Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Decentralize, Everything…

Posted by delta on November 12th, 2022

Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Brick & Mortar Media, Big Oil…

It all connects…

Big Tech captures everything you click on, everything you roll your mouse over and everything you type on your keyboard and they sell it to anyone with the money to buy that data.
Big Pharma colluding with the Government, Big Tech and the Brick & Mortar Media as if they were their own personal marketing firms.
Government colluding with Big Tech and Brick & Mortar Media on the information you are allowed to read or watch.
It’s so pervasive that we don’t even notice it – it has become our new normal

All of these themes have one thing in common – they want to centralize everything. Centralization, in all cases, is about one thing – the few can control the masses through any given resource. They want to own your access to history, information, food, water, electricity, fuel and all goods and services you buy. They want to own the farms, the ranches, the supply chain, the companies you work for, the colleges you go to, the bank you use and they want to own the land you build your life on… The more they can digitize the easier it is to control debate and dissent – they can simply “delete” anything they want, including your digital profile, bank accounts, home ownership documents, etc…

They need to control everything because the free market doesn’t work in their favor. They no longer have a superior product or service to sell you with decent customer service and a warrantee that has any meaning. Big Tech has done one thing really well – It has bypassed the free market. Instead of good products and services (as well as good ole fashioned customer service) driving the market, algorithms can now get you to buy something you don’t need from a company you don’t trust for a price you can’t afford with no customer service and no warrantee to back any of it up…

…and, Big Tech has gotten us all to this point in an extremely short timeframe…. So short in fact that there really is no such thing as a free market anymore.

Regionalism is a bad word to them. Decentralization is a fighting word to them. A house, neighborhood, small community, small town or small city “Islanding”, or preparing and planning to go into “Island Mode”, goes so far against their plans that they don’t even know how to respond to it.

“Islanding” is when an individual (or a family) or group of individuals (and their families) are Full-Time-Truly-Off-Grid. They own their land outright and owe nothing on their house/s -the only bill they have is their yearly land/house tax. They have their own food sources, water sources, electrical grids and bartering system for goods and services…. They have their own horses for transportation and maybe a solar vehicle or two with its own off-grid charging station/s. The community, no matter how large or small, is dependent on nothing outside the community. They learn to go without, or bypass, resources that can not be created within the community itself…

“Island Mode” is when an individual (or a family) or group of individuals (and their families) are “plugged” in to the existing centralization for most things, but they have planned, built, grown and stored their resources to the point where they can flip the switch in an emergency and be on their own…
This can also be called “Rationing” or “Prepping”. This community can live completely independent from the world but chooses not to. They can store resources the community feels it needs, that the community may not be able to create itself, for longer periods of time before the emergency situation occurs which makes them decide to “flip the switch” – which will then “cut off” the rest of the world…

The ultimate goal of the “bad guys” is to cut off any person, or group of people, from having any potential for self-reliance. They need everyone dependent on them – for everything…

As an American, it’s hard to visualize the American dystopia we could possibly fall in to – but the idea isn’t improbable to me – sad thought is that I can only say that because so many are asleep to the possibility… So many are doing nothing…

My an aboriginal side is actually looking forward to it. We natives may just get our homeland back without much of a fight – whodathunkit…? Yet, as a vet, I don’t want the American Experiment to end – and, I can’t stand the thought that I may have wasted my youth…

Very few actually voted. It’s nice that “The House” looks like it’s moving in another direction, but that’s not enough. There’s still plenty of bad folks out there who won and I simply do not trust them to support and defend the Constitution of the United States…

I’m not saying to live in fear. I’m saying the opposite – I’m saying it is time to stand up (and fight, if necessary) for our Constitutional Rights – NOW. I’m saying it’s time to be LOUD and SPEAK OUT – NOW. I’m saying that IT IS NOT OVER and we have to keep ALL OF IT from happening – NOW…

We do not have time to live in fear and do nothing. Doing nothing will barely give you time to tuck your head between your legs to kiss your ass goodbye. We need to do something – NOW!

There’s not too many “Islanders” out there – but we should all be prepping for “Island Mode” at least a little. A good start would be to prep for the scenario of no electricity – if electricity goes down then you will have:
no Internet from service providers,
no water from the water companies,
no gas at the gas stations,
no supply chain for resupply of goods,
no refrigerators working,
no TV’s working,
no cellphone service,
no stores able to take anything but cash or trade and
no charging for any electrical device.

