Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for March, 2011

Quick Maui Survival Tips

Posted by delta on 13th March 2011

If you’re really worried,

Water Purification Unit:

You will need to get 2 MRE’s (Meals Ready To Eat) a day per person (minimum) for the duration of the emergency you’re anticipating (get at least a 3 months to be safe).  MRE’s usually come in packages of 12 and the best can be found here:
I would always recommend a combination of the two cause you may want to change up every once in a while (there’s really only 6 different meals per “pack”) and some kids may like some of the main courses, deserts and condiments from one better than the other. They can trade out deserts, etc…

Another important thing is COMM’s (communications).  Powering your iPhone or Laptop may help you get in touch with the world, so you need a small way of charging electrical devices:

There it is, quick and dirty – food, water, and COMM’s should get most of you by pretty well until you can get help. The rest is not so quick and dirty, but I reserve that information for family only…

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Democracy In The Middle East

Posted by delta on 13th March 2011

I didn’t think it would happen this fast.  We all knew it would happen if we could get a democracy going and stay there long enough for it to bear fruit.  This is beyond my wildest imagination!

I think this is beyond all of our wildest imaginations!  Including the Bush family…

Could you imagine if it made it’s way to Iran?  I know the price of gas will go up, but everything else is pretty much a no-brainer-good-thing…

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