Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Magic Mouse & More Apple Related Topics

Posted by delta on February 10th, 2010

I love this mouse!  With this little program called “Better Touch Tool” you can make it do many-many-many things that I never thought possible with a mouse.  If you have a new MacBook Pro, you should download that software as well.  It really makes your track pad do a lot of things that the System Preferences won’t…

Very cool thing happened last week (actually it was the week before that)!  I was doing a show for Apple!  The day that Steve Jobs announced the iPad was their final night.  Pretty cool being able to share in the excitement (as a big time fan of Apple).  I got Apple SWAG too – oh yeah!  I’d tell you what it is, but I don’t want anyone messing with it, so I’m not gonna tell ya…

I really love this little 13″ MacBook Pro – I can’t say enough about it…

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