When it comes to the physical aspects of prepping, the thing you need to realize is that YOU need to be able to do all of it yourself. Each individual with you should be able to do it all themselves as well. Every individual in your party should know how to do everyone else’s “job”. This does not happen overnight – start training now. Don’t wait to find out who can’t walk quietly or pull the trigger while hunting – or who doesn’t have it in themselves to gut, skin and clean for dinner – these are things you should know now. Don’t wait to find out the ammo you loaded blows your barrel or the fishing gear you bought doesn’t work. Things YOU want to work on to prep yourself and your family:

  • Get off the electrical grid and all other “centralized resources”. Whether you get solar, wind or turbine power – start now and get it up and running. You want to know how to run it and fix it yourself and you’ll want spare parts NOW while you can still get them. Do not expect this to run forever! Batteries die. Electrical components rust. As you’re getting this up and running, keep in mind that you need to learn to live without…
  • Find and/or create your own water supply and make a way to clean the water from it so you can drink it – if you can find a small solar desalination machine “there’s a few big oceans out there”. Electrical pumps are great until they go down, or you lose electricity – plan a way to gather water without electricity…. Do YOU have a manual pump? Do YOU know how to install and fix it? Do YOU have spare parts? Do you know how to start a fire and have something to boil water in?
  • Have your own food sources close to home – meats, fruits, vegetables – that can sustain a given population for “the duration” – whatever that may be…. Do YOU hunt? Do YOU fish? Do YOU have a small ranch? Do YOU have a small farm? Do YOU have a pool of tilapia in your backyard? Do YOU have bees?
  • Learn how to store foods without electricity – canning, salt, etc…
  • Gear up for movement in case you need to leave your “home base” for other resources – go bags, hunting and fishing gear, horses, etc. Be conservative with resources – they are finite – once you are out, you are out. Don’t load too much gear on your way out – you need room for what you bring back…
  • Create local markets for trade in goods and services so you’re are not dependent on anything outside your local areas – in todays world, banks and credit cards would have no relevance to any system without electricity or the Internet…
  • Pay everything you owe off, so you owe nothing to no one and own what you have – and keep the literal (as opposed to digital) paperwork to prove it…
  • Get rid of all your credit cards…
  • Pull your money out of the system and buy gold and silver coins for trade for when/if it is needed – coins fit in your pocket and are easy to hide when not on your person. Silver is better for bartering because it is worth less – for one Troy ounce silver coin you can buy/trade for everyday items – so you may want to buy more silver coins than gold. Gold coins are worth considerably more so they are good for “sitting on” or paying for something large – such as a horse. Gold and silver will always go up in value (usually quicker than the interest rate at the bank), so (in the meantime) if you need to trade some in for hard cash you can always do that as well…
  • Get use to living without your digital devices. Start out by spending one day a week unplugged. Work it up to only using when absolutely necessary. If you have to go in to “Island Mode” none of these devices will be necessary – and they will be nothing but a drain on the resources you may need for food storage or cooking…
  • Stock up on medical supplies. You may not be a doctor, but if you need one it doesn’t hurt to have the gear they need to work with – medical supplies, if you have an abundance, may also be good items to barter with if needed…
  • Stock up on books. ALL types of books. Everyone will need something to do in their downtime – and they may also give you something to barter with at some point…

If someone is “Islanding”, they most likely want to be as far away from other people as possible – they have finite resources so they don’t have the capability of “sharing”. For folks prepping to go into “Island Mode”, they most likely don’t want to be more than an hour from “civilization” – they probably will work in and gather resources from civilization until they flip the switch.

When buying land make sure it has an existing well (not that you’ll use that well, but knowing the capability of water on the land exists is important). Set up water catchment in any case. Figure out how much water you and your people will use in a year (simple calculation) and get a tank that size – keep it full from the well…

Hills and woody land are great for “cover” – and you will want “cover” – but make sure there’s some existing clear-flat spots to build on, put your solar panels on, pasture your animals on and grow on. You don’t want to have to clear too much if you can help it – it takes time and resources from other areas…

You’re going to grow food for your animals as well as yourself. So make sure the terrain is good for that – you don’t want horses and cows breaking legs on the terrain. It takes a few years to get the soil adequate for growing if you’re doing it naturally – so you want to start on it now. Once the soil is good to go, you can grow vegetables in a season, but it takes a bit of time (a few years) for fruit trees to bear edible nutritious fruit…

Start raising your animals now. Not only will they help you to create awesome soil but they take a few years to mature. At minimum, you want a few cows, chickens and pigs. Simply put:
Bring the cows in for a few days to graze and poop in an area and then move them on to another area, bring the chickens in after the cows for a few days to spread the cow poop, poop themselves and eat all the critters you don’t want in the soil (including ticks) and then the pigs come in and churn everything. Keep the rotation going.
This needs to start now. Each lot (and each group of animals) is different, so it will take a bit of trial and error to get this system down on your piece of land…

Another thing to consider is buying a fuel tank so you can be your own personal gas station. Farm gear runs off fuel. Figure out how much gas you use in a year and get a fuel tank – a tanker can come by and fill it up (at reduced rates) as often as you need. If that tank is not affordable, then get a smaller one – when estimating things I now estimate for a year – before the lockdowns happened I would estimate at six months, but now… a year sounds safer to me now. This fuel is a finite resource when you go into “Island Mode” – once it’s gone, it’s gone…

Do not live in fear and do nothing – prepare. The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war…

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