Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

OSX Lion Fix

Posted by delta on January 25th, 2012

So, this is what I ended up doing…

I found that I couldn’t get a Time Machine backup from the old OSX installed because File Vault had been corrupted (just my home folder, not any of the other stuff) when I had tried to undo it after the upgrade. So I loaded the last good version of a Time Machine backup that I could find. From there, I had to make a “hard” backup to another external HD (basically saved my Home Folder)…

Once that was complete, I reinstalled Lion from scratch – not an upgrade, a fresh install. Once the fresh install had been made, I was able to pull over the applications from the Time Machine backup and then pull over the data from the hard drive (of my previous Home Folder)…

The whole process took 24 hours, but was well worth it – everything has worked great since…

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