Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for the 'A/V Business' Category

MACC Event

Posted by delta on 25th August 2018

Doing a MACC Event right now and just thought to myself – man, I have no responsibilities here whatsoever… Feels good to be foot loose and fancy free… and I’m getting paid for this, that is something that always tripped me out – we get paid for this – basically I’m getting paid to hang out with Big Joe, Todd B, Astrella, Matt and Trevor (I’ve know all these guys since before I met my wife 17 years ago)… Pretty cool…

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Missing yet another Birthday

Posted by delta on 26th April 2018

So, my two year old had a birth day a few days ago and my ten year olds is today. For the exception of the actual days they were both born, I have missed every birthday celebration for these two little girls. Starts me to thinking of how many I’ve missed for my 15, 13 and 7 year olds as well…

The birthdays, the games, the matches, the highlights – I won’t get those back…

This business sucks for families…

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Sketchy Work Enviroment

Posted by delta on 6th October 2017

You know…

Every time I went to work since September 11th, I had it in the back of my head that what happened this last week in Vegas was going to happen…  Every event I do – whether it is a corporate conference, incentive program or a concert – is a high profile target and if someone wanted to make a “statement” and do something stupid it would be the perfect environment for it…  That’s why I never wrote about an event until it was already over…

My greatest hope is that this does not become a way for more venting…  Let’s hope that this doesn’t happen again – so much has been, is being and will be said that I don’t want to get into it…  I’m on another high profile event as I write this and let’s just not go there…  Gotta get to work…

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Thank You!

Posted by delta on 3rd August 2014

I wanna thank those of you who have bought either one of my books online. I love selling them online (and being the seller) cause it allows me to see who is actually buying my books. I’ll get an email from someone saying they enjoyed it and I can look to see if they actually bought it – makes it really simple to discover who’s full of crap and who’s not – kind of a nice reality check for me personally…

I’m in the process of putting together another book here shortly – trying to put the sonnets in order, and writing more to fill in the gaps right now…

I’ll give more detail as the book comes together – it’s actually going to be close to 250 pages – so I have a lot of organizing to do…

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Poems for My Kids

Posted by delta on 11th July 2014

It’s official, Apple has check out my book and it’s going to be selling in iTunes on Sunday the 13th of July (two short days from now). You can preorder it if you’d like…

Buy it on iTunes here: Poems for My Kids

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