Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for the 'A/V Business' Category

Mick Fleetwood’s Blues Band @ MACC

Posted by delta on 27th September 2008

This happened lastnight.  I ran spot for the show.  I barely made it cause I’m on another show at the Grand Wailea right now and only had an hour (in traffic) to get there…

Haven’t slept in a few days right now – had real early calls the last few days (05:00-05:30).  Yesterday I was at the Grand at 05:30 to 18:00 (running graphics/video for AAST/JAAM), made it to the MACC for this show (Mick’s show) at 19:00, got out of there at 01:15 this morning (after turning the theater around for tonight’s show), had to be back here (at the Grand) this morning at 05:30, will be here till around 14:00, have to be at the MACC to run preshow-outside sound by 15:30, have to run spot for the inside show (19:00-11:00), after the show tonight we have to turn the theater around for tomorrow’s show (probably get out of there around 01:00-02:00 Sunday/tomorrow morning), and tomorrow at 12:00 I have to run video for another show (can’t talk about this one)…

As a freelancer you can’t say no to any show – you just don’t know when the next one will be…

But this was a great show (really lifted me up from being stuck in meetings all week – little change of pace) – here’s a few pics from my iPhone. The pics suck, but I don’t care – the solo pic of Mick is almost ok…?

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Lakota Sioux @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 21st September 2008

I got to run spot on this one.  Well, that’s not really the whole of it – that was my show position for the show (what I got paid to do), but actually I ran the main curtain and corrected an issue with the projector during the first half of the show; for the second half, I ran spot and hauled it down to stage right on the last few numbers to play stage manager for a few minutes…

We finished striking it about 22:30 lastnight…

I took about 100 shots with my iPhone just to get these 6. They still suck, but they at least show the nice view of shows I get from the spot booth. These shots were actually taken during Friday morning’s kids show…

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Passport Update

Posted by delta on 20th September 2008

Almost forgot to tell you, my passport is here! So let the bidding begin!

Just kid’n ya, give me a call if you need me on the road…

Only took a few weeks! I didn’t put a rush in, it just got here that fast…

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Something to think about for a moment…

Posted by delta on 19th September 2008


Most American’s who would watch something like this can’t comprehend – they can’t even fathom what the rest of the world is like…

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Eisei @ Four Seasons

Posted by delta on 18th September 2008

 Spent the last three days on this show (Video and Graphics) – Struck it lastnight, and took it to YB this morning to go back to Oahu…

YB in the rain

YB in the rain
R12 Projectors and Video World

R12 Projectors & Video World
From Video World to Screen

From Video World to Screen
What you would've seen

What you would’ve seen
Da Audio Man

Da Audio Man

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