Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Kalama Park Gig – ???

Posted by delta on April 29th, 2008

Just found these pics that my wife took of a show we did in Kalama park about 5 years ago. I remember that the sponsor of the show was Calvary Chapel Kihei, but can’t remember the name of the show…   

Funny thing happened on Day 2. I was uncovering the speakers and my wife came to bring lunch with the kids. My little girl heard my voice as we talked but she kept looking around – she couldn’t see me.

I kept saying, “Lele up here!”…

Finally, she saw the cover flapping and my semi-struggle to bring it in. She kept saying, “Daddy, come down” – it was kinda funny, but not really. This is the first time she saw me at work and I was in the air, she was kinda freaking about it.

But something good came out of it – she never lets me go to work without a hug and a kiss now…

The bottom pick here was taken later that night…


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