Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Speak Out

Posted by delta on November 5th, 2022

My hope is that no one, while alone in their own thoughts a year or two from now, will ever be able to think to themselves the following:

First they came for the scientist, and I did not speak out
– because I was not a scientist
Then they subverted the scientific method, and I did not speak out
– because I was not a practitioner
Then they subverted political debate, and I did not speak out
– because I was not “political”
Then they came for our digital profiles, and I did not speak out
– because I didn’t think I had one
Then they subverted social media debate, and I did not speak out
– because I was not on social media
Then they came for our right to petition the government, and I did not speak out
– because I was not a protestor
Then they came for our religious freedoms, and I did not speak out
– because I wasn’t “religious”
Then they restricted “non-essential” workers, and I did not speak out
– because I was an “essential” worker
Then they came for the landlords, and I did not speak out
– because I was not a landlord
Then they restricted “non-essential” small businesses, and I did not speak out
– because my business was “essential”
Then they suppressed data, and I did not speak out
– because the mass media said it wasn’t relevant
Then they subverted informed consent, and I did not speak out
– even though I did not consent
Then they came for the doctors, and I did not speak out
– because I was not a doctor
Then they came for the emergency responders, and I did not speak out
– because I was not an emergency responder
Then they came for the farmers, and I did not speak out
– because I was not a farmer
Then they came for the ranchers, and I did not speak out
– because I was not a rancher
Then they came for the truckers, and I did not speak out
– because I was not a trucker
Then they came for the students, and I did not speak out
– because I was not a student
Then the intolerant went after the intolerant, and I did not speak out
– because I was tolerant
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me

None of us can live up to our principles. It truly is easier to fight for them than to live up to them – but to do neither? So many have woken up – yet are still silent – after all this, still silent…. I’m not saying everyone has to shout from the rooftop, but to not have “the conversation” with people you care about…? To not have the debate at all…? To be so afraid of offending someone…?

At this point, I hope you go out there and vote…. Please vote…. You don’t have to tell anyone who you voted for – you don’t have to tell anyone that you voted – but please go do it…

What we (individually or societal) think, feel or believe rarely makes it into the history books – what we do with what they think, feel or believe is what defines us in history – DO SOMETHING

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