Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Sonny Ching @ The MACC

Posted by delta on November 16th, 2008

This one ran from the 14th to the 15th.  I ran rail for the setup through the rehearsals, but they forgot to bring a video engineer with them so I ended up engineering the show. Total rush job cause there were 31 video roles (half the show was video) and I walked into it 3 hours before doors with no show flow (so I didn’t know which video ran when), none of the clips were marked (didn’t know which one was which), and none of the runtimes were written anywhere (so I didn’t know how long any of the clips ran for). I had a 3 hour prep that went straight into a 3 hour show. No problem after the prep was complete though…

For those of you who don’t know, prep consisted of getting a show flow, watching each video to see where it fit into the show flow (taking notes on my show flow), how much “room” I had before and after each video (taking notes on my show flow) and the actual runtime for each video (taking notes on my show flow) and getting my version of the show flow to the stage manager (so she would know what was running, when, and for how long). Without the prep the show is DIW (Dead In The Water)…

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