Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for the 'A/V Business' Category

Hana Mana Productions & Hana Mana Honey

Posted by delta on 12th June 2013

It’s official!  I’m gonna move the business stuff for this site to hanamanaproductions.com once I make the site live – and leave this one for my personal blog…

Also in the works is hanamanahoney.com – where I’ll be running the beekeeping/honey/mead products and services…

Just got the business names with the State, and the domains with netsol, so now I just gotta work on the site…

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Thanks Everyone!

Posted by delta on 18th February 2013

I really want to thank everyone for not only the nice one liners, such as “Yes! You finally came out of retirement!”, but for putting me right back at the top of the your call sheets as if the last few years was just a hiccup. I really appreciate it!

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Free At Last! Free At Last!

Posted by delta on 31st December 2012

Alright! Today is my last day as the full-time Technical Director for Swank Audio Visuals out here in Hawaii. It’s not a bad thing! I’m still going to be working with them on an on-call basis; and, from what I gather, I will still be PM’ing a show for them from time to time…

There’s, obviously, no bad blood there…

Anyway, I’m booked this coming week and the 22nd to the 27th, but if anyone needs me just give me a call…

Dave’s Back!

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For those of you who missed it…

Posted by delta on 20th October 2010

I was recently sent an email asking me if I had any favorite new toys.  I responded, having no idea it would get posted in the company newsletter.  Anyway, this was my email:

“Now that I have the new iPhone 4 – yeah!  Aside from the iPhone itself, and all I can do with it – I’ve already shot and edited a few pretty nice videos with it – there is a variety of toys that I’ve been discovering in the last year or so…
Basically, I’m using my old iPhone 32GB-3GS as my work horse, this saves battery time on my active iPhone immensely.  I mostly use it for playback, walk-in, walk-out, and walk-up – it is the ultimate “Instant Reply”.  I have a nice stand for it – which puts it right where my fingers like it to be – and multiple cables.  The A/V Component Cable for the iPhone and the A/V Composite Cable for iPhone are really nice to have – I can charge the phone while using it for playback (really nice!)…
The best purchase I made recently was the iPad to VGA cable.  When I first saw it, I had to test it.  Doesn’t work with the iPhone 3GS, but it totally works with the iPhone 4.  I burned a 4×3 (and 16×9) Test Pattern into a 10 minute movie and keep it on my phone at all times now…
Why does any of this matter?  Just this last week, we had all of our breakouts going at the same time for the exception of our main ballroom, which was going first thing in the morning.  We had the screens and projectors in the air and everything running to FOH, but there was no switcher available till late night.  We had the speakers placed and run, a 1640 and EQ in line as well.  Problem?  We had nothing else available.  I wanted to tweak the room and had absolutely no gear available to do it…
I took my A/V Component Cable (just using the L/R Stereo Audio) and plugged it directly into the 1640 Tape In – which allowed me to EQ the room (Using “SignalSuites” Pink Noise and Frequency Generators, then tweaking to a few familiar songs).  Then I took the iPad to VGA connector and plugged my iPhone directly into the video feed – I tweaked projectors to this feed (my 4×3 Test Pattern Video) and it turned out perfect (I was extremely surprised).  Later that night, when the guys were turning the room, they didn’t have to worry about ringing out the room or tweaking projectors – I saved them quite a bit of time with gear that fit in my pocket…
I’m also very impressed with many of the new iPhone Apps – but I’ll save that till next time…”

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iPhone A/V Apps

Posted by delta on 20th October 2010

Getting huge requests for my list since my email into Corporate, so here’s for all you Swankers.  There’s more than listed, but these are the apps I use all the time.  Something else to note:  All of these apps work on the iPad too…

iPhone Audio Apps:
iAnalyzerLite – pretty cool for free!
RTA Lite – also, pretty cool for free!
SignalScope – I got the inexpensive one and then added the “Octave Analyzer” to it (it was cheaper that way)
SignalSuite – runs pink/white noise and you can do frequency sweeps to tweak a room
SoundMeter – Made by the same guys who make SignalScope and SignalSuite

iPhone A/V Utility Apps:
Banner Free
Party Timer

iPhone Lighting Apps:
DipSwitch – a must have!
iSwatch – I love this app!
Light Meter
ML Finder
Zippo Lighter

iPhone Rigging/Lighting Apps:
Caliper – when your not sure of the size of that bolt…
Clinometer – Multimeter took it’s place, but I still use it from time to time…
Knots – the U.S. Navy made this one
Knots Free

iPhone Utility Apps:
Brushes – I use this a lot to make quick plots from rooms I have saved in iPhoto
GlowDraw – nice for quick plots
iBooks – you can put all your user guides in this thing!
iPocketTools 9-1 Pro – has a lot of stuff in it
MultiLevel – awesome!
Notes – comes with the iPhone
PowerLight – this is awesome!  I don’t carry a flash light anymore!

iPhone Weather Apps:

iHurricane HD
Surf Report
Weather – comes with the iPhone

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