Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for the 'A/V Business' Category

Slack Key Festival @ MACC

Posted by delta on 22nd June 2008

I ran the stage for this one again.  I have no idea what it was, but this year was great!  Absolutely the smoothest multi-band-show I have ever done.  All the musicians were great, both on and off the stage… 

I’ve gotta tell ya, Makana is a changed man.  He’s totally a changed person – really nice guy now!  Not only that, but he sang for this show and it turns out he’s got this incredible voice!  I had no idea what has clicked with him, but he’s got it going on now – really got it going on!

I had a great time doing this show!

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Zenshin Daiko @ MACC

Posted by delta on 21st June 2008

This was a last minute gig for me.  Amy got sick and they needed a stage manager really quick – I jumped in, and I’m really glad I did cause I love this stuff! Great show! 

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Maui Film Festival @ MACC

Posted by delta on 16th June 2008

This one ran from the 10th to the 15th – I ran the McCoy…

I really don’t have much to say – I mean, I have a lot to say, but nothing positive, so I’m gonna leave it there…

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More of Frank (and friends) @ the MACC

Posted by delta on 23rd May 2008

This was a show for all the middle school kids on the island – it ran for two days and they shipped them in for it.  Basically it was to show them the transition they were about to experience going from Jr. High School to High School.  What they would be dealing with and how to deal with it, etc…

Frank Delima began this thing a while ago and it just spiraled into a huge thing – it’s a great idea… 

Anyway, I ran sound for it in the Castle Theater – I love that system now!

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Frank Delima @ MACC

Posted by delta on 17th May 2008

I did this one in the McCoy – did the all-around-tech thing.  As always, Frank and his boys were great.  He’s just one of those guys that it really doesn’t matter how many times you do his show you laugh every time… 

The show ran for two days and I just struck the last show…

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