Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

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Archive for the 'A/V Business' Category

Doug Varone @ MACC

Posted by delta on 24th January 2008

Spent two days on it and still have no idea…


Work is work man – I’m not an art critic…

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Shanghai Circus @ MACC

Posted by delta on 23rd January 2008

This is just a repeat from last year as far as what I did – but their whole crew changed (everyone, even the talent)…

Just finished striking it and turning the lighting around for todays setup…

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Willie K @ Grand Wailea

Posted by delta on 20th January 2008

Did this one last night – it’s strange for me to see Willie playing without Erick nowadays, but it was a nice change…

Good show, of course…

Tonight there was just a small gig back outside at the Grand, just got done striking it…

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Orthopedics Today @ Westin

Posted by delta on 16th January 2008

This one ran for the last 4 days – just talking heads…

I had a change of pace and ran audio on this one…

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Mercedes Strike

Posted by delta on 9th January 2008

Got em outta here!


Fooled ’em again!


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