Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for the 'A/V Business' Category

Hapa @ MACC

Posted by delta on 19th April 2008

Just got done striking this one. Hapa at the MACC – what else is there to say?

I did audio for the preshow and ran spot for the show – Not to take anything from Barry or Charles, but Nathan is incredible! Whenever he touches that 7-string bass I’m in awe! The guy is the best bass player I’ve ever heard – and what an incredible voice. One of the few voices that, when you hear it, you know it’s a hawaiian voice…

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mauitech.tv – put the word out fellas

Posted by delta on 18th April 2008

I’m gonna do it people! Get ready! I’m gonna start going around filming/interviewing the local techs, equipment, and venues and putting them all up here for everyone to see. It’s gonna be a living brochure…

Everyone has an idea for it. Give me yours!

I’m gonna try to get everyone together, but this time of year that just isn’t gonna happen, so I’ll talk to ya all individually…

Tell me, give me a list: what do you think you would like to show/tell a potential client to sell yourself/equipment…

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Erik Gilliom @ Grand Wailea

Posted by delta on 6th April 2008

Charles and I did the sound for this show. Erik had a serious lineup for this one – very talented band. They just had fun jamming for the Montesori School…

I gotta sleep – just got done striking this and have an early call in the morning which will kick off a few weeks worth of work…

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Incubus @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 22nd March 2008

I was actually just in for the Audio Push and Snake Pull on the 21st, cause I had to move the day of show. I gotta say one thing – Thanks for the free show guys! From my new house (which is 4 miles away) I could hear the concert clear as a bell!!!

Kick back in my backyard, beer in hand, and enjoy a concert without having to strike afterward – cool!

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Amy Gilliom @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 15th March 2008

Just got done striking this one. She’s kinda taking it in a different direction now – so it’s interesting to watch it happen…

Erick was there and played a few in the second half – always good to have him around…

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