Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for the 'A/V Business' Category

Ho’Omana’O @ MACC

Posted by delta on 17th August 2008

This was a fundraiser for Mana’o Radio – Cathy Collins – that happened tonight…

It was actually pretty incredible.  6 local acts.  Erick Gilliom was the last before break, Willie K was the end of the show…

The highlite of the night was when Willie came out singing opera.  He did it as a joke, but he sounded incredible!  So much talent in that guy!  Even on a bad night, he’s no ka oi!

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Maui Calls @ MACC

Posted by delta on 16th August 2008

Finally got to setup a show in the new venue – “On The Lawn”…

I should have taken a few pics of this thing but from the 12th to the 15th I had no time.  The setup was suppose to be a few 4 hr calls, but since we’d never setup out there it ended up taking 3 1/2 days (if you saw pics you would understand why – it was quite a setup)…

Nuff Said was the entertainment.  I hadn’t seen any of those guys for 5+ years, it was like a reunion.  They really kicked butt; surprised the hell out of me by playing songs other than their own, and doing it well!  I was the Stage Manager/A2 for the actual show itself…

I really had a good time doing this thing – worked my butt off and had a great time doing it!

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Stylistics, Chi-Lites, and Three Degrees @ MACC

Posted by delta on 21st July 2008

Ran spot for this one – I loved the show. Takes you back in time – to a better time…

Just came home from it…

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SuMMer Melee @ MACC

Posted by delta on 20th July 2008

Looooonnnnnggggg Day that just ended.  I really don’t know where to begin, so I won’t…

Got nothing to say that wouldn’t be totally negative…

It’s just that I was expecting a multi-band gig, not a DJ for 5 hours (totally wrong gig for that venue)…

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Sesame Street Live @ MACC

Posted by delta on 29th June 2008

We set this one up on the 26th, I ran spot for all the shows (27th-29th), and we finished striking it about an hour ago… 

I have to mention something funny that happened during the first day of shows that was really funny. The other spot and myself are not well versed in the characters. The guy calling spots would call the characters by name. Can you imagine where this would lead? Well, it did!

Perry and I were yelling back and forth:

“Which one?”

“The blue one!”

And it just went on from there…

Pretty comical…

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