Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for the 'A/V Business' Category

War @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 29th February 2008

This was one of those shows that I went into expecting something and it totally wasn’t what I was expecting. I should have just showed up for work not expecting anything and would have probably walked away happy…

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Amway @ Grand Wailea

Posted by delta on 26th February 2008

Ran the crew for the product display setup and strike from the 15th-25th. Piece of cake gig, great client and great crew make life easy for Dave…

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Bryan Adams @ Molokini Gardens

Posted by delta on 14th February 2008

We set this one up from the 11th-14th, show was the night of the 13th, and we struck it the next day. I ran the local crew for Rusty – which doesn’t mean much, we had the A-Team so I really didn’t have to do anything but call breaks…

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Music Man @ MACC

Posted by delta on 11th February 2008

MAPA did this show – I was there from the 3rd to the 10th. Basically, I ran stage right making sure all the props got onstage and off for set changes and acted as a safety officer to make sure no one’s head got hit with all the incoming/flying set pieces…

I really enjoyed this one. It was an all-Maui cast and crew, and it was great! I mean, the show itself was really good!

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Estes Park @ Grand Wailea

Posted by delta on 1st February 2008

This one ran from January 26th – February 1st. I worked directly for them as breakout guy – utility – for the duration…

Can’t really say more than that, other than, they’re really cool to work with…

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