Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

New Amendments…?

In America, we get to have a Revolution every two years – by voting. Every two years our U.S. Representatives are voted into office. Every two years 1/3 of our U.S. Senators are voted into office. These are the people who make our laws. These are the people who create bureaucracies such as Social Security Administration, OSHA and Medicaid/Medicare. These are the people who bail out the banks, businesses, counties and states deemed “too big to fail”. These are the people who determine where our Federal tax dollars go.
Many begin their public service wanting to do good and simply fall prey to corruption and coercion as they attempt to get re-elected every few years. This needs to stop. We need a consistent flow of fresh ideas, decision makers and law makers not beholden to others to stay in office. We need a fresh and consistent flow of leaders and law makers who are in office for one reason and one reason only – The People.
To prevent the United States from falling into a dystopia, we must vote a new U.S. Congress into office to make the following Amendments to the Constitution:

      No individual elected to Federal, State or Local Legislature may serve more than 6 years consecutively

      No individual elected to Federal, State or Local Legislature may serve more than 18 years total

      No Federal, State or Local government monies can be used for any election or re-election of ANY candidate for ANY office

      No elected or unelected official within the United States, nor their spouse or family members or staff or their family members, may buy or sell stocks or bonds for the duration of their service plus 5 years

      No Governor or Mayor within the United States may serve more than 4 years consecutively

      No Governor or Mayor within the United States may serve more than 8 years total

      No unelected official within the Federal, State or Local governments in the United States may serve more than five years consecutively and there must be at least a five year period before they can serve again in any capacity

      No unelected official within the Federal, State or Local governments may serve more than 20 years

      No gift from ANY company or corporate entity to any individual within ANY Federal, State, or Local government, whether the individual is an elected or un-elected individual, may be received under ANY circumstance.

      Direct funds for individuals running for ANY Federal, State or Local office may be received only from individual persons over the age of 18, and only one donation per household, and may not exceed $500 per election cycle.

      No person, company or corporate entity nor any member of Federal, State or Local Law Enforcement may buy, sell or trade ANY digital data on any American.

      No person, company or corporate entity nor any member of Federal, State or Local Law Enforcement may own, maintain, host or harbor any database, data or a server with database/s and data outside the physical borders of the United States

      No person, company or corporate entity nor any member of Federal, State or Local Law Enforcement may allow access to anyone physically outside the United States to any database or data within U.S. borders

      No member of Federal, State or Local Law Enforcement may pursue, root around for, fish for or otherwise search for ANY digital data on any American without a Warrant issued by a judge. This warrant must

          be for the specific individual
          not based on any eavesdropped, phished or spoofed digital data for probable cause
          must be presented to the individual before the search begins
          can not exceed 24 hours and
          must be specific as to what the law enforcement personnel are searching for

      If nothing is found, the person may be held for no longer than the 24 hours the warrant is valid

      No member of Federal, State or Local Law Enforcement has the authority to access any digital device of any living or deceased American, or any person living or deceased within the physical border of the United states, without a warrant issued by a judge. This warrant must

          be for the specific device/devices
          not based on any eavesdropped, phished or spoofed digital data for probable cause
          must be presented to the individual, or next of kin, before the search begins
          can not exceed 24 hours and
          must be specific as to what the law enforcement personnel are searching for

      If nothing is found, if an individual is being held, the person may be held for no longer than the 24 hours the warrant is valid

      ANY individual, group of individuals caught stealing, buying, trading or selling digital data on any individual or group of individuals shall be fined $10,000 and jailed for one year (with no access to any digital device or the internet) per each individual’s data stolen, bought, traded or sold. So, if they are caught stealing, buying, trading or selling data on one individual the punishment shall be a $10,000 fine plus one year of jail time; if they are caught stealing, buying, trading or selling digital data on 10,000 individuals the punishment shall be $100,000,000 plus 10,000 years of jail time (Life imprisonment with no parole and no access to any digital device)… and so on…

      ANY company or corporate entity caught stealing, buying, trading or selling digital data on any individual or group of individuals shall be fined $10,000 per each individual’s data stolen, bought, traded or sold. So, if they are caught stealing, buying, trading or selling data on one individual the punishment shall be a $10,000; if they are caught stealing, buying, trading or selling digital data on 10,000 individuals the punishment shall be $100,000,000; if they are caught stealing, buying, trading or selling data on 100,000 individuals the punishment shall be a $1,000,000,000… and so on…


Please email me to recommend anything…