Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Days like this…

Posted by delta on June 20th, 2009

I love it.  I have two shows happening right now in two different parts of the property, so I just keep walking back and forth checking in with them.  Think I’ve walked a few miles by now and I’m only halfway through my night.  I love that I can post here to my blog and to my facebook as I walk to and fro!

Been hearing a lot about the North Koreans pointing a missile in our direction and getting ready to fire it on the 4th of July.  Everyone is really in disbelief around here and they can’t figure out why anyone would point a missile at Hawaii…

It’s simple people:

1)  If they shoot a missile at Hawaii and We don’t use the missile defense system to try to shoot it down we will look weak.  If we try to shoot it down we will look incompetent, because our missile defense system has never actually hit anything it has been aimed at.  I just love how they moved the missile defense system in here!  It’s totally a PR move!  Talk about a false sense of security!  The missile doesn’t have to make it to Hawaii at this point, it just has to be shot in our direction, and We Lose…

Some say that it has worked in testing.  Tell you what, go to your local trap shooting range and watch those guys.  They load their gun, point it, and when they are ready they yell “PULL!” – they know exactly where and when it is coming, and they have their guns loaded and pointing in that direction.  Now, wait till all the guys are sitting there eating lunch.  Their guns are unloaded and just within arms reach.  Now say “PULL!” and tell them all to hit the target before it hits the ground – TOTALLY DIFFERENT STORY PEOPLE!

2)  If, by some strange happening, this turns out to be “The Real Deal” – if they actually send a missile, with a payload, to Hawaii and it hits one of the islands – it would be very effective as a rope-a-dope.  First, they would take out a chunk of the Pacific Fleet.  Second, what would the rest of the Pac Fleet (that is not in the Middle East right now) be sent to do?  Would they be sent to N. Korea, or sent to Hawaii to help out?  This is another lose-lose situation.  If they send the fleet to N. Korea, everyone will rip them apart for not helping the civilian population here in Hawaii.  If they send the fleet to Hawaii, they will get ripped apart for being “cowards”…

3)  We are the perfect target.  The administration will have no choice but to go with the humanitarian effort and send the fleet here to the islands (which leaves the West Coast vulnerable to attack).  Not just because of the help needed over here – but because they can’t send the fleet to N. Korea.  Why?  One Word: China…

4)  China is N. Korea’s Big Brother.  We simply do not have the capability to take on an Army which is larger than our population.  Consider this, about 2-5% of all Americans have served in the Armed Forces (Yes, I know, incredibly sad, but true).  There’s only 300 Million Americans.  That’s 15 Million Veterans and Active Duty Military personnel in the entire United States (at best).  China has more soldiers than we do people!  For every one trained soldier/veteran we have, they have approximately 20-25…

Another thing to consider when talking about China, they are buying much of our national debt right now.  If things ever got serious with them, they could kill our economy in a heart beat.  We think times are tough now?  It’s nothing compared to what would happen if they pulled their money…

5)  We would not retaliate with our own missiles to protect such a small contained population (Hawaii) – if we ever launch, everyone else would launch theirs within minutes out of panic.  It simply would not happen – no one would end the world for such a small population in the middle of the Pacific Ocean…

Basically, having a small population of Americans out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean makes us a great target for the Bad Guys.  If N. Korea (or anyone else) were to send a missile to the mainland the possible casualty rate would be so high that it would demand an immediate response – before the Bad Guys missiles got halfway to the shoreline our missiles would be in the air.  Not so here…

Hawaii is contained, and we have a relatively small population.  Meaning, the fallout, in the case of nuclear attack, would be contained; and the chance of spread, in the case of biological weapons, would be contained as well.  Immediate response not required because all can be contained – no chance of spread in either case…

And finally, If someone were to shoot a missile to the mainland, it would be much easier for the government to respond to both the humanitarian effort and the military effort.  Hitting us would spread everything out – humanitarian and military efforts would be too spread out…

Hope that covers it…

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