Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Uluwehi Guerrero @ MACC

Posted by delta on September 27th, 2008

Ran the preshow event for this one outside. The preshow ends at 19:00 (which is the same time doors open for the Castle show), so I have a half-an-hour to strike everything and get upstairs to run spot. After the show we struck and got out of there a little after 23:00…

I didn’t get any shots of the show (that came out) cause all the dancers wore really bright colors which just turned them into (what looked like) candles when viewing the pics.  The best example of this would be to look at the bottom right pic below – the light in that pic is just about 10% of the light inside.  Two things I have found with the iPhone camera that bother me are a) any movement at all creates a blurry pic, and b) any light that is not natural tends to make the pic suck.  Here’s a few of the preshow – before and during…


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