Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for the 'Personal Tidbits' Category

People and their guns

Posted by delta on 22nd February 2018

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” We have several well regulated militias – FBI, CIA, ATF, DEA, Local Law Enforcement, U.S. Military, etc, etc, blah, blah – they watch each other pretty well and we watch them REALLY WELL… We can because there’s 309 M of us and only 1 M Sworn Law Officers (less than .5% U.S. Population) and 2.28 M Serving in the military (less than 1% of U.S. Population)…

SIDENOTE: pretty sad that only 1.5% of us are willing to serve and protect…

Total double edged sword, because… Having said that, I know in the back of my mind that the only reason no one has invaded America (from the outside) or been successful at taking it over (from the inside) is because they are afraid of all us “Crazy Americans with guns”… I mean, taking the metro into DC, I think I’m the only person on the train without a gun – everyone has a conceal permit around here…

The ultimate double edged sword: When these folks get the license to carry, they don’t get taught how to keep the gun on their person… Most people feel they need a gun because they do not know self-defense in the first place – they think it becomes their self defense… This is perfect, anyone with training does not need to carry a gun, if they need one they can simply disarm the nearest person… All these folks (who have conceal permits) really need to do is take one month of Krav Maga Classes – the first thing they teach in Krav Maga is how to disarm a person who has a gun, or knife, on you – the first week… After a month, there’s not even any thought to it, it’s second nature… The bad guy may be able to counter, but he’s going to do it without a weapon in his hand…

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NBC and Rugby!

Posted by delta on 8th October 2017

I love…



… that NBC picked up Premier Rugby!  Can watch it on the App anytime I want now…  Love it!

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Rugby Virginia HS Girls Team

Posted by delta on 30th May 2017

Rugby Virginia’s Representative Team – which will participate in Regional Cup tournament – had to move their practice/tryouts from yesterday to today (due to Memorial Day activities at the park)…

The practice/tryouts will be from 18:00-20:00 tonight at Franconia Park (approximately 1.5 hours from our home base)…

If you girls would like to go, please text me – if 3 or more of you would like to go then we’ll meet at Avery at 16:15… Bring proper rugby attire, mouth pieces, cleats and water…

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Coming Rugby Info

Posted by delta on 16th May 2017

So, I’m not really using my blog at the moment.  I can’t write about any of the shows I do anymore cause of the proprietary info they throw around in the room.  I haven’t done a single concert, play or anything remotely imaginative since moving to the mainland – so, obviously, I have nothing to write that anyone would be interested in reading…

I’m going to start up the blog (HERE) again as I am now helping to coach the Ladies High School 7’s Rugby Side out of Winchester Virginia…  I’ll be putting up info for the ladies and their parents right here on the site for all to read…  This may get me to start writing about other stuff again, but since moving to the mainland I have simply been unmotivated – so I promise nothing…

I haven’t even written a poem since coming to the mainland – I still have more than half a book to write and have had writers block since moving out here in late 2014…

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Event Planning for Technical Directors

Posted by delta on 17th July 2014

My new book is out on Amazon/Kindle already and will be out on iTunes most likely Sunday. I’d really like any input any of you may have on either of my books – slip me an email when you get the chance and let me know what you think of them…

I’ve been writing a lot lately. Probably because I have found the perfect subjects to write about (for me at least)…

My next book will start a series that history buffs, and those who enjoy poetry, will like… I’m going to write the second book before the first; so, if I want to publish them in order, it will be a while before they go on sale. I’d give you more info than that, but you’ll read it all shortly…

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