Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

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Archive for the 'Personal Tidbits' Category

OSX Lion Fix

Posted by delta on 25th January 2012

So, this is what I ended up doing…

I found that I couldn’t get a Time Machine backup from the old OSX installed because File Vault had been corrupted (just my home folder, not any of the other stuff) when I had tried to undo it after the upgrade. So I loaded the last good version of a Time Machine backup that I could find. From there, I had to make a “hard” backup to another external HD (basically saved my Home Folder)…

Once that was complete, I reinstalled Lion from scratch – not an upgrade, a fresh install. Once the fresh install had been made, I was able to pull over the applications from the Time Machine backup and then pull over the data from the hard drive (of my previous Home Folder)…

The whole process took 24 hours, but was well worth it – everything has worked great since…

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Update on OSX Lion

Posted by delta on 7th August 2011

So, I found that if I manually turn “Key Cue” off before shutting down the computer shuts down just fine.  I still can not turn my Legacy File Vault off – it just won’t do it.  I can deal with both of those issues but the biggest issue I’m having right now is that Finder takes so long to load while booting up that I can step away for a while while it’s doing so…

And now, my Finder won’t start up at all – so I can’t navigate to anything.  The only apps, folders or files I can use are the one’s I’ve created shortcuts to on my Dock…

Hopefully when I restart this thing the Finder will come back to life…

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OSX 10.7 – “Lion”

Posted by delta on 24th July 2011

Figure I’d have learned by now, but I had to jump the gun once more:

1) Once it downloads, it updates your system;  It DOES NOT do a fresh install.  So, make sure you have a recent Time Machine Backup and a recent “Old Fashioned” backup as well, before you start…

2)  The Installer that downloaded will disappear from your hard drive once it updates your system.  You want to keep this from happening!  To do that, when it first tries to install – STOP IT – and move that file to an external HD, Thumbdrive, or a DVD.  If you ever want to reinstall or update your system, you don’t want to wait for another install file to download (which is how it seems to be wired at the moment)…

3) I didn’t find out the two points above until it was too late, my system had already updated (no fresh install) and I had already started working before I got that deep into the system.  By that time, I really didn’t have time to reload the last OSX, download Lion again, do a fresh install of it, and pull in all my data from my Time Machine backup.  If you have the time, go for it – I’m not gonna go through all that again at this point (maybe in a few months after all my third party software has been updated to Lion)…

4)  My “Mail” wouldn’t open – it would attempt to “update” the database, but would go away after and not return.  I had to rebuild the mail dB with iTweak and try to run the “Mail” app three times before it actually opened.  All my addresses were in there, but none of my folders and folders of mail.  Luckily I keep a running backup of all my mail folders @ me.com and just copied them into “On My Mac”.  So, just to be clear – the Time Machine backup did not work for my Mail app;  if I would not have had another type of backup, all of my mail would be lost right now

5)  I run multiple monitors.  When you go full-screen with an app, the second monitor basically just goes to a funky desktop – so it’s a totally useless feature for me.  I’m actually kinda miffed about this “feature”…

6)  I got use to combining pdf’s, or adding to existing pdf’s, in preview to make little books of information.  The new Preview doesn’t appear to have this feature.  It’s a big deal for me, but most likely not for you…

7)  My “Legacy File Vault” will not UNDO – I’m sure this is screwy, but I’m not sure how/why yet.  I went ahead and activated the other File Vault last night, so now I have one protecting my Home Folder and one protecting my Whole System…(?)  I really got to get into this some more to figure out what’s happening with File Vault.  I was also hoping that Time Machine would be able to backup live with the new one, but it appears to have the same short-comings of the last app…

8)  The computer itself will not shutdown on it’s own.  It pops up something that says that some app (which it does not name) is stopping the computer from shutting down, then it does my Time Machine backup (which may be the app stopping it from shutting down), and goes back to the login screen.  At this point, you can shut it down, but by then you just wanna go to sleep – the process is a lot slower than it was with the last OS.  So, I’ve just been closing the lid when I don’t use it and opening it when I do – I attempt to shut it down sometime in the middle of the day (lunchtime) just to make sure I have one good Time Machine backup a day.  When I get back from lunch I just relog in (cause the computer won’t shut down on it’s own)…

9)  The shutdown and startup processes are way slow.  Once the system is up and running, it runs about half as fast as the last OS.  What I mean by this is that it takes me twice as long to burn a DVD as it did; it takes me twice as long to rip the video I just edited than it did before the update just a few days ago.  Most people won’t notice the difference, but I do a lot of high end work…

10)  I had to get rid of the preferences for Zinio so it would start – I had to do this once before so I knew where to go.  Only Zinio 4 works with the new OS, so you’ll have to update if you haven’t already.  For those of you wondering where it is, the user Library is now a hidden folder – so you have to use iTweak, to show hidden files/folders, to get to it…

11) I always kept my apps in specific folders within the Applications Folder, just made it easier to find when you have a lot of them.  So I had to spend half the day figuring out which ones where duplicates and getting rid of the older one.  I really don’t like how I can’t put the apps that come with the system anywhere I want now – now they have to stay in the Applications Folder.  The system will not let you move them – if you want, it will duplicate it for you, but that just gets messy during updates and such…

12)  Each desktop can have a different pic – it takes a bit of getting use to with the external monitor, but it’s a cool feature that I missed from my Linux Machine.  Thing is, it’s going to throw you off.  We’re use to setting the desktop pic and forgetting about it – I thought something was wrong at first – I realized my mistake when I started digging into Mission Control.  The typical user probably won’t use Mission Control at all though (I was the only one I know who used Spaces – which is basically what Mission Control is), so this won’t present a problem for most people…

13)  Still trying to decide if the last thing I used in a certain app popping up behind the one I’m using now is a useful feature…

14)  I like how, if an app isn’t made for the new OS, the OS puts a mark on that app so you know to delete/update it.  Kinda nice to know what needs to be updated instead of finding out when you least expect to.  I’m really bummed that some of them, such as Onyx, weren’t up2date from day 1 – but hopefully they’ll all be good soon..

14)  Trying to decide if scrolling my mouse in the opposite direction I’ve been doing for the last 30 years is a good thing – I’ve been using an iPhone and iPad since the beginning, but this is different – hard to explain, but it is…

More to come – I’m sure…

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Quick Maui Survival Tips

Posted by delta on 13th March 2011

If you’re really worried,

Water Purification Unit:

You will need to get 2 MRE’s (Meals Ready To Eat) a day per person (minimum) for the duration of the emergency you’re anticipating (get at least a 3 months to be safe).  MRE’s usually come in packages of 12 and the best can be found here:
I would always recommend a combination of the two cause you may want to change up every once in a while (there’s really only 6 different meals per “pack”) and some kids may like some of the main courses, deserts and condiments from one better than the other. They can trade out deserts, etc…

Another important thing is COMM’s (communications).  Powering your iPhone or Laptop may help you get in touch with the world, so you need a small way of charging electrical devices:

There it is, quick and dirty – food, water, and COMM’s should get most of you by pretty well until you can get help. The rest is not so quick and dirty, but I reserve that information for family only…

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Democracy In The Middle East

Posted by delta on 13th March 2011

I didn’t think it would happen this fast.  We all knew it would happen if we could get a democracy going and stay there long enough for it to bear fruit.  This is beyond my wildest imagination!

I think this is beyond all of our wildest imaginations!  Including the Bush family…

Could you imagine if it made it’s way to Iran?  I know the price of gas will go up, but everything else is pretty much a no-brainer-good-thing…

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