Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for the 'Personal Tidbits' Category

4th of July pics

Posted by delta on 11th July 2009

Sorry for the delay – finally got a few days off…

The typical view on our hike

The typical view on our hike

To swim into a cave...

To swim into a cave...

Quick Shot off the Hana Highway

Quick Shot off the Hana Highway

"Purde aint it?"

"Purde aint it?"

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iPhone Video

Posted by delta on 4th July 2009

OK – not that you couldn’t tell before, not that I haven’t said it thousands of times, but I am a total geek!  I’m loving the new iPhone!  Shooting Video on this thing is not only easy, it’s pretty phenomenal…

I’ve totally geeked out with a bunch of apps too.  The fam is getting into camping and stuff, so I went and downloaded a bunch of apps to help the kids study, and remember, what I’m teaching them.  The thing that kicked me off was the new OS – the “Compass” app is incredible!  I did find that when I put it within close proximity to my “real” compass, they both go wacko – but that happens when any two compasses are close together…

A/V apps (Jeff! This list is for you!):  Audio Calc (basic calculations for audiophiles), Caliper (great for getting the size of that nut before grabbing the wrong tool), Clinometer (very handy for speaker, screen, and truss hangs), DipSwitch (no LD should be without it), Flashlight (for when I’m backstage and need a quick light), iConvert (no one can go without this app), iSwatch (no LD should be without this app), SignalScope (I can EQ a room with this app), SignalSuite (sending myself white/pink noise or any tone for that matter), SoundMeter (no FOH engineer should be without this app), and VideoCalc (basic calculations for the vidiot)…

Camping apps:  Brushes (you can literally paint with this app), Compass (exactly what it sound like), Mantis Bible Study (for the downtime), Morse-it (the best app out there for morse code), Survival (almost the entire text from the Survival Evade Recovery manual for all U.S. Forces), and Topo Maps (I have the entire island downloaded into my iPhone)…

Other apps of mention: CanonGame (game), Calculator (came with), Chopper (game), Clock (came with), Facebook, KeyTasks (syncs with my computer at work), Maps (came with), Messages (came with), OmniTuner, Photogene, Photos (came with), Roget’s Thesaurus, Scale Buddy, Sudoku (game), Tetris (game), Top Gun (game), UkeChords, USA Manual, Weather (came with), WordPress (I’m writing this using this app) and about 50 other apps (books, news, etc) to keep me busy – always something to do as long as this thing is on my hip…

Not to mention the fact that the camera is now awesome!  Shooting video is awesome!  I can send both pics and vid to myself via email, to YouTube, or straight to this site (like the one I did of my dog the other day)…

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How could anyone not love this…

Posted by delta on 2nd July 2009

How could life be bad in any way when ya get greeted like this everyday when ya get home from work?

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Appreciate the aina…

Posted by delta on 1st July 2009

As I was driving to work today, the island was beautiful.  The sun was rising over Haleakala, and it felt like I was just driving directly into it…

It just hit me how beautiful this place is.  From my vantage point (in Waikapu) I can see the whole valley and the west side of Haleakala…

The first part of my drive is mostly green:  From Waikapu to Maalaea is simply beautiful.  You have the bush to your left and the West Maui Mountain to your right, and the road side is well kept.  From Maalaea to North Kihei there is tall grass and wetland on both sides of the road.  All you can really see is Haleakala over the tall grass – really awesome – the mountain, that time of day, sometimes seems to be standing on the tall grass (really cool)…

Just a beautiful view from my house, and a beautiful drive all the way to Kihei…

Then I hit Kihei and I got depressed immediately…


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My brother died…

Posted by delta on 21st June 2009

It sounds terrible, I know, but I’ve kinda been waiting for this news for 30+ years.  He was almost 50 years old and had been abusing drugs since his teens.  I’m not surprised at all – kinda feel bad that I don’t feel bad, you know?

I don’t have many details:  He was at a party, went into the bathroom (to do something other than go to the bathroom), came out, took a couple steps and did a face plant – DEAD…

In the business I’m in, I’m the odd man out because I don’t do anything but drink a Guinness on occasion.  People often comment about it – let me make it real simple for you…

1)  My older sister was killed by a drunken driver when I was 10, literally on the way to her Senior Prom where she was literally the Prom Queen…

2)  My remaining brother and sister have been manufacturers, developers, distributors, users, and abusers since their teens.  Both started out as having the brains to be anything they wanted to be, both chose to be what they became, both have destroyed their children, neither have ever been to jail for anything serious (which probably would have done them some good).  My brother has three girls who are wacked, my little sister has a boy and girl who are wacked.  What these kids consider normal just ain’t normal.  It’s probably worth mentioning that my brother’s ex mother-in-law has had custody of his kids for a few years now, and my parents have custody of my sisters kids – unfortunately, both sets of grandparents got custody after the damage was done (all the kids are teenagers at this point)…

3)  Drugs killed my brother.  His body was actually 20 years older than his age…

4)  Drugs are going to kill my sister shortly.  Even if she stopped today, the damage to her body is already done.  She’s 38 and she is having the health problems of a 50 year old already…

5)  Drugs are going to kill at least two of my cousins – they are kinda already dead cause their brains are so far gone…

6)  Two of my uncles have destroyed their families due to drugs…

7)  America has been fighting the war on drugs since I was in Jr. High School.  Many men and women have lost their lives trying to keep that crap off the streets.  Good friends of mine.  People who are willing to fight and die for something bigger than themselves.  Every-time you light one up, every-time you shoot up, every-time you pop a pill, every-time you buy it, you are stomping on their graves – YOU!  I take offense to that…

So, not only will I not do drugs under any circumstances, I won’t be around those who do – that’s why I don’t go to your parties people.  Your behavior offends me…

As far as alcohol goes, don’t abuse it.  If I ever see you drunk and about to get into the drivers seat of a car, I will shove my knife through at least two of your sidewalls – you may have one spare, but you won’t have two…

Get it?!

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