Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Archive for September, 2008

Reggae In The Valley @ The MACC

Posted by delta on 14th September 2008

Just got done striking this one – I was the “MACC Tech” (everyone else was in the Castle doing a show that day) which means I run around making sure everyone has what they need to get their job done.  I also gotta get everyone moving so everything stays on time…








Way Before

Way Before


Way After

Way After

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Slight iPhone issue

Posted by delta on 9th September 2008

The other day (Friday) I was showing the PSAV guys a few of the A/V programs on the iPhone and suddenly a few of them wouldn’t respond – they wouldn’t open…

This is not the same issue as before. Before, none of them would open.  This time it was only a few apps.   Anyway, when I got home I restarted the iPhone and everything went back to normal – thought I’d try that before spending the good part of my night restoring again…

Here’s an interesting observation:  This issue appears to happen when my iPhone come close to another iPhone (within a few feet).  Just an observation, but it appears to be the way it is right now…

So I decided to really take it down to three pages to see if that would help.  Time will tell…

Here’s my three pages now:


The answer to your question is, “Yes! I’m a total geek!”  I even organize my iPhone.  First page is the stuff I use constantly when not at work, second page is stuff I use just for work, and third page is all the stuff I may need (or just can’t get off my iPhone).  I wish I could get rid of a few of the apps that come with this thing.  Contacts, iTunes, Notes, SMS, and Stocks are just bogging me down.  I don’t use them and don’t need them.  The “Phone” app has the “Contacts” in it (which makes the app itself totally redundant), I would rather use “Voice Notes” than “Notes”, and I have had AT&T block text messaging for my phone (I use IM for free, why would I want to be charged for this?), so SMS is a wasted app.

I would rather have those 5 apps go away to make room for 5 apps I would use…

When I first got the iPhone, I hacked it and was able to get rid of a few of these apps, but an update brought them all back.  Anyway, before hacking it again I looked around and discovered that, with the new update, it would be ill advised to get rid of the programs cause it screws up the OS.  So, “HEY! Steve!  Let’s unscrew these dependencies and let us get rid of these apps, eh!”

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Facebook App for iPhone

Posted by delta on 9th September 2008

OK, it’s wwwwaaaayyy better than the MySpace App.

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Facebook, MySpace, & Classmates.com

Posted by delta on 8th September 2008

I’ve had MySpace up and running for a few years now, Classmates.com for a few months, and Facebook for a few days.

MySpace is perfect for an open forum – place to go to network/market you or your company. The UI is a mess (way to sloppy and hard to find things to edit), but it’s good for what I use it for – marketing and networking with people/companies I do not know (although I make it a point to add nobody as a friend unless I’ve at least met them)…

Classmates.com is pretty useless, but I’ve found a few old friends in there that are no were else…

Facebook is great! Closed off from anyone other than my friends – we can say and do anything and it stays amongst us (reminds me of “First Class” back at CSUMB in ’95). The UI is way better than anything else out there too. This is the place to go to find old friends and people you work with…

So, I recommend, if you want to find people you don’t know and don’t mind a crappy UI, go with MySpace. If you want to find people you do know and work with a very user-friendly UI, go with Facebook…

As far as the iPhone Apps go, Facebook’s is slightly better simply because IM/Chat is built into it…

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Augie T @ MACC

Posted by delta on 6th September 2008

Comedy with 4 standups – I should say, Local Comedy.  Most people reading this wouldn’t get it, so I’ll stop right here – I liked the show though…

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