MACC showing Rusty a cool-must-have-app or two (he just got his 3G). I clicked on probably the third app and the screen flashed to black and back to the regular desktop – the app did not open. All of a sudden no app, that did not come with the iPhone, would open. All the apps that came with it would open fine. The other funky thing is that when I went to play a podcast (or music) the iPhone showed none there (I had just loaded 12 or so)…

I made it home to plug it into my computer and sync it, and the computer didn’t see anything wrong with the iPhone – it even thought that the video and music was there and playable (very strange)…

This is the second time this has happened to me – of course both times were when I really needed the app I was about to use (not just playing with it), and at the start of a long day (so I couldn’t just drop everything and drive home to fix it). I have only had this iPhone for three weeks, and it has become unusable to me twice in that time. In my eyes makes the iPhone completely unreliable and useless – I’m actually really pissed about it, cause I’m a Mac Fanatic and it’s disappointing to see them put this piece of crap into the market…

Anyway, to fix the iPhone issue you have to reinstall the software back to original settings and then install your last good backup. The process takes 2-4 hours…

So, aside from having a $300 paperweight for the day you have to go home and spend a few hours fixing it and then the rest of the week wondering when it’s gonna happen again. I totally took out half the apps on this thing cause I don’t trust it to run anything right now, totally running it on the bare minimum just to see if it implodes again (I’m thinking the repair will go faster next time if the backup is smaller)…

Twice in the first three weeks is a bad thing guys (talking to Apple). Wondering if this is a common issue (to be addressed in a future software/firmware upgrade), or if I should run down to the AT&T store to get this one replaced…

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Data Mining

Posted by delta on 25th August 2008

I was always the guy people called if they had a name, number, address, or picture and they wanted to fill in the blanks. Ever since I was a kid I’ve just been good at it – really good…

As technology improves, it’s insane at how fast I am now able to “fill in the blanks” – and I’ll tell ya what, this iPhone is the best tool I’ve ever had…

I came across a job posting that just had a phone number. I picked up the iPhone and used the “Reverse Phone Lookup” feature in the free “White Pages” app, within seconds I had the company name, address, and the owners name and address. From there I was able to find the company website, email adress, you name it…

What use to take a week now takes 5 minutes – I also emailed and left a message on their answering machine within that same 5 minutes…

Pretty insane! All from one phone number…

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Finally, back to normal

Posted by delta on 22nd August 2008

The knee is fine – thanks (EVERYONE) for asking/bugging/advising me about it. All is back to normal – luckily I had two weeks off to heal.

Had a big job last week at the MACC, and another decent one this week (which ends Monday). Just preppin’ all the signage for the Mercedes-Benz Championship setup in December…

The iPhone is great! I do everything (including writing this post) with it…

I keep getting emails from those who knew me long ago as per what my look is now.  Well, I still shave my head, but the “Goat” is gone (my oldest didn’t like it when she was a baby, when I went to kiss her she would pull away, so away went the goat).  I go between two looks right now – basically I go from the clean guy here to the scruffy one in 10 days flat…

And, “Yes”, of course these photos were taken with the new iPhone! I told you, I do everything with it!

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