Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for the 'A/V Business' Category

Mohala Mai @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 26th October 2008

This one ran on the 25th – long day – long show (3+ hours). I ran rail for the show, which is why the pics are taken from stage left (my show position)…

I love all hawaiian shows, and Kahulu is a good friend of mine (Napua’s sister) – so this one was a no brainer in the “was-it-good-?-o-meter”…

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Te Vaka @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 25th October 2008

This one ran last night…

I love anything with a huge percussion section – especially when they know what to do with it. These guys kick butt!!!

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Huey Louis @ Molokini Gardens

Posted by delta on 23rd October 2008

This one started yesterday at 10:00 and ended just a few hours ago.  I set the stage with the band roadies – very cool bunch of guys who know a lot of guys I know – so we had some fun talking…

The show was good – very tight – Huey sounds exactly like he sounded 20 years ago (which is always refreshing to me for some odd reason)…

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Ukulele Festival @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 19th October 2008

I’ve run the stage for every one of these and plan on doing it for the rest of them.  This, and the Slack Key Festival, are my two favorite shows of the year.  I simply love running the stage for these shows – cool, talented, people make what I do the best job in the world!

There’s no issues with the talent for these shows.  They’re all relaxed, want to show the audience what the ukulele is all about, and there just to have fun – which really allows them to do whatever.  The audience loves it…

I play the uke myself – so I’m all over it!

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Kool & The Gang @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 15th October 2008


This gig took me back!  Pretty scary when you know every song and have a vivid memory for each one…

Good show!

I’ve done this show bout 30+ times – the guy calling the show wasn’t calling spots at all, so I called spots from spot.  Kinda funny (weird, not ha-ha) that we had to do it that way (but no one was calling us and there was definitely a call for it)…

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