December 1st, 2020 Update
Posted by delta on December 2nd, 2020
I took a little time off cause I wanted to see if the numbers would change as per our “opening” here on Maui… There’s a few sites you’ll want to check to get this data if you want to do the math yourself – they actually hid a lot of it within other sites recently, so it took me a day or so to find it…

# of People in State of HI | 1,400,000 |
# of PCR Tests Given in State of HI | (673,164) 48% of HI Population Have Gotten PCR Test |
Negative PCR Tests in State of HI | (655,413) 97% of PCR Tests Given Are Negative |
Positive PCR Test in State of Hawaii | (17,751) 2.6% of PCR Tests Are Positive (=”Cases”) |
Positive PCR Test in State of HI NOT HOSPITALIZED |
(16,460) 93% of the 17,751 who tested positive Simply put, 93% of the 2.6% who tested positive |
Positive PCR Test in State of HI HOSPITALIZED |
(1,291) 7% of the 2.6% who Tested Positive |
COVID Survival Rate in State of HI | 99.98% of 1,400,000 People |
COVID Death Rate in State of HI | (244) .02% of 1,400,000 people |
COVID Death Rate in State of HI of those with Positive PCR Test |
1.3% of the 2.6% who Tested Positive |
# of People in Maui County | 165,000 |
# of PCR Tests Given in Maui County | (61,123) 37% of Population of Maui Population Has Been Tested |
Negative PCR Test in Maui County | (60,452) 98.9% of PCR Tests Given in Maui County Are Negative |
Positive PCR Test in Maui County | (671) 1% of PCR Tests Are Positive (=”Cases”) |
Positive PCR Test in Maui County NOT HOSPITALIZED |
(610) 90.90% of the 671 who tested positive Simply put, 90.90% of the 1% who tested positive |
Positive PCR Test in Maui County HOSPITALIZED |
(61) 9% of the 1% Who Tested Positive |
COVID Survival Rate in Maui County | 99.99% of 165,000 People |
COVID Death Rate in Maui County | (17) .001% of 165,000 People |
COVID Death Rate in Maui County of those with Positive PCR Test |
2.5% of the 1% who tested Positive |
This is the first “Pandemic” in the history of mankind in which 00.001% of a population would be called anything other than “flu season”. If the data were available and you could look up what the underlying conditions of these folks was you would realize that it wouldn’t have mattered which flu they caught – if you are high risk for the flu you are high risk for the flu…
We didn’t shut down in the early 80’s when the disease now known as AIDS was killing people and we had no idea how it was being transmitted – they didn’t even have a name for it for the first year. AIDS has a 100% mortality rate – if you get AIDS you are going to die from AIDS – you may prolong your life with medications, but AIDS is going to kill you if you have it. 32 Million people have died from AIDS and another 37.9 Million are living with it right now – AIDS IS STILL SPREADING. For 39 years we have educated people as per the dangers, signs and symptoms of AIDS. For 39 years it has been a matter of social responsibility to trust folks to take it unto themselves to be safe (so they don’t get it) and not spread it (if they get it themselves) – it was never a matter of law enforcement or military intervention…
This is not that…
We are now instituting emergency rules for a “pandemic” (which has a 99.99% survival rate) to be enforced by police and military personnel who have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States – what are they to do? What has what occurred to our society/s (both macro and micro) as a direct result of the orders/mandates/rules of our State/County/City governments for mask wearing, quarantines and/or forced vaccinations is in direct conflict with the 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution – now that I think about it, if they have ever taken an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” then they are actually breaking that oath themselves by giving those orders – how many officers or enlisted personnel are going to follow an illegal order? What’s going to happen to them if they follow it? What’s going to happen to them if they don’t?
Let me be clear, if a business decides wearing masks is part of their “no shirt, no shoes, no service” rules – then that is cool – that is a private business making a business decision and it is up to other individuals if they would like to work or shop there. They even have the right to call the police to ask me to leave if I’m breaking the rules. The government, however, whether it be County/State/Federal can not institute this “blanket” rule/mandate and expect it to be enforced by any officer or enlisted personnel who has sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States… I am convinced that this is the reason folks are trying to defund their police departments – they want to hire their own security forces who will do what they are ordered no matter what (the rest is just a smoke screen directed by the media so you can’t “see it”)…
We are now on the verge of putting people in concentration camps because they refuse an untested vaccine for a virus that has a 99.99% survival rate… Folks on both sides of this thing are not able to wrap their head around the fact that, statistically speaking, any “vaccine” is going to have a worse impact on Maui than the 00.001% mortality of this flu (in this County)… Most aren’t even asking the question… Most aren’t even curious… Seriously, healthy people have no problem getting a completely untested vaccine “installed” in their “system” for something that is not going to be anything other than a flu for 99% of the population – this is really hinky…
What happens to the doctors who refuse to give the vaccine because they still abide by the ole “First, Do No Harm” and it over-rides their self-interest…? They have been given a blanket immunity legally because of the rush to get the vaccine out there, but what happens in their mind if they go against their conscience and give the vaccine? What happens to their careers if they decide to not give the vaccine?
