Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for August, 2009

The craziest truss ever…

Posted by delta on 6th August 2009

I’ve been on Maui for a long time. I’ve seen some crazy stuff – I’ve seen some stupid stuff. I’ve been rigger on many circus acts. I’ve never seen anything so blatantly unsafe in my life…

I looked above my op station this morning and saw this:

Two narrow scaffolding sides spot welded together with some type of ladder spot welded to the top of it.  The scariest thing is that those are moving lights, not conventionals.  They are heavy and they move, so this thing must swing crazy…

The funniest thing of all, about 50 steps from this area are three 10 foot pieces of real truss not being used at all – and plenty of rigging gear…

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Testing MacJournal to see how well it works

Posted by delta on 6th August 2009

Never know, right…?

I’ve been doing it by hand for so long – it would be nice to write something down without an internet connection and have it automatically download when I come within range. I don’t have to “save my thoughts” (what a geeky term) that way…

Besides, it may be easier to insert video and pics this way – I’ve been coding it all myself. Tired of coding online for the moment. Been writing a few iPhone Apps in my spare time and don’t wanna code if I don’t have to…

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What I did Sunday Morning

Posted by delta on 2nd August 2009

So, the girls were gone for the morning and my son and I wanted to make a little something…

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