Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

IRIS @ The Ritz

Posted by delta on November 21st, 2008

This was suppose to be a simple audio setup (on Sunday the 16th) and strike (on Friday the 21st). It turned out to be a week long video gig for me (no complaints here!). The production company basically left it to us to setup everything – so I had a lively week. The hi-light of which was two 60ft screens lined up at a right angle. Screen #1 was setup up on day one – it was up all week till the strike; we had to setup Screen #2 on Wednesday so we could focus/blend the projectors, and then strike it (leaving the projectors in place). After the Awards Show on Thursday night, we had one hour to turn the room around – my job in that hour was to get Screen #2 up and the projectors focused/blended in that time. Job complete – NEXT!

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