The world is upside down right now…
I don’t know what to tell you – this is very basic math. The good that has come out of this is that I have discovered a few things:
1) I now know who the extremists are (on both sides)
2) I now know who can be easily manipulated by their television
3) I now know who can be easily manipulated by social media
4) I now know who can be easily manipulated by a political party (on both sides)
5) I now know who can be easily manipulated by peer pressure
6) I now know who needs no manipulation whatsoever
7) I now know who can not do a simple math equation
8) I now know who the true “recipients” are – those who would turn down work to take money from the government
9) I now know who the true “takers” are – those who would use their money for something other than bills and then expect someone else to take care of them because they feel they are owed something
10) I now know who fears death and why
11) I now know who likes to earn/work
12) I now know who the “givers” are
13) I know know who can hold their tongue
14) I now know who can hold their temper
15) I now know who can live off-grid
16) I now know who knows their rights
17) I now know who will fight for their rights
These will be important to know in the coming months…
This thing that we let happen – it is good in many ways. It has flushed out and completely brought to light those who will comply and those who will not. It has put front and center those who will be assimilated with no resistance and those who will resist. It has shown those who talk the talk but will not walk the walk. It has shown how quickly and effectively the masses (on both sides) can be manipulated. It has brought out the ignorance and arrogance of many people as well their inability to look for anything other than that which perpetuates their own existing prejudice. These are good things to know…
These are very good things to know…
This thing has exposed the strengths and weaknesses of everyone. All the things I ever wondered about this person or that, I now know…
…and these will be very important things to know soon…
Side Note 1: I covered the 1st, 9th and 10th Amendments in a post a few months ago CLICK HERE to go there…
Side Note 2: The 4th Amendment to the Constitution states: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
This actually includes all of the data on your cellphone and in the cloud… They already have it – and they didn’t get a warrant for it – and, in most cases, they don’t have probable cause to even acquire it. The scary thing is, if you really think about it, there is more data on your phone than in your house at this point. All your emails, contacts, texts, calendar, notes, photos, videos, spreadsheets, presentations and so on and so on…
Side Note 3: The 5th Amendment to the Constitution states: “No person shall be… deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor be obliged to relinquish his property, where it may be necessary for public use, without just compensation.”
This Amendment covers ALL Government Entities within the United States. By depriving us of our livelihoods with mandated quarantines, which have shut down both the economy and society, we have been deprived of our liberties, which have directly impacted the ability to live (feed our families and pay our bills) and property (paying our rent, house payment or business lease) with NO due process whatsoever… A “Mandate” by a governor or mayor is not due process nor just compensation.
Side Note 4: Section 1 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution states: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
This Amendment is specific to the States. Again, a “Mandate” IS NOT due process. All the businesses that have had to close down and livelihoods which will never return without due process due to “mandates” by a governor and mayor who can not do a simple math equation – the world is upside down…
…all the while, most folks are sitting in their front rooms being brain washed (I mean that literally) by their television sets… Turn off the damn TV and educate yourself! Do not take my word for any of this! Do not take anyone’s word for any of this! Look it up yourself! Educate yourself!
There is at least one law enforcement agency who is not completely bowing to the “powers that be” over their pledge to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Yes, he’s being PC and placating a bit near the end, but he is simply stating “call us if there is a crime being committed because we’re not enforcing that which is against the constitution”:

By the way, this raises a question for myself and those like me. I swore to support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic – no one ever relieved me of that duty. Quite a pledge – both foreign and domestic…
Damn man, that puts all of us who have ever served, as well as those who do now, in a bit of a tough spot – what exactly are we to do? …and when exactly are we to do it? Am I doing it right now (by writing this)…? Is this enough…? I don’t know man… I just don’t know…
Here’s another lot who appear to “get it”… You know, just a few folks who happen to have the final say in just about everything within the United States of America:
“…even in a pandemic, the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten.”
~ U.S. Supreme Court, November 26th, 2020
So, for anyone who has ever taken “the oath”, are you going to follow an order which goes against the oath? or will you defend your oath? Sooner or later you are going to have to choose – it comes down to honor and courage. You either have them or you don’